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I was half asleep. I knew that i had to wake up for school but my bed was just so comfortable. I heard my door open and tried to ignore it but when i suddenly felt cold water pouring over me, i sat up and gasped for air.

I looked to my side where i saw my brother standing dying of laughter.

"what the fuck Calum!" I screamed.
I was so pissed. It was morning and I'm greeted by cold water waking me up and the first day of school.

"That happens when you don't wake up after i called your name over 1000 times" he says, and when he's finally done laughing he leaves my room.

I just groaned and got out of bed. I went to take a quick shower. After that i went back to my bedroom and changed into black jeans and a dark blue with black Nike shirt.
I walked to my mirror and looked at myself.
Damn i'm ugly
I added some products to my hair so it doesn't look like trash, but i have curls that cant be contained.

"Honey breakfast is ready!" I heard my mom shout from downstairs.

I grabbed my bag with books that i packed last night and went downstairs.
I dropped my bag in the hall and walked into the kichten and took a seat at the kitchen island
It smelled amazing and i looked at my plate.
"Pancakes?" I asked "why?"

"We just don't want you to go to school with an empty stomach and a bad mood. You love pancakes right."
My dad said flipping another pancake.

I looked at him and then at my mom with a questioning look. My mom just smiled and my dad tried to look anywhere but me and started to whistle. They're hiding something.

"Are you gonna tell her? Or do i have to?" Calum said and walked into the room and shoved a pancake into his mouth.

My mom took off her reading glasses and leaned over the kitchen island
"Well darling, me and your dad will no longer bring you to school"

"What?! How am I supposed to go then, by foot! It's like 40 minutes away an-"i got cut of by calum

"God shut up and let her finish"

"Calum don't tell your sister to shut up" my mom said and turned her attention back to me "you will be carpooling with Calum and his friend Ashton from now on."

"What no i'm n-" as i was about to protest i got interrupted, again.

"Don't be such a crybaby. You'll only have to ride with me every morning and afternoon 5 days a week." Calum smirked because he knew it would be hell for me.

"But-but mom, dad i don't even know this ashwin guy. What if he tries to hurt me or is mean or worse what if he tries to kidnap me!" I said trying to come up with reasons not to carpool with them.

My dad chuckles and sat down beside my mom
"Trust me this Ashton guy won't. We know him he is a decent guy."

I heard a car horn outside and my brother shouted "Em we have to go, i'll wait in the car"

"Ugh if i die it's your fault" i said pointing to my dad, and heard him and my mom laugh.
I grabbed my bag & slipped into some shoes.

I walked outside and saw a car. It wasn't an ugly car but it definitely wasn't beautiful
I saw my brother sitting in the passenger and opened the door of the backseat and jumped in.

"You must be Emerald, i'm ashton" the guy behind the wheel said.

I just nodded and smiled, i was pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people.

"Okay let's go to school!" Calum said excited.
And i just whined and laid my head back. Here we go then.

Daddy's princess // mgcWhere stories live. Discover now