Laced With Honey

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Pink was such an awful color; it wasn't just girly, it was the worst shade of red I could imagine. Stepping inside the Candy Kingdom was as painful as eating razor blades. Everywhere I looked, shades of pinks and purples flooded the walls and decor, leaving no place for any other color. It screamed happiness and sunshine, which wasn't something the king of vampires preferred.

Fiona had literally shoved me inside this stupid girly palace, her face mixed with annoyance and joy. The adventurer had been trying to get me more involved in the events held at the Candy Kingdom. "You need to get out more," she had said to me, in which I only made a face at her. Although she was my best friend, she made me do things I hated. For example, she forced me to hang around the prince of pink pride, Gumball.

He was the most annoying, pink, strict man I'd ever met. It was always baking and science to him, no play or jokes. Prince Gumball didn't know what the word 'fun' was. I'd only admit to myself that he was handsome, yet his attitude ruined all attraction of any sort. He was a snob with a nice body, and I could only get myself to hate him.

As of this moment, I sat alone in a purple room filled with lavish sofas and leather chairs. Hot tea still steamed in a pot on the maroon colored table, and a bowl of red candies had my fangs aching. Grey fingers twitched as I looked up at the clock ticking on the wall above me. It had already been twenty three minutes since Prince Gumball hastily shoved me inside this place, and I was getting tired of waiting. Fiona had insisted that her and I should take a stroll and visit Gumball, but I knew it was her excuse to see the guy. The blonde was completely in love with the prince of pink and she would use any excuse to see him.

Rolling my eyes, I stood from the seat I perched in and levitated from the floor. I drifted toward the pink door off to the right, irritated and tired. My hand slid onto the door handle, but before I could flee from the grossly colored room, Gumball strode in.

He was dressed casually, with a soft pink sweater draping nicely on his torso and purple jeans that hugged him in wonderful places. The golden crown on top of his pink hair gleamed as it hit the light, making me cringe and back away from him. "Dammit, Gumball, get out of my way!" I said loudly, my feet touching the floor.

The prince looked at me, his eyes hard and angry. "Don't curse at me, Mr. Marshall," he properly said, and I made a face. "I was caught up in some baking and I forgot Fiona brought you along." Gumball moved toward the tray of tea, pouring himself a cup and grabbing a few candies to pop in his mouth. "Now, let's hurry with our visit so I can begin work."

I stared at him with wide eyes, blood boiling as he sat with his back straight on the chair I perched in just moments ago. I stood in my place for a moment, fighting the urge to leave without a word. It was clearly obvious that the prince didn't want me in his kingdom, which I could only understand to a point. I did scare half of the candy population and the other half thought I was nothing but a jackass. They obviously hadn't met anyone out of the Candy Kingdom, for everything was so polite and proper. Prince Gumball had them brainwashed, I was sure of it. Arms still crossed, I strode toward the leather couch and sat on the stiff fabric. "How long do we have to do this?" I yawned, bored and irritated.

Gumball finished chewing on his candy before he spoke, only looking at me with a hard emotion. His pink nose was turned up snidely, and he seemed to look down upon me. "There doesn't seem to be anything tethering you down to this place, Marshall Lee. You can leave any moment now." He looked into his tea cup for a moment, studying the purplish color before taking another sip.

I snorted, rolling my eyes. This man was such a brat, I couldn't stand him. "I can't leave until Fiona wants to go. We came together, you know." I sneered, eyes boring into his forehead. I clicked my tongue, fangs showing. "Where is she anyway?"

Gumball sighed softly, looking toward the door. He blinked a few times, his cheeks blushing. "Fiona," he breathed, his fingers touching his lips. I felt like gagging as I watched the pink man swoon. "She was speaking with the banana guards, she should be here shortly."

Gumball kept looking at the door, and all I could do was try not to puke. He positively wasn't the right man for Fiona; she needed a real man, not some petty, pink boy. I knew Fiona loved him, yet I hoped it was only a crush. Odd emotions swirled inside my brain; I didn't know who I was acting jealous upon. With a shiver, I shoved the foreign feelings back and stood from my place on the leather sofa. "I guess I should go find her then," I said with a shrug, levitating toward the door with ease. "Have fun working, Bubba."

I heard him grunt, and a felt a hand touch my shoulder. Stopping, I looked past my shoulder and into his blue eyes, irritated and tired of his presence. He gave me a look in warning, yet it didn't faze me. To me, he looked like a little boy who lost his doll. Gumball took his hand off my shoulder almost instantly, wiping his palm on his pant leg as if I'd infected him with some type of disease. "Marshall," he said with a deep voice. "Come and sit, Fiona will accompany you soon. Don't go bothering her."

I let my feet touch the ground, fists tightening with annoyance. This man irked me more than anyone else. "Whatever." I waved him off, standing in my spot while he sat again. When Fiona got back, I would give her a piece of my mind. I couldn't stand being around the fluff ball of a prince any longer, and Fiona couldn't make me come to the stupid kingdom anymore.

I was a king. I could do what I wanted.

Minutes passed and the only noise I could hear was Prince Gumball noisily sipping on his purple tea. Every swig he took seemed to get louder, making my ears twitch with infuriating. My eyes locked upon the door to the left of me, waiting impatiently for Fiona to waltz through the damn room. That girl could really make time seem unmovable. Soon enough, my foot was tapping and I clicked my tongue a few times, just to pass the time. I vowed I would only give the adventurer five minutes before I left on my own. Being in a room with the prince of gumdrops wasn't exactly my cup of tea, especially when he was being completely annoying and hardheaded.

I looked over at the pink man sitting in the chair, my eyes zeroing in on his face. At the moment, he seemed utterly focused on the cup he held in his hands, which had his eyes wide and beautiful. I hissed softly, glaring at the crinkle in his forehead. It was obvious that he was thinking about something by the way he peered into the purple tea. It got me wondering what stupid things went floating inside the nerd's brain.

As if angels began to sing, Fiona pushed the door open and walked inside the pink room, looking cheerful. Her blonde hair swooped to the side as she looked up at me and she only smiled. "Have you enjoyed your time, Marshy?" She asked, stepping toward the pink chair next to Gumball. The two shared a dreamy look, smiling and blushing like idiots.

"Don't you dare sit, Fi," I warned, frowning deeply when she did so anyway. Arms crossed over my chest, I raised my voice. "I've been here for almost an hour! How much time do I need to waste with the prince of dweebs?"

Gumball stood, clenching his fists and frowning deeply. The innocent look from before had disappeared, and at the moment he seemed almost intimidating. "Don't speak to Fiona like that, Marshall Lee!" He yelled, throwing me off guard. The prince never yelled, and it surprised all three of us.

I recoiled, my fangs showing in anger. "You can't tell me what to do!" My comeback was childish and stupid, yet I couldn't help why I said. I was angry and irritated with the man in front of me, and all I wanted was for him to keep his feelings to himself. My red eyes tore away from him and zapped to Fiona. "Come on, Fi. Lets go!"

I turned toward the door, levitating from the ground and whooshing past Gumball. I snarled softly, muttering only to myself as I stormed into the pink hallway outside of the room. Looking back, Fiona was standing by Gumball with her hands gripping her hips. "If you guys are going to fight all the time, I'll take matters into my own hands!" She yelled at me, in which I only shrugged it off. Knowing Fiona, she would let it go and leave me alone. That is the way it always worked with her and I.

Fiona huffed, ripping her green backpack off her shoulders and digging inside. With peeked interest, I moved back inside the pink room, arms crossed. Gumball looked at me, his lips forming in a pout. I hissed at him, making him step back and quickly look at the floor. Sometimes he acted like such a girl.

Fiona grunted, pulling out a pink ribbon and turning toward Gumball and I. Brows furrowed, she grabbed my wrist harshly and pulled me to her. "I'm tired of you two fighting so much," she said, tying the ribbon around my wrist. When I tried pulling away from her, she only ripped me back. She reached for Gumball, her fingernails digging into his skin. "This ribbon is laced with magic," she said, tying Gumball's wrist to mind. With a gasp, I pulled back even harder.

"Hell no!" I yelled, eyes pleading with the younger girl. "Don't you dare, Fiona!"

She tightened the pink ribbon, smashing my wrist upon Prince Gumball's before stepping back. "Until you learn to act like civilized men, you will be tied together."

Gumball fumbled to untie the ribbon, but to no avail. The pink cloth shocked our wrists, making Gumball howl in pain while I hid a cringe. Red eyes wide, I grabbed Fiona's wrist and pulled her closer to me, face just inches from hers. "Untie us, now," I growled, fangs showing in anger.

The girl only shrugged, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and clasping her hands together. Beaming, she only looked up innocently at the two of us, her blue eyes blinking swiftly. "Improvement is key, boys."


Hello, my lovely Adventurers! Here is my second fanfic for you all! I hope you like it!

I will update soon!

Kisses and Honey Hugs! |( ̄3 ̄)|(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


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