Chapter 2

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The silence is interrupted by a pained groan coming from the couch. Followed by the steady creaking of the couch's old springs. Both of us look up to observe as the demon male sits up, rubbing his neck and brushing dark obsidian hair from in front of his eyes.

Kattherine and I stare at the male. He slowly looks up and stares back. Bright purple, silver flecked eyes look at Kat in curiosity. Then they shift over to look at me. Immediately he jumps up and darts behind the couch. Glaring over the top at me. Pupils dilate, the purple is nearly invisible as black consumes it. I watch as Kat stands and moves forward ever so slowly, cautiously making as little noise as possible. He flinches but allows her to reach over the couch towards him, she strokes her hand through his dark hair.
"It's alright. No one will hurt you." She whispers and reaches for a hand, attempting to pull him up to stand. He continues to glare at me. Not taking his eyes off me for a second.
"B-But that's a warrior angel. They are ruthless. All they do and know how to do is to kill. Anything that even thinks of threatening them is eliminated with a snap of the fingers. They have no compassion or care in their being. I have watched them do despicable and terrible things." I flinch and stare down at my lap as the sharp words sting my ears. Pulling the end of a wing onto my lap I pull on a long flight feather. It detaches and I hold in a hiss of pain. It is my bad habit. One that is painful and one that many times I have been told to stop. But it helps, at least a little. I pull out another as I open my mouth to speak but Kat beats me to it.
"Now that's just mean and rude. Don't judge people by things you think you now. Not everyone that's under the same category has the same nature. This supposedly 'ruthless warrior angel' that supposedly has no compassion is the very same being that carried you to my apartment because I couldn't." Kat says with vigor. Making sure she gets in all the words before the male even thinks of interrupting.
The demon stares. Obvious confusion curling in his irises. Trying to understand.
"I will not trust him until he gives me a valid reason of why I should. All angels are the same no matter what you say. They framed my father and forced him to leave and plummet to the earth. I will not allow that to happen to me." He said turning his head away and ignoring Kat's obvious look of displeasure at his words. I stand and sigh. Kat looks at me and reaches out. I wave her hand away my decision final. Walking to the couch I reach over and grab the back of his tunic. Swiftly I lift him up and over to sit on the couch. He stares up at me complete fear shining in his eyes though he attempts to hide it behind a snarl.
"What is your name?" I ask quietly.
"Valhen, the youngest prince of Hell. And I will have you destroyed for touching me with those filthy hands." He growls at me. I pay no attention to his anger. Lifting my hands, I allow the nails to sharpen into knife sharp points. Kat gasps. Grabbing the edge of Valhen's tunic I slice it straight down the front. Avoiding the clips and bracelets, I open it to reveal the large slashes and bruises covering most of his torso and sides. Valhen glares and tries to cover them back up. Slapping his hands away I lean closer for a better look. Silver dust sparkles around the edges of the wounds. I recognize it as the dust crafted by the Elders, it often covers the blades of Heaven's army, because it slows the process of any creatures' regeneration. I lean back to push up one of my long sleeves. I slice through my wrist just enough to draw a good amount of blood. And almost immediately golden ichor flows to the surface. Valhen presses up to the couch back nervously. I collect the liquid on my hand and wipe it on to the middle of Valhen's chest. Closing my eyes I focus on the words of healing. When I open my eyes I can see the glow of power reflecting in the other's eyes.
"I use my own blood to heal the hurt, because it is my duty to dull their pain. Valhen." I mumble the words and watch the bruises fade and the wounds healing. When the skin is clear I pull my hand away and can immediately feel the sudden drain from the massive amount of energy to took to heal the damage. Walking over to a large chair, that really could have fit all three of us, I collapse onto it more than sit and pull my knees to my chest. Unbuckling the clasps of my sandals and belt I drop them to the floor. They clunk against the floor as I curl onto the furniture and create a blanket out of my wings. I brush my fingers through the sensitive under feathers of my smaller pair of wings. I feel so incredibly tired.
I feel so incredibly stupid. Heaven will surely punish me for using healing power on a demon. I'm not even allowed to heal humans or angels. Warrior angels aren't even supposed to have a shred of healing abilities. The Elders already think I'm a disgrace and they're right I really am. I'm not perfect. Not right. I shouldn't be here. I'm disgusting. Not worthy of my status. I shouldn't be alive. I should disappear. Yes, disappear.
I wrap my arms around myself and press my sharp nails into my sides trying to distract myself from my thoughts. A hand presses gently against the side of my head. I look up shakily. Kat runs her thumb across my cheek. Wiping away stray tears that have escaped.
"Come on, Asker. Don't cry." She says quietly.
"B-but ..." I stutter out breathlessly. Kat presses a slim finger to her lips. Pushing one side of my wings away, she slides in calmly beside me. Looking over at Valhen she gestures sharply for him to come over. He looks over his shoulder, looks back at her, and finally stands. Though when he does make it over to the chair he squeezes on the other side of Kat. But she smiles anyway.
"See not so bad." She looks back and forth between us. "Now I'm going to get some sleep because I have work tomorrow. " I watch as her eyelids flutter closed.
Wow kinda short chapter. The next one will be longer. Have fun reading! Vote, comment!!!!

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