Chapter 1

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Lilla Smith

Lilla POV

My name is Lilla Smith and in the boxing ring I go by Lexi I am 17 years old and I have 3 brothers ,

Jake is the "baby" of the family he is 16 with blond hair and blue eyes, he is no longer a cute little baby, he is taller than me and he is hot (in a sisterly love) but I would never tell him that because something that is very annoying is he knows it and he would just get an even bigger head and his head is already the size of jupiter but he's not the only one, his brothers are the same and it's very annoying to hear them brag about it, I think they forgot to give me that gene because I am ugly as fuck.

I think Luke is my favourite brother don't tell the other two that haha, he looks a bit like Jake as in he has blond hair and blue eyes and is quite tall. We are so close maybe it's because he is only 10 months older than me or because we have the same love of boxing  I dont know but one thing that really makes us close is that he kinda knows i'm Lexi, I dont know, but one thing I do know is that I can tell him anything.

And my oldest brother, Samy he is 21 years old and he is my legal guardian, unfortunately because before he was so chill and now he is so over protective it's the worst you will see why in a bit, even though he is like that I love him to bits but he is an annoying mother fucking asshole.

One thing they all have in common and I really dislike this fact about them is that they are massive players, and I hate that , every week there is a new girl that I know by Sunday will be heartbroken, or the girls benefit from the guys and sleep around with them either way they have sex with a different girl every week. But they try not to go for the innocent girls because of me, I don't want them sleeping with girls that I know will be heartbroken, they don't deserve that so if they don't plan on staying with the girl and have one night stands I insist that they go for more of the slutty kinds than the the girl looking for true love.

Even though they are massive players they are the only people I trust with my life which says a lot about me I dont open up to anyone. Since the young age of 8 I have been boxing to forget, about the people I once called my parents after what they did to me, to us. But everything comes with a price right and the price I have to pay is the overprotectiveness of my brothers because I am there only sister. But still we stick together because we are family.

The only person who knows about me fighting professionally is Luke, as i have said earlier, let's recap you see he works at the gym I use and he sees me every day going in for 5h after school and 2 hours before school so he started to ask questions I couldn't keep it from him but I had to.

This was the first thing I kept from him and I hated it because I do tell him everything and he was always watching me.

so after he went to see one of Lexi's fight he figures it out, he got really mad at me.

He tells me things I don't want to hear he tells me like the first time he had sex it was very awkward *cringe*

Anyways, you see I have been fighting professionaly for about 1 year and a half but I got in the big leagues when I moved to California 2 months ago because I had a really big match against Alyssa Cobalt (Not a real boxer I invented it) and I won I was really happy.

That fight was actually when Luke discovered that I was Lexi and immediately after the match I saw him, he looked at me like he had been beteayed and at that moment i knew that he knew, that lexi was in fact me.

When we got back to the house he didn't say anything he just went to his room I was devastated in the morning he came out of his room and still wasn't talking to me. So at night I came home from training and I went to confront him I begged him to talk to me I told him I would do anything I pleaded so he told me to stop fighting as Lexi knowing he wouldn't back down i agreed.

I stopped for about a month and I was constantly looking for fights, for the adrenaline rush. and I started yelling at everybody so they would get mad and throw the first punch and i could finally swing a few punches, to feel yhe rush whenever i fight, its like im on a roaler coaste. At one point I even  started to pick fights with Samy and he is somebody that I could never defeat, he is much taller than me, and unconsciously taught me to fight, because when I was younger, at school I would get bullied and people would hit me. So he have me tips to defend myself and eventually taught me to punch back, and thanks to him I am where I am today. I have gotten stronger and better at fighting with the training but he actually works out every day and he is strong, too strong.

So when we were in front of the tv Luke asked me when my next tournament was, i didn't understand so I asked him what he was talking about and he said that I was aloud to start boxing again but on the condition that absolutely nobody could find out otherwise I would be in danger and Samy would freak out about it. I was so happy and I hugged him so tight but then he told me to promise and I did.

Now that that you know about what happened since I've been in California lets get back to the present

At 4 am I awoke with beads of sweat all over my forehead and hyperventilating, I was having a nightmare you see I had a special childhood and I need pills to get some sleep or I will wake up at 3 or 4 am.

Knowing I wouldnt be able to get back to sleep anytime soon I decided to go for a run, as I have been living in California for 2 months and I still dont know where stuff is apart for my gym because its like my second home, I wanted to familiarise myself to the city I am currently living in, so I put on my sports bra, my shorts and it wasnt that cold since it was only the first day of September and the day I go to my new school I didnt put on a jacket leaving my tattoos exposed.

I took my shoes in my hand and went downstairs, so I wouldnt make any noise I took my keys from the bowl where we keep our keys because otherwise we lose them and they are expensive to remake, anyways I unlocked the door and started running on a trail that was behind my house.

After running for about five  minutes I was sure that I wouldnt run into anyone I started to relax, to take in everything around me, the trees swaying in the wing, the early birds singing. But suddenly I tensed up again because I heard something, I heard tree branches crunching, at first I thought it was an animal, but what really made me panic was when I saw the person running.

At that moment, I was really panicking knowing that I would be seen, luckily, he had his eyes closed listening to his music, he was getting closer and closer, and then suddenly I see a huge tree, I duck behind it

The deal I made with Luke is that nobody could know about me fighting as Lexi that means nobody could see my tattoos, or my piercings, so if I ran into anybody whilst I was running I would be in deep shit, like now for example, even If he didnt see me it was close, because the people could be in my school and I could not risk this getting out.

As I saw him coming closer, he took my breath away, he is very appealing visually, he has the most defined six pack that I have ever seen, and thats saying something since I have 3 brothers who work out a lot and have a six pack, he also has this V line thzt is so well defined.

As he jogged the other way I waited a couple of minutes to make sure he was far enough, then I stated jogging again, after about another 40 minutes I arrived at the gym, as my coach was also the owner of this gym he gave me a key in case I wanted to work out, or just let some anger out, he knows about what happened when I was younger and he trusts me as much as I trust him.

So for the next hour I did exactly that, I did one hundred and fifty push ups, 200 sit ups ran 2 more miles on the tread miles, lifted some weights and went to work at the punching ball. After my workout I looked at my phone and saw that it was 6:00, unfortunately summer is over and high school starts in 2h, and it will take me 40 mins to get back, 20 mins to shower, 30 mins to cover up my tattoos and then 15 minutes to have breakfast I decided it was time to go. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and locked the gym up. And I started jogging the 14 miles back to my house


Okay guys this is the first official chapter I edited it a lot and went into more detail about how she became a boxer don't forget to vote and comment what you guys think.

I'm sorry I keep taking it down it's just that it seemed too vague and I just  want to put all the information needed in it sorry again but this is normally the last time

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