Chapter 1

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I stare through the crystal steps and into the clouds that drift and swirl beneath. The joyful squeals of laughter echo around me. Heaven, this wonderful palace, such a beautiful place. Its overflows with comforting warmth, produced by the inhabitants' nature and joy. Heaven stands alone and protected from other worlds. Warriors and Guardians work continuously to help keep my beautiful and wonderful. But those who rule and protect Heaven hold a dangerous secret. One that can never, at any cost, reach the ears of Heaven's residents. If it does that wonderful peace will be shattered. Heaven's safety siting teetering on a slim ledge. Its protective barriers ready to collapse if there's to harsh of a breath. The danger began when the youngest Prince of Hell disappeared not that long ago. Armies of Hell's strongest warriors, beasts, and devils pour from the Veil to torture the gates in attempt after attempt to invade. They get closer and closer to finding a weakness in the security every time. The citizens and animals that live on the land have not the slightest clue or indication of the danger that threatens their calm existences. They are utterly naive to the situation. That is for the best.

As a Warrior, my purpose is to search out and exterminate these creatures that pour from Hell. Protecting humanity and Heaven is the purpose for my existence. As long as gold and sunlight runs through my veins and my feathers. This is the reason I am standing, in silent vigil, on the entrance staircase that leads to Heaven. Every now and then a spirit walks or runs past, they never acknowledge me as they pass. I am unimportant to their new life.

I turn a bit to look to the top of the stairs. The glow of Micheal shines from the top, wings wide and glittering in the light. I turn and swing my blade through the air, listening to the rush of air it creates. Calmly I peer down through the clouds, watching the people walk or run around the buildings and through the streets. Some rushing, almost running into others, and others taking their time to get where they need to be. This area has been mine since I was trained enough to be put into operation. Though I would never call it that. Nothing ever happens. It's a quiet section were the most that ever happens is a stray dog stealing a hotdog. Crimes are few and far, far between. Few demons have crossed into the area but they leave rather quickly without trouble, not even sparing the humans or animals a second glance. As I close my eyes I breath out slowly, attempting to relax my tightened muscles. I ponder of something to do to pass the time quicker. Time does pass in Heaven unlike what most believe. Though usually much slower and not as regularly. Some days just move faster than others. Ranging from a mortal hour to several mortal days. Today seems to be going quite slowly.

Suddenly a sting jolts through my nerves. Scanning quickly my gaze sweeps without pause over the area. Nothing looks any different or out of the ordinary but there's a strong, unsettling presence. Almost overbearing on my senses. Much too strong to be any demon of an inferior status that I am prone to see passing through. It was unnerving. It made shivers travel through my feathers and along my stiff spine. It's definitely something with power that is able to rival Lucifer himself. Quickly I put my sword into its scabbard. Then I jump, dropping through the barrier between Earth and Heaven. I continue plummeting down allowing my armor trimmed wings to spread. Their full length glittering as they begin to stroke hard through the air. Their raw strength propels me forward and lower, closer towards the Earth's surface. Seconds later, I land gently among the branches of a large leafed  tree, barely even shaking the branches. The mysterious presence pulses. My limbs still as I try to be as silent as possible. I am met with quite an unusual sight. A dark skinned human women is crouched nervously beside a limp figure that lays motionless on the ground. A trembling hand is reached out as if to shake them awake.
What gives me pause is the midnight wings that lay sprawled behind the body. Scooting forward carefully, I move farther along the branch. From this angle I catch a glimpse of dark shimmering purple tunic. A symbol of one of Hell's higher ups. Black clips hold the thin fabric in place over the body. Some tarnished and the fabric ripped. I am unable to see the figure's face because of the human leaning over them. The girl leans farther in to shake the body again. Without any response she begins to pull them up her back. After several failed attempts she manages, though only halfway, the wings dragging across the ground heavily. The shear size and probably weight of them dragging her small body down. Without thinking I jump from the branch. Her head turns at the thud from my feet hitting the ground for a second I believe she could have snapped her neck, she turned it so fast. All she does is stare at me for a couple seconds before turning back in the direction of her destination. Seeming to have no care from encountering both a demon and an angel with in the span of half an hour.
"Well, come on." I startle a little at her speaking to me, but I follow. Several minutes of silence pass and I observe  how her body struggles to hold up the wings' weight. And her pace is steadily slowing.
"Would you allow me to aid you, miss?" I ask quietly not trusting my lungs with Earth's air. She jumps and turns as best she can. Hesitating for a second, she nods and allows me to lift the body from her back. I discover that this body is a male and he is fairly light, almost unnaturally so. Since I'm much taller than this woman I can easily lift him higher, clearing his wings from the ground. We continue to walk, and I discover just how eerie this section is. I can see the details that are missed from far above. Up close and on the ground I see how cracked and stained the buildings are. Some are even so much so it is a wonder of how they can still be standing. People sit out on their steps, in groups or individual, not even bothering to look up as we pass. Continuing to stare at the street or into thin air. A mass number of them are breathing through burning sticks, inhaling so the tips glow red, then exhaling a putrid smelling smoke. I can not help but cough as the smoke makes it into my lungs. Which are already struggling with the strain of breathing in Earth's air. At the sound, the women looks over her shoulder at me worriedly. Walking faster than she already was, she turns and walks up the stairs of what looks to be the oldest building in the entire area we have walked. Opening the door she waits for me to fit myself and the guy in my arms through it. We enter into a wide brown painted corridor. She walks to the end before pulling out a small, rusted key that looks as if it has seen its better days. It takes a couple turns and a lot of jerking the door finally gives way and it creeks open.
"Lay him on the couch." She points in a direction for me to go. Inclining my head, I enter another room and lay the male on the said piece of furniture. Then I proceed to sit on the floor and stretch my wings, so that they lay on the floor behind me. In the process of stretching out my legs,  I accidentally kick another chair. It shakes and I stare at the glowing pair of eye that appear under it. Hastily, I pull out my sword. The eyes grow larger and a small thing of fur streaks from under the chair. Sitting itself at my feet and continues to stare up at me.
"What are you doing to my cat?" I turn to see the woman one eyebrow raised up questioningly.
"It is looking at me strangely." Suddenly the fur ball jumps onto me. I gasp and loss my grip as it uses it's sharp claws to climb to my chest. The woman chuckles and sits on the floor next to me leaning against the furniture. We sit in silence. Eventually I run my fingers through the cat's fur. It's silky and strangely addicting.
"What's your name?" The woman asks reaching out to brush over the cats fur. I slowly look over at her then back to the ceiling. The answer I don't want to say at the tip of my tongue. One that I know I have to give.
"I don't have one." I mumble. She seems surprised by this and her forehead creases. Lips turning into a sharp pout. Defining the apples of her cheeks. 
"Well I'm Kattherine. But you can call me Kat. And ..." Kat paused and scratched her head through the thick pile of curls that sit haphazardly on top of it. Suddenly she taps her fist onto her open hand, as if she just solved a great and wondrous mystery. "Ah ha, your name will be Asker."
"Asker?" I ask sitting up my wings curling into my back. The cat easily slides into my lap. Where it continues to purr not caring about the shift in movement or its position.
"Yeh. It's Turkish. For soldier." Kat says smiling, proud of herself. I smile to myself as well. Pleased with having a name for myself. Something I can claim purely as my own. Though it also felt odd. Usually I am called upon by my creation number. The higher circles are the only ones that are given true names. My smaller, second pair of wings flutter happily. Kat gasps in surprise and looks at me in awe. "Oh my gosh! You have two sets of wings?!"
"Ah. Yes. I am a warrior. All of us are of the arch-type category." I lie my face heating as she continues to stare at the wings.
"Wow. That's so dope." She says and reaches her hand out in a movement to touch the feathers on the one closer to her. On instinct I move the wing closer to my body, far too many times have my fragile flight feathers been pulled out, by the fledglings and small children and her hand stops sharply. We stare at each other in awkward silence. So thick a knife sharp enough could cut it without much of an effort.
The silence is interrupted by a pained groan coming from the couch. Followed by the steady creaking of the couch's old springs. Both of us look up to observe as the demon male sits up, rubbing his neck and brushing dark obsidian hair from in front of his eyes.
End of the first chapter.

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