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[This chapter contains MATURE CONTENT!]

I woke to the smooth touch of Gumball's lips, and a soft groan escaped my mouth as a single eye opened. The room was dim as usual, and the faint sound of rain hitting the windows could be heard in the background. The whole essence of the room was peaceful and brought on a sense of calmness that I hadn't felt in a long time. I tilted my head to the side, allowing Gumball's lips to press against my adams apple, and as I felt the touch of his mouth another soft moan flooded from my lungs.

"Wake up," the prince said, lifting his head from my neck and using his hand to push at my arm. I sniffed and opened my other eye to get a better look at him, all while shoving my body deeper into the purple sheets. Blinking, I stayed silent and looked up at Gumball's blue orbs, my brain traveling to the long, steamy hours we had shared together. Something tugged at my chest, causing a familiar emotion to pour into my brain like water and a smile twitched at my lips. The sensual hours spent together could be seen all over Gumball's body. His hair was messy, his face was flushed and his body was naked other than the black boxers that hung low on his hips. There were two small love marks on his neck, unlike the ones I'd left the last time. They had been placed there out of passion and need instead of drunken desire.

Gumball huffed; he was sitting up now, his hands on my chest as he peered down at me. "I've been trying to get you up for ten minutes," he said, slyly sliding one leg to the other side of my hip so he was straddling me. I welcomed the new weight with a sigh and freed my hands from the massive amounts of blankets that covered my body so I could touch him. My cool hands smoothed against his backside before coming to a stop on his upper thighs.

I yawned and closed my red eyes, feeling physically drained. "Why do I need to get up? It's not like I have plans," I said, a pinch of cockiness to my smooth voice. I heard Gumball huff, and soon enough he was leaning against me with his face only inches from mine.

His sweet breath fanned across my face, and I took that moment to breathe him in before he spoke again. "There is a nude vampire in my bed, and I'm expected to begin work in less than an hour," Gumball began, placing a soft kiss on my jaw. "I wouldn't want the distraction..." he trailed off, leaving gentle kisses against my neck.

"Are you asking me to leave?"

"No," Gumball said, slightly rushed as his hands pushed against my shoulders. A blush dusted his cheeks, and he glanced away for a moment. "I just wanted to see you before work started." His blush deepened, and soon enough he was hiding his face in my chest. I chuckled lowly, my hands tickling his muscular back as he let out a long huff.

"You could have just asked," I said, my laughter dying down as he looked up at me. His eyes seemed to freeze every action I had; I was captured by his shocking gaze. He became all to serious quickly, and soon enough his lips were on mine, his hands balling against my chest as he pulled the blankets away.  In the moment, it was as if we were sharing our first kiss all over again, and a spark flew through my body, swimming through my veins like sharks in water. His lips on mine were mixing my emotions in a cauldron of beautiful thoughts, causing my fingers to trace his body in the same patterns my brain was floating.

Using my legs, I shoved the purple blankets off of me, exposing my body to the prince as he moved his mouth against mine. His warm hands ran along my chest, hardly touching my skin as to tease me. I whimpered for him, suddenly needing him more than anything I'd ever wanted. His entire being was torturing me in the greatest of ways, and I knew it was exactly what I needed at that moment. My hands tangled in his pink hair, tugging gently as he adjusted his body more comfortably on mine. He pulled his lips back for a moment, his forehead leaning against mine as our eyes connected. Mixed breathing and the sound of distant rain were the only two noises in the room, making everything utterly calm and beautiful.

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