Chapter 54

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"Brendon!" I complained. "That's Uncle Brendon to you" he laughed as he finished tying the tie around my eyes. "Fine, 'Uncle Brendon' I don't trust you!" I said and he helped me out of the car. "Fine I'll carry you" he said and picked me up bridle style.

"Uncle Brendon, I want chocolate" "ok I'll get you chocolate" "and a monster" I said earning a chuckle. "You are a handful" "of roses?" I asked. He scoffed "more like thorns in a cheap bouquet" he said making feel like this has happened before. "Did you just?" "Did I what?" "Just forget about it" " I don't think I can forget about it" he sang and booped my nose.

"You're weird" I said sticking my tongue out. "But you love me anyway" he retorted. "Are we almost there?" I asked. "Yup" he said and I could feel myself fall a little before he caught me.

"That was so NOT funny!!" I said hitting his arm. What made it scarier was the fact that I'm blind right now. He slowly put me down and untied the blindfold.

"What's this?" I asked and looked up. "The Cheesecake Factory!" He yelled and grabbed my hand.

He pulled me inside and we were lead to a table by a waitress. "Is this your daughter? She's so pretty" the waitress smiled. "Actually this is my niece, Halo" he said and put a hand in my back. "Halo? That's an interesting name. I'm Becky" she said and extended a hand to Brendon then to me.

I smiled at her as she continued to talk with Brendon. "Well I'll be right back with your menus" she said and walked off. "Hey Uncle Brendon," "hmm?" "If she's flirts with you ask her 'was that a flirtation?' And I'll love you forever" I said. "Make its 5ever and I'll do it" he smiled "deal."

She walked back and handed us our menus. "That's for you sweetheart" she said and handed me my menu. She turned to Brendon and handed him his. "And that's for you handsome" she winked. "Was that a flirtation?" He asked and secretly winked at me. "Do you want it to be?" She asked before walking away.

When she out of hearing range Brendon and me burst out laughing. "I fucking love you" I said through laughs. "I know" he smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him before hiding behind a menu.

"Wanna share a pizza then we can get cheesecake?" He asked. I peeked over the menu and crossed my eyes before wiggling my eyebrows. I looked at him and he scoffed before chuckling. "Your such a retard."

"Well, I take after my Uncle" I smirked even though he couldn't see it. He laughed lighter before flicking my menu making it fall. "Hey dumbass want to share a pizza?" He asked. "Sure fucktard" I laughed. He stuck his tongue out at me and I copied.

"Wow you guys are a comedy act" Becky said smiling. "So can I take your order?" She asked. "We're gonna share a pepperoni pizza, I'll take a beer- uh Halo what do you want?" "I'll take a coke, thanks" I said as we handed her out menus. "Coming right up" she said and walked away.

I wiggled my eyebrows at Brendon and he scoffed, "I'm not into her" he said as he leaned over the table to me. "Uncle Brendon, don't be mean to her about it" I said in a serious tone. "I won't, I just won't call her when she leaves her number on the recipe" he said and shrugged.

She came back and handed us our drinks. "There you go, and your pizza almost ready" she said placing our drinks in front of us.

"Thanks" I said then grabbed my drink. She smiled and went to the next table she had. "I know you want some" Brendon said and looked around. "You can have a small sip but don't tell anyone got it? Also don't turn into an alcoholic" he said and gave me his cup. I took a small sip before handing it back to him.

"That taste horrible but amazing at the same time what the actual fuck" I said, my tastebuds unsure of weather or not I like it. He shrugged "I like it" he said and took a drink.

I washed out the taste with a drink from my coke and looked around. It's nice place. "Why'd you bring me here?" I asked. "Well your dad said he was gonna take Sophie somewhere but was leaving you home, which I thought was weird because you know it's your dog, and volunteered to watch over you even though Zack, Rian, and Jack would have been perfectly capable of watching you because I wanted to hang out with you and you said last night that we could hang out."

"What does that have anything to do with why you chose this place?" I asked. He shrugged "I brought you here because I've always wanted to come here and I thought this was a perfect opportunity" he smiled.

I was about to say something when the Becky brought our pizza. "Need a refill?" She asked. We nodded and she took our cups as we began to dig into our pizza.


"You will remember me! Remember me for centuries!" Brendon screamed as I recorded him. "Uncle Brendon do you like Fall Out Boy?" I asked through small giggle. "I freaking LOVE Fall Out Boy!" He said in a teenage girls voice. I bust out laughing and ended the video.

"Halo sing with me!!! You need to practice anyways" he said. "What? Why?" Regret instantly covered his face like a mask. Then I realized I could use this to my advantage. "You don't think I'm a good enough singer yet?" I faked being hurt. He smirked "nope keep practicing" he laughed and messed up my hair.

"You know what Uncle Brendon?! Fight me!" I said then stuck my tongue out. "I'm not sure your dad would be to happy about that" he said laughing. "You're really adorable when your being feisty" he laughed.

"Your really adorable when your being feisty!" I mimicked. "No I'm not" I grumbled. "Sure Halo, what ever helps you sleep at night" he laughed. I glared at him. "You just wait Uncle Brendon, I'm gonna get you" I said crossing my arms.

"I'm gonna get you back, gonna get you back!" He sang. "You listen to Maroon 5?!" I asked surprised. "Not really I just know that song. How did you know it was Maroon 5?" He quickly asked turning the attention to me.

"I used to listen to them, not anymore though" I said and he smiled. "Want to me him?" He asked. I quickly shouted a "No!" Brendon looked startled back asked "why not?"

"Because I don't want to" I said and he glanced at me. "Why not?" He asked again. I shrugged, "if I tell you, you take it to your grave understand Urie?!" I asked. "Ok" he simply stated. "I find Adam Levine to be very intimidating" I said and glanced at him.

"Intimidating? Why?" He asked. I shrugged "I don't know I just do now keep driving" I instructed turning on the radio. Just to my luck the fist sing to come on was Maps by yeah you guessed it Maroon 5.

Brendon smiled and picked my side. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. This is gonna be a long ride.

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