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Prince Gumball poured his second cup of tea quietly, keeping his head low as I watched him from my place on the chair across from his. His bedroom door was locked and the all the curtains had been drawn so no light could flood inside the room. It was darker than usual, the only light being the soft lamp a few feet away from us. Gumball knew the light made my headache worse, and after pulling me inside his room, he put effort into making the place a bit more comfortable for me.

I let out a soft sigh, ripping my gaze from the prince for the hundredth time in a single moment. No matter how hard I'd tried, my eyes always seemed to drift upon his pink skin. I couldn't help but stare at him; the sound of his voice calling my name when I'd tried to leave and drawn me closer to the pink prince. I looked down at my hands which were clasped lazily in my lap, hoping to give myself some type of distraction away from Gumball. Staring was obviously creepy for many reasons; why couldn't I just keep my eyes off him? I blinked a few times, hearing the sound of Gumball shift in his seat, which in turn made my gaze float against him once again.

He was looking at me now, blue eyes soft and body relaxed against his comfortable chair. He was so close to me, our knees could touch if I moved my body a bit to the left. I fought an urge to do so, knowing it would only make things that much harder to explain if need be. My hands left each other and smoothed against the chair's arm rests instead, needing some type of sensation on my palms as I peered into Prince Gumball's blue eyes. "Aren't you going to talk?" I asked, hoping to hide the desperation that was thick against my lips. It was hard enough for me to be in the same room with him, not to mention the intense feelings crawling against my at the simple sight of him.

Prince Gumball set his tea cup down on the small coffee table beside him before tugging at the blanket that pooled messily around his feet. He was cold, I could tell. "I guess I don't know what I want to say, exactly," he said in a soft voice, which was followed by a very noticable blush that danced upon his cheeks. I blinked, feeling the all too familiar pull of frustration hum in the back of my head.

I sighed, running an angry hand through my black hair. "Gumball, I don't have time for this," I stated, looking away from his blue stare. I tried my hardest to keep my gaze on the floor, but soon enough I was fighting the urge to look at him once again.

The prince shifted again, this time he had brought his left knee against and wrapped his arms around himself, his eyes looking at everything but me. "Marshall, what else do you have to use your time with?" he asked, raising a pink eyebrow at me. Damn, he could see right through me.
"Gumball," I tried to protest, although I knew it was impossible to support my case. I was somewhat of a lazy guy; I had no plans to look forward too. It was as if my time was completely free and useless.

The prince closed his eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath as his brain processed the words to say. He moaned softly which had caused me to tense for the sound was all too familiar. I cringed, hoping he wouldn't make such noises while around me. Not only was my mind sensitive to the events that had taken place between us, but my body reacted to anything Gumball had done. With that one simple sound, a fluttery sensation around my hips arose, causing me to frown and mentally curse Gumball.

The prince opened his eyes, looking at me for a fleeting moment before glancing toward the balcony door. His arms tightened around himself as he rested his chin on his knee. "Marshall," he said softly, his voice thick with a type of sadness I wasn't sure if I understood. "What happened between you only feel regret?" He didn't once look at me while he said this, and at that moment I yearned to see his blue eyes.

I blinked; the question caught me off guard. Was he wanted my honest opinion, and if so, would he accept it? I let my brain work for a moment, head down as I imagined my dirty hands all over Gumball's body. "I hurt you," I whispered, hands tightenening into fists. "How could I not regret it?" My voice was bitter, as was my thoughts.

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