Chapter 3: Valhen's POV

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See not so bad." She looks back and forth between us. "Now I'm going to get some sleep because I have work tomorrow. " I watch as her eyelids flutter closed.
My eyes snap open quickly. I immediately shut them because of the gruesomely bright light shining into them. Slowly again, I slit by slit open my eyes again. At first I just stare in front of me. After looking around the plain room with its lonely off white walls and stained brown carpet, I realize that something oddly soft is brushing itself across my cheek. I turn my head to see what it is. I am surprised to see sitting, or rather slouching, beside me is the Angel. Long strands of bright crystal blond hair cover his forehead and drape around his shoulders. Fluttering they move with his breathing and without completely realizing I reach out slowly so I don't disturb him and brush the hair back and away from his tanned face. Honestly I am glad he was able to fall asleep. Even though I consider him an enemy I could not only see his stress but could feel it too, before we all went to sleep. I smile lightly.
"Oh. Your awake!" I startle slightly before turning to see Kat. In one hand she holds a curved object. Wisps of sweet smelling air flow from it. In the other hand she carries the fluffy moving ball of fur called a cat. I guess at least. She hands the curved thing to me. "Drink, it'll help you wake up." I take it. I watch the brown liquid swirl with white in circles. Lifting it so my lips I take a sip. The liquid is as sweet as it smells. Just as she had said I feel my body becoming more alive though thin seeps of tiredness still remain. I look up to see Kat smiling.
"Ah. Thank you." I say hesitantly. She nods and walks away. I rest the remaining drink on the table and walk back to where the Angel is. My body forces out a yawn it dawns on me that my body is in pain and still sluggish. The yawn is also followed by a shiver. Looking down I remember that my tunic had been sliced down he middle and was barely hanging on by the clips and cuffs. It's also fairly cold in Kat's housing. Though she does not seem very perturbed by it. Tiptoeing closer to the Angel I brush my fingertips across his skin and feathers. Warm. Nervously, I move slowly so that I don't wake him up as I slip into the chair and lift his wings on the side closer to me. Sliding under I curl against his side. The heavy metal plating in his wings digs a little into my cheek so I shift a little to the side. With my face pressed to the warm cloth covering his side and my body covered by his warm wings I fold in my wings and drift into a comfortable sleep.
~~~~time skip(just a little)~~~~~
I wake up cold. The Angel is gone. Sitting up I rub my blurry eyes and look around. Several bags sit on the couch and quiet noise comes from the other side of the wall. Standing I nearly trip over the belt and sandals still laying by the chair. I suddenly think about the golden cuffs around my arms and legs. Reaching up I easily unclamp them all from my limbs. It immediately easier to walk and move without the stifling weight of the metal.
Moving around the wall I see the Angel and Kat standing next to each other. Kat is pointing into a book with food on the front as if explaining something and the Angel scratches the side of his head and looks confused at the objects on the surface in front of him. Kat laughs and grabs some things from what I assume is the human thing called a fridge.
As the Angel turns around to put some obviously dirty things into an area of sud-filled water he notices me standing there. Fumbling with the items he manages to not drop any. Kat turns quickly to see what's the matter. She smiles up at me and grabs something from beside where she's working and hands it to me. Along with silver cutlery that look a little worse for wear.
"Sit at the table we'll be there to eat with you in a couple minutes." She says happily and turns back to what she's doing. I nod even though she can't see it. I look back at the Angel and his face reddens as he fumbles again before quickly looking down. I chuckle and walk into the connected area with the table. Sitting, I stare at the cat's twitching tail. After a little bit like Kat said they come out with their food. The table is conveniently a three seater. Comfortable silence fills the area as we eat. It tastes good. But I'm more concentrated on the Angel. I should honestly probably figure out his name so I'm not sitting here going 'the Angel' all the time.
"By the way. While you guys were sleeping I went out and got clothes for you because I don't think you'll be able to go out in public like that. Later on we'll have to get shoes though." Kat suddenly says as she finishes her food. That's probably what the bags on the couch are. I nod and the Angel also nods. Gathering my courage I prepare to ask what his name is. Breathing deeply in I sigh.
"Hey what's your name? Since you know mine, I should also know yours." I say directly to him. I probably sound harsh but I'm not very good with others. Of any species. He looks back at me just as solid.
"It's Asker." The answer is simple. Without hesitation. I chuckle.
"Didn't know your kind gave the underlings names." I mumble harshly, unconsciously glaring into the remains of my breakfast. A loud clatter follows closely behind my words. I look back up at Asker to see a terribly hidden hurt look. Eyes blown wide he shots to his feet and backs slowly away from the table. Kat half stands but pauses when Asker looks at her in fear. It dawns on me what I've said. I shot to my feet and reach out. But he slaps it quickly away. His back presses against the counter, wings completely pulled in as he tries to make himself look smaller. Glowing tears drip slowly down his face. I slide slowly closer. Asker's breath hitches as he slides down the counter side and draws his knees up to his chest. Raising his hands in useless defense, he mumbles incoherent words. I still walk forward. Pulling in my own wings I drop to my knees. Holding my arms up I slid forward. Taking a chance I throw my arms around him and pull him forward. "I'm so sorry. Please. Shh. Shh. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Shh. Please." I try and mumble words of comfort. He does calm down a little but his breaths are still sharp and shaky.
It takes a long time but Asker finally calms enough to be able to breath. Only hiccups come every so often. Suddenly I remember a time that I was in very much the same position. My mother had sang to me. So I begin to sing. The maids in the palace always told me I have a voice that could calm even the most grieving creatures. So I try.
Sleep my child,
My lovely dear child.
Lay your head upon,
The cool green grass.
Let your worries vanish,
As they appear.
Flurry away in the afternoon sun,
Peacefully until a new day comes.
I finish the last phrase quietly. My voice fading out slowly. Asker has calmed enough he is no longer hiccuping but the shaking does remain just a small bit. He's looking up at me. Golden rimmed and blue eyes staring. Brushing away some remaining wetness from his face I smile. He raises a hand. Fingertips brush across my cheek. They stay there. Warmth from his fingers spreads across my face.
"Yes?" I hesitate before asking.
"You're ... amazing, Valhen." Asker replies slowly. I feel my face heat up and I glance away.
"Not that amazing." I mumble. "I hurt your feelings in the first place. I'm certainly not amazing."
"But that's okay." Asker sits up slowly. So that he's kneeling across from me. Blond hair in ripples around his face. He holds out a hand. "How about we start over. Hi. I'm Asker. It's nice to meet you." He says smiling wide. My heart skips a beat. Before I reach my hand out too.
"I'm Valhen. It's nice to meet you too." I say quietly. Releasing each other's hand we stare at the floor awkwardly.
"That's enough feeling for today lets get you guys some clothes." I look up to Kat pulling us to our feet and pushing us out to the living area. Picking up bags she shoves some in our hands then pushes us into separate rooms while giving us the command to come out when we're ready.
I dump the clothes out and look down at my current clothing. Well time to begin.
After a couple minutes I managed to organize some clothes that generally matched. Pulling them on I shove the rest of the clothes in the bag. I open the door and an immediately bombarded with noise. I'm surprised because last I checked it was only me, Asker, and Kat here. Tiptoeing I make my way into the living area. I peek around the corner. There's more  people. Well young people. A teenage girl lays stretched on the couch phone held sideways and concentrated on what ever was moving across the screen. While two smaller kids sit on top of her.
"Cas! When are your guy's parents getting here?" I hear Kat call from the kitchen.
"In about a couple minutes, Aunt Kat!" The teen shouts back from the couch.
"Okay then, how about you have something to snack on?" Kat says and immediately the smaller kids jump up and run to Kat. The girl, Cas, gets up slower.
"Why are you waiting here?" A whisper comes right beside my ear. I scream. I jump straight up and whip around. I sigh when I'm able to focus on who it is. Only Asker.
"What going on here?!" A concerned shout from Kat comes from the living area. I turn to see Kat standing in front of us. Cas stands beside her, eyebrow raised. With the little kids holding onto Cas's pant legs. We don't have time to answer because Kat and Cas begin chuckling. I look at Asker and see why. His clothes don't match at all and he chose a large baggy sweatshirt to hide his wings. I begin laughing too. Asker just looks at us funny.
"What?" He asks. I reach out and grab the bag. Reaching in I grab out a pair of shorts that match the sweat shirt.
"Here. Go and change into these." I hand them to him and push him back to the bathroom. I hear the door click and I flip onto the couch.
By the time Asker is done Cas and the kids, who I find out are named Jenna and Jeffrey, have left. Kat is sitting next to me and we're just talking about random things.
"I-is this okay?" I turn to see Asker. My heart skips a beat. Even though Asker is pretty muscular and tall, he's adorable. Well a better word is pretty. He has pulled his long hair up. The several loose strands that hang out shine  brightly in the sun coming through the window. The sweat shirt slipped off one of his shoulders. The skin is unblemished except for a medium sized tattoo, the design confusing and constantly moving, on his collarbone. The shorts are just a little too big. But they fit just correctly.  I get up and straighten the sweatshirt over his shoulder.
"Yeah. Much better." I smile and he smiles back.
"Well since that's all fixed lets go." Kat says grabbing us pulling us towards he door.

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