Chapter 13

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"Why can't you tell me?" I asked. "Because then it wouldn't be a surprise" Alex said. We walked outside and so did Frank and Josh.

"Close your eyes" Alex said so I did. He put me down and I closed my eyes tight. "Sit down and hold out your hands, but don't freak out" Alex said.

I held out my hands then heard a box open. Someone put something furry in my hands and it moved. "You can open your eyes now" Alex said so I did. "Happy birthday Halo!" He said.

I saw the cutest puppy ever in front of me. "Oh my god!!! It's so cute" I squealed and hugged it. "Is it a girl or boy?" I asked. "Girl, pit bull and Boxer mix" Frank said.

"Thanks dad!" I said and hugged him, after handing the puppy to Frank of course. "Your welcome, now what are you going to name her?" He asked. "Umm.... Sophie" I said and took her from Frank. (The dog in the picture is my actual dog Sophie)

"That's a cute name" Josh said. Sophie is a light brown dog with bluish grey eyes and white socks. (In case you don't know, socks are what people call the white part that covers only the paws).

"Halo!" Brendon said and walked outside. "That's a cute puppy, but the guys want to meet you" he said and pulled me inside still carrying Sophie.

"Guys this is Halo" Brendon said to the rest of Panic!. "Hi Halo" Dallon said and walked over to me. He pet Sophie's head and asked "how old are you now?" "I'm 14" I said.

"Wow, so how do you like living with Alex and the rest?" "I love it, they make me happy" I said and he smiled. "I'm glad to hear it."

"Halo!" Alex called. "Coming!" I yelled back and looked at Dallon. "I'll see you later" I said and gave him a hug "happy birthday" he said as I walked away.

As I was walking to Alex, Frank came up to me. "Hi Frankenstein" I said cuasing him to tilt his head then laughs. "Hello can I-" I cut him off and gave him Sophie. "Just don't kill or hurt her" his face lit up. He walked away happily with Sophie and I walked over to Alex.

"Yes dad?" I asked and sat next to him on the couch. "It's time for cake! then you get presents!" Jack blurted out before Alex could say anything. Alex smacked him in his chest and I giggled.

"Oh you think that's funny?" Alex asks. I nod my head yes and Alex smirks then looks at Jack. He grabs me then him and Jack hold me down. I try to get away since I already know what's coming.

Alex started tickling me and Zack and Rian came over to help. I kept laughing and trying to get out. "Say you love me" Alex said. "Never" I laughed. Mikey walked over and looks at what was happening. "Mikey help" I said and he shrugged then walked away. Thanks for nothing.

"Say it!" He said and I finally gave in. "I love you!" I said and he let me go. I sat up trying to catch my breath, then ran over to Gee. "What's up princess?" He asked. "Dad and them were tickling me" I said and he laughed. "You mean like this?" He asked tickling my sides. "Yes like that" I sqeualed and he stopped.

I then felt someone pick me up and I was put on Tyler's back. I looked and saw Josh behind me. "Hi people" I said and smiled. "Hello" Josh said.

Tyler started walking around and he dropped me off where Alex was. "Thanks Tyler" Alex said. I wrapped my arms around my sides so he can't tickled me anymore.

He stood me on the table in the living room and the guys made sure I wouldn't get off.

"Guys it's time to sing to the Birthday Girl" Alex said and everyone gathered around. Zack went and brought a cheese cake in then lit the candles. "On three. One, two, three," "happy birthday to you" they all sang.

The whole time I was blushing and I don't know why. "Make a wish" Jack said, but I already got mine. I blew out the candles and everyone cheered.

"Ok time for cake!" Jack yelled. He helped me off the table and I walked over to Frank. "Here you go Halo" Frank said, handing me Sophie. I smiled "thanks Frank".

I sat down on the couch and Rian handed me a piece of cake. "Thank you" I said and ate a piece. It tastes great! I also gave a piece to Sophie then put someone her nose.

She put her nose on mine and Alex took a picture. "That was cute" Pete said. I blushed and Sophie licked the cake off my nose and the one off hers. I'm always going to love her.


After everyone finished the cake Everyone gathered around me and Rian pushed a table with lots of presents in front of me. "You didn't have to get me anything" I said and Gee side hugged me. "Of course we did! We love you and it's your birthday" I hugged back and everyone started handing me presents.

I thanked them personally for every single one.

I got an Xbox from Josh and Tyler, a laptop from Joe, half a best friend neckless from Frank, and there's way too many things to list off but they were amazing!

"Thanks guys I really appreciate it but-" I was cut if by Alex shushing me, "shhh Halo let's just eat pizza" he said then pulled me to the kitchen.

All of us are eating pizza and Rian put on a movie.


Everyone left and I thanked them for coming and the presents.

I sat on Alex and leaned into him. "Thanks guys" I said and they said your welcome. "What time is it?" "11:13" Zach said. I nodded and yawned. "You tired Halo?" Rian asked. I nodded and Alex started to play with my hair.

"Say goodbye to the halls and the classes, say hello to a job and the taxes" Alex sang and I slowly fell asleep. Best Birthday Ever!!

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