'First day'

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When we finally arrived at school i quickly got out of the car and walked to the schoolbuilding. I saw familiar faces and a few new ones.

I went inside and walked over to my locker. I dropped some books in it.
I started walking to class early since I didn't have any friends to tell them about my summer. Not that i did anything interesting.

I used to have a best friend, mia, but she moved after last school year. So now it's just me.
I arrived at my classroom and sat at the back waiting for class to start.

When lunch finally arrived i walked outside and to the back of the building i walked over the bug grass square.
I saw a big tree and decided to just sit under it untill lunch is over.
I saw a few guys playing football on the field, and calum and his friends were all leaning on the back of the school building not so far away from me.

"Hey you're emerald right?" Someone said making me look up, it was a girl I recognized her from a few classes i had with her.

"Yeah" I mumbled looking down at my water bottle.
She sat down on the grass next to me
"I'm Emma, we have a few classes together, i just saw you sitting here on your own so i thought why not join you."

I didn't say anything i looked up for a second seeing calum staring our way and when i looked at Emma she was doing the exact same thing, do they know eachother.
"Why did you come sit with me"
I asked her

"I don't know, you looked like you needed a friend."

After making small talk with Emma, she did most of the talking, the bell rung and we had to head back to class.

"Emerald i'd like to talk to you real quick." My math teacher Mr Johnson said at the end of class, i hope this doesn't take long i know that calum will get mad if i take to long.

When everyone was out off the classroom Mr Johnson took a seat at his desk.
"So Ms Hood, you probably know from last year that you were one of the best students even above average for your grade. So i'd like to offer you something, if you're that good again this year you can take math class for one grade higher."

"So i will have class with the seniors?"

"Yes, but i first you need to proof that you can handle it, i'm going to give up a test for next month, if you get above 90% you can have math with them if you get lower you stay in this class, which would be such a waist since we both know you're really good."
He said packing his stuff

"Thank you sir, i will do my best."
I said and we walked out of the classroom.

"Don't let me down." He said locking the door

"I won't"
I walked to my locker and got out my books i needed for tomorrow and a few other so i could already do my homework.
I walked to the front of the building, the halls were empty when i came outside i walked to the parking lot and saw ashton's car, thank god.

I walked up to it and got inside.

"Where the hell were you!" Calum said and i could hear that he was really annoyed.

"I'm sorry Mr Johnson wanted to talk to me about t-" i tried to say but Calum interrupted me

"I don't care Emerald, just be on time next time or we will leave without you"

"Cal chill out, it wasn't her fault." Calum's friend ashton said trying to calm calum down, i don't get why he was so angry at all, me amd calum used to be pretty close, but when we got into highschool things changed.

"Ashton don't tell me how to take care of my sister, now shut up and drive."

When Ashton dropped us off i went up to my room, and started on my home work.
Soo my parent's called us down for dinner.
We all sat at the dining table, dad was telling us about work, and mom was telling how she found a new recipe that she wanted to try out.

"So how was your first day at school calum?"

"It was fine, we didn't really do much."

"And you emerald"

"Yeah it was good, i made a new friend" i saw my mothers face lighten up "and i got offered to get math class with a higher grade because i'm above average."

"Emerald that's wonderful, then you'll be in the same class as calum." My dad said taking a sip off his water

"Yeah because that is so wonderfull." Calum said in a sarcastic tone with his head leaning on his hand.
"Come on calum, don't be like that, you could learn something from your sister."

"Yeah right, i'm done, by the way me and ashton have football practice on friday so we'll be home late."
Calum said getting up to leave the table

"I thought you stopped football?" I said but regretting it after seeing his mad expression.

"Well I decided to start again." He said leaving to his room.

My mom was really excited about Calum playing football again, he is really good at it, and could definitely make a career out of it.
After dinner i went to my room and just watched a few episodes of Teen Wolf on netflix.
It was starting to get late and i decided to call it a night and went to bed.

Michael will be in the next chapter i promise ;))))

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