Chapter 4

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Recap (Valhen's POV)
I get up and straighten the sweatshirt over his shoulder.
"Yeah. Much better." I smile and he smiles back.
"Well since that's all fixed lets go." Kat says grabbing us pulling us towards he door.
Back to Asker's POV
I stare at Valhen the entire time we're walking. He's breath-taking. Even with this simple clothing he still attracts eyes as we stand at the corners waiting to cross the road. His sparkling purple eyes lock with mine. He smiles. My heart skips a beat and I feel my face heat up.
"Take a picture Hon. It will last longer." Valhen says walking next to me. Kat walks ahead of us, waving and saying hi to people now and then. I feel my face heat up and Valhen smiles.
I smile too. But I make sure that my face is away from him because I know that my checks are still red. Sighing I turn back to him to find him staring up at me. Strands of dark hair blow into his face from the wind and without thinking I brush them aside. My fingers touch the side of his sun-warmed face. Valhen does the complete opposite of what I expect and pushes his face into my hand. We stand there and when a sudden cold breeze blows past us, Valhen steps closer and snuggles against me. I hold back a gasp as his cold nose presses against my collarbone.
After the surprise disappears I wrap my arm tightly around his shoulders. He smiles larger and we catch up to Kat. When she sees us close to each other she gives a smug, knowing smile. Valhen blushes but stays by my side and doesn't move away in embarrassment.
Some people on the steps and curbs stare. We are probably an odd sight. A small, slim person and a large, muscled person walking in such close quarters. Kay slows down when she reaches a large building. Waiting until we catch up to her.
"I'm just warning you guys before hand that there's a lot of little kids here." She says when we walk up the stone steps. I nod. I feel Valhen nod as well. She smiles before pulling open the wooden door. I hold it open before walking in last. The first thing I notice is it's loud. There's kids rushing around and screaming.
One accidentally runs into my leg. He falls to the ground but quickly scrambles up and rushes after the others. I stare and a memory of fledgling flash before my eyes. They act very much the same. I smile and look down at Valhen. He look positively frightened.
"Are you alright?" I question. He nods slowly.
"Why are human children so fast?" He mumbles quietly. I shrug. I suddenly feel a sharp yank on my shorts. I look farther down to discover a red haired child standing there.
"Misther, why aur yew so tahl an prehhy?" She basically shouts. The question catches the attention of several others and they scuttle over. Some adults, probably the parents, look skeptical at me. I am not surprised. A large man at a place with a large number of smaller children.
But for the sake of the child's question, I crouch down so that we are eye level. Carefully in a whisper of movement, I flutter the ends of my wings, allowing the tips to slip from under my sweater, "Because, my dear, I'm an Angel." I say this quietly, the group of children gasp and I hear a gasp from above me, most likely from Valhen.
Suddenly the children erupt in giggling, they jump around me, grabbing at my hands. Steadily they move me over to the pit of play things. Valhen gets pulled along as well. The red haired girl demands that we sit with them.
One boy turns to Valhen and says quickly and  excitedly, "You must be an Angel too!" Valhen looks confused and exasperated. Not knowing how to reply. I quickly cut in.
"He's better than an Angel, he's a prince!" The children stare in awe at Valhen, as he stares at me in surprise. I laugh going back to the play things that have been shoved to me.
After playing with the children for who knows how long, Kay re-emerges from a room with two boxes. She smiles large and bright.
"Valhen, Asker, come on!" She calls.
"Bye everyone! Have fun!" I saw excitedly to the children, they all call in unison back and we wave goodbye. Valhen smiles wide, feathers and beads braided into his hair, curtesy of some of the older children. I'm not going to question the own state of my hair. It's probably in mostly the same state. Kay chuckles and gestures for us to follow her out to the sidewalk.
"How did the kids treat you?" She asks excitedly.
"They were great! They're so kind!" I reply.
"I agree." Valhen admits in a quieter tone. "But I do have question for you Asker, why tell the children that you're an Angel?" He asks, it's a question I've known was coming.
"Because they would believe and be able to see! Children have the highest faith, not yet beaten down by the world. That also why the adults could not see my wings. Because they have small faith and hope."
He nods slowly. Though his eyes hold a slight look of confusion. But he shakes it off quickly
Suddenly Kat is walking right in front of us.
"I have a question for you two, why are you on Earth in the first place?" She asks quickly. 
Valhen and I pause in walking. Kat turns to face us. Her eyebrows are raised, waiting for an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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