Chapter Thirteen

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.Gerard's POV.

I awoke to sunlight filtering through the blinds of the motel room's windows, creating bright streaks across Frank's still sleeping face. I couldn't help but grin at the situation. A vampire watching his crush sleep. Where have I heard that before? I shook my head, sat up, and moved my hand to shake him awake, but after a pause it fell limply in my lap. He looked so peaceful, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, hair sticking out in every direction. Seeing him like that, one could almost forget the dire situation we were in.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed that Frank had woken up.

"Mmmhm" he groaned, rubbing his eyes in an effort to wake up. He yawned loudly, then blinked at me in confusion. "Gerard, were you watching me sleep?" I jolted slightly, feeling like I was a kid who'd just gotten busted for stealing from the cookie jar. "Wh-what? No! I was just lost in thought." I said hastily.

He giggled and rolled onto his side, propping his head up with his hand. "Mmmkay. So, what's on the agenda for today, Mr. Way?" He said. I tilted my head questioningly. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, what do you wanna do? It's not like we can go to school or anything." He said, undisguised happiness in his voice. At this, I felt the corners of my mouth turn downward in a worried frown. "Frankie, this isn't some action adventure. We're actually running for our lives. You get that, right?" He shrugged,  averting his eyes. "Yeah, I guess that's bad. But this isn't all bad! We can go and do whatever we want!" He said, getting increasingly excited. With every word, I could feel my heart sink.

"We really... Can't, actually." I said. He sat up on the bed, criss-crossing his legs. His hair was still in messy disarray, and a yawn escaped his lips. Looking at him there, hazel eyes bright and innocent, I felt panic rising in my chest. The full force of what had happened crashed around me.

What have I done?

"Frank, I- we're being hunted. Literally hunted. And maybe not just by my parents. Do you remember when I told you that I'd read about how vampires can only turn one person?" He nodded, unsure where I was going with this. "I read that in my parents' journals. They call them 'the guide books.' It's a detailed collection of everything they know about vampires, and I've been sneaking glances at them since-" I gestured to my self, "-this happened. If they're right, then I-" my voice broke, and I could feel my lip tremble. "Frank I'm so sorry." Before I could help it, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. Frank moved to wipe it away, but I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him before he could.

A million thoughts were running through my head as I held Frank, more for my own comfort than anything. All I could manage was numbly whispering "I'm sorry" over and over into the crook of his neck.

After a moment- probably as the surprise of my outburst wore off- I felt Frank gently grab my shoulders in an effort to get me to face him. I knew I couldn't put this off forever, so I sighed and complied with his unspoken request. I quickly wiped my cheek, but before I could do the same to the other, I felt Frank's calloused fingers placed there. He brushed the fresh tear stain with his thumb, worry and confusion and- ah, there it was. Definitely a trace of fear in his honey colored eyes. I knew it wasn't fear of me, but it made my heart ache nonetheless.

All traces of his excited demeanor from earlier were gone, as the abrupt change in atmosphere had clued him into the severity of whatever it was that was bothering me. "Gerard... What's going on? What's wrong?" He asked, thinly veiled anxiety lacing his voice. I turned my head slightly, nuzzling into the warmth of his hand still on my cheek.

Being this close, I could hear quite beat of the pulse in his wrist, a stark reminder of the immeasurable gap between us. A reminder of the danger he was in. The words felt trapped in my throat, but I'd been wrong to delay it even this long. Any longer and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"Frank I... I'm so sorry. I should have told you this sooner. I promise that by the time I'd found out, the damage was already done." A dry laugh wrenched itself from my lips. "But that's no excuse."

I continued. "In my parents collection, there's an entire book about this... society of vampires. What they're like, how they live, what their rules are. And supposedly, one of their most important rules is that they're not supposed to interact with humans. It-it's a death sentence for a vampire to tell a human about themselves, and it's a death sentence for a human to know." I couldn't look at him, so I kept my eyes fixed on the floor beside the bed. "I remember... one of Mikey's first missions after he'd finished 'training' was to expose a small clan of vampires, claiming one of them had told him their secret. Once they'd affirmed that they really were vampires and tried to take him away, my parents ambushed them all. That was one of their favorite routines. Kept them from killing humans accidentally, I guess."

Silence hung in the air, so thick it was almost tangible, and it was suffocating me. Finally, I looked at Frank. A myriad of emotions were crossing his face, from realization to fear to anger, then acceptance. He took a deep breath, then spoke. "Well, it's obvious, isn't it? What we've got to do." I met his gaze, brow furrowed in confusion.

Then it hit me.

"Frank, no. No. I won't. I can't." My voice shook as I turned my head away.

"Gerard, there's no other option."
"There has to be."
"I'm sorry." He whispered. "You have to turn me."


Bonjour, mes amis. Hopefully it'll be a bit easier to turn out chapters quicker, now that the plots picking up a bit. Don't forget to like and comment (I read all of them and I love them so much) until next time, adieu.


Frank Iero's Paranormal Investigation Agency ( #48 in MCR, #1 in Vampiregerard )Where stories live. Discover now