Chapter 39

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One week later-

I sat up and took a deep breath in.  AIR!! I MISSED YOU!! I'm not sick anymore!!!

I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs not caring what I looked like. As I was running to the kitchen two arms wrapped around me and picked me up off the ground. "Woah Halo! Slow down."

I looked and saw Rian holding me. "Sorry, I just haven't been able to do anything for a week and now I have a bunch of energy!" I said trying to get out of his arms.

He put me over his should and walked into Zack's room. "Zack you should take her with you today" Rian said dropping me in the bed. I started bouncing up and down while sitting on the bed and Zack just starred at me.

He currently was trying to find a shirt to wear but I was used to him not having his shirt on. I remember the fist time I saw him with his shirt off. I remember seeing Jack naked oh god not gonna remember sending that image away!!!

"Halo go get dressed in something comfortable we're going to the gym" Zack said. "Ok Zack!" I said and jumped off his bed.

I ran to my room and started going through my closet. I found a pair of black tights and a Twenty One Pilots muscular shirt. I put that on and brushed through my hair. I put in my black converse and ran to Zack room. I was about to knock when I realized I should probably tell dad.

I went to dads room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" Dad yelled. I walked in and told dad I was going with Zack. "K sweetie be safe" dad mumbled then went back to sleep.

I hopped down the stairs and Jack walked over to me. "Halo you more hyper then I am!!" He said then booped my nose. He then left walking into the kitchen.

Zack came downstairs and looked at me. "Ready?" I nodded and he walked to the kitchen. "Want a water or gatorade?" "Gatorade please!" I yelled to him. Rian walked by me and and said "Halo have fun!" "I will Rian!" I yelled up the stairs to him.

Zack came over to me and he had a bag on his back. "What's that?" I asked. "This has my water and your gatorade along with a snack or two" he said I nodded and walked out the door with him.

"Come one halo we jogging there" he said and I nodded. We started to jog until we reached about a block down.

"Halo I'll race you the rest of the way" he said. "Oh your on!" "Ok one, two....... Three!" He said and took off. I took off after him and we were neck and neck.

I have to beat him! I pretended there was ice cream waiting for me at the gym and ran faster then I thought I could. I looked back and saw Zack gaining up.

Before I knew it I was at the gym. Zack was right behind me so I WON!! YAY!!

I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. "You ok there Halo?" It stood back up and nodded. "Ok let's go" he said and we walked inside.


"Zack I can't walk anymore!!" I complained. "Alright put this on your back then hop on" he said. I grabbed the small bag and jumped o to Zack's back.

He carried me the rest of the way and dropped me on the couch.

"Never again Zack" I said and stood up. "Imma take a shower!" I said and walked upstairs to my room.

Rians pov

Zack dropped Halo on the couch and she looked tiered. "Never again Zack" she said and stood up. "Imma take a shower" she said walking up the stairs.

"She's gonna be sore tomorrow" I said and he nodded sitting on the couch. "I need a shower too, but man she's flexible. She was doing backbends, backflips, splits just everything. I never knew a small child could bend like that" he said and I laughed.

"I mean this is Halo what did you expect?" I asked. Zack blew out air and stood up. "Alright I'm taking a shower" he said and went upstairs. I continue to watch my tv show.

Haley's pov

I got dressed in my batman onesie and walked downstairs. Everyone was downstairs watching a movie.

Fuck I'm tired. I rubbed my eyes and walked over to the couch. "Halo you look so cute!!!" Jack yelled. I smiled and laid across the four of there laps. It was dad, Rian, Zack, then Jack.

My  head was on dads lap and my feet on Jacks. "Halo sit up for a second" dad said. I sat up and he placed a pillow under my head. "K your good" he said and I laid back down.

I got comfortable and head a grain from the end of the couch. "Ow Halo watch where your feet go!" Jack complained. "Sorry" I said stifling a laugh.

As we watched the movie I found it hard to keep my eyes open. "Dad what time is it?" "5:12" he said and I sighed. "Never again Zack" I said and let my eyes close.


"S-stop!" I said laughing. "No not till you say sorry!!" Dad yelled still tickling me. "I'm s-so NOT s-sorry!" I laughed. "Oh you little!" He said and I managed o get out of his hands.

I ran up the stairs and into Jacks room. "Jack help me!" I said and he looked at me confused then his face lit up. "I can be you night in shining armor!!" He yelled then jumped out of his bed.

He ran to his closet and grabbed a light saber. He starts to swing it around and dad burst into the room. "Playing it dirty I see" he said and Jack jumped in front of me.

"You will never take princess Halo!!" Jack yelled. Dad ran out then ran back in with his light saber. "I challenge you too a duel for Princess Halo!!" Dad yelled and Jack accepted.

We walked downstairs and moved the coffee table that was in the middle of the living room.

I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone to record. "Ready set duel!" I yelled and they started to swing the light sabers at each other.

Eventually dad hit Jack in the chest and Jack fell down dramatically. "Nooooooooo Jack!!" I yelled and dad put one foot on Jacks chest.

"I am the champion!!!!" Dad yelled. Crap! E looked over to me and I stopped recording then booked it up stairs.

Dad caught me while I was running up the stairs. "Are you sorry?" "Yes!" I yelled while he tickled me. "Fair enough" dad said and let me go.

I love it here. This family is so amazing!! I don't think I've ever been happy this long in my life!!

I as I was getting up from being tickled the door bell rang. "I got it!!" I yelled and ran downstairs.

"I'm sorry my lady I've failed you!" Jack said dramatically. I started laughing and opened the door still looking at Jack.

"Yes you have Ja-" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw who was at the door.

My bio dad.

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