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Every morning at exactly 6am  Zayn would enter the bakery called Brown Sugar.

Liam entered the shop earlier than usual. Tonight he had a big game coming up and his trainer wanted him to be at his best tonight. He yawned as he walked up to the counter.

"Good morning, welcome to Brown Sugar. What can I get ya?" The over preppy blonde behind the counter ask.

"Good morning, uh.. Can I get a," I narrow my eyes at the menu above her head, "A black coffee with a shot or expresso and four sugars." I look around the empty shop as she types in my order and leaves to make it. I lean over in the counter and put my head down. I stand there like that for a minute and I hear the door chime and boots hitting the floor. I stand up and look behind me.

A guy walks in dressed in black combat boots, black skinny jeans with holes in them and a grey hoodie with a leather jacket over it. I look at his face, his jaw is sharp and his eyes are hazel. His eyebrows are bushy and his hair is short on the sides and fuller in the middle. He looks good.

The preppy blonde returns nd hands me my drink. "That'll be $5.79." I grab a banana and add it to my order, "ok with that it'll be $6.79." I reach in my wallet and hand her my card. She turns her attention to the mystery boy standing next to me.

"Morning Zayn, you want your usual?" She swipes my card and hands me the key pad to type my numbers in.

"Yeah, but instead of an apple turnover can I get a buttered croissant." She nods and types his order in. I take a sip of my coffee and it taste so good.

"That'll be $7.13." Zayn begins to dig in his pocket.

"I got it." I hand the blondie my card again.

"No, you dont have to." He takes out a 10 dollar bill.

"No, I swear it's all good. Maybe it'll bring me good karma." Zayn puts the money back in his wallet.

"Thanks," I grab my coffee and banana and walk out after taking my card. I get into my Jeep and turn it on. Zayn walks out a few minutes later and walks up to the skate shop next door and unlocks to the door. I put my seat belt on a drive off to the gym.

Hi... So I wanted to make a Ziam book because Ziam is fine af.. I'm typing this on my phone so there's probably going to be some mistakes.

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