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It's been two weeks since Zayn and Liam's first time with each other, you can say that they both enojoyed it. In fact they enjoyed it so much that they decided to become friends with benefits.

Some days Liam would bring Zayn lunch and sometimes Zayn would buy Liam's breakfast. They went on regular dinner dates that ended up with them in Liam's bed naked and panting.

Tonight was Liam's final game of the season. He invited Harry, Niall and of course Zayn to come and watch the game on the field.

Right now the rio were getting dressed. Liam gave Zayn one of his jersey's to wear to the match so Zayn was wearing Liam's jersey, black skinny jeans, black boots and a black jean jacket.

"I can't believe I'm going to the championship game and I'm gonna be right on the field! Can you believe that! I'm just a little boy from Holmes Chapel and now I'm hanging out with football stars!" Harry was so haopy when Liam invited them to the match. Harry jumped into Liam's arms and kissed his face a dozen times.

"Yeah, me too." Niall was pretty excited to. Liam told them that they could drink all the beer they wanted and it be free and that he'd get his driver to take us there and home. "I'm gonna order a gallon of beer! Oh I cant wait! Zayn thank you for dating Liam." Niall hugged his best friend before putting a shirt on.

"For the last time, we're not dating. We're just casual friends!" Zayn threw his arms in the air in fusturation.

"Yeah, casual friends that buy each other breakfast, lunch and go on dinner dates. Oh, and lets not forget the casual fųck." Harry was laughing at the time Zayn and Liam did it hat their house.

"Shut uo Harry. At least I get laid." Harry put uo his hands in defense.

"Hey! Louis and I did it."

"Yeah, once." Harry walked out of the room to go get dressed.

Zayn followed behind him and sat on the couch. After a couple of minutes Niall came out his room wearing a black button up white shirt, black jeans and black vans. Niall grabbed a random sweatshirt and sat down next to Zayn.

"Harry hurry uo before the driver comes!" Niall yelled from the couch.

"Beauty takes time! You would know if you took time in your appearance! Maybe you'd have a girlfriend!" Harry yelled from his room causing Niall to roll his eyes.

"I'm perfectly fine being single plus all of us are single!" Harry walked out his room wearing black skinny jeans, a black and white button down and a black windbreaker on. "Well you don't look good."

"Wait, are you serious! Louis is gonna see me." Harry startes pulling on his hair while looking at Zayn.

"You look fine. Come on, the driver just texted me." Zayn puts his jean jacket and grabs his keys. All the guys pile out the house after him.

"The driver, I feel rich!" Niall exclaimed when the driver opened the back door for us.

"It's not even our driver its Liam's." Zayn corrected him.

"Well, its our driver tonight. Are you going to Liam's tonight?" Harry piped in.

"I don't know. I might have to go into the shop early tomorrow depending on when Louis wants his boards." Zayn shrugged as he buckled into his seat.


The boys pulled up to the back enterance of the stadium where Liam was playing. The driver opened the door and two security guards met them to lead them to the locker room.

"We're going to the locker room?" Niall was shocked. He was going to meet all the players of his favourite team. "Thanks Zayn."

"I didn't even do anything."  Harry shook his head.

"You're sucking his dïck." Harry whispered to Zayn.

"Ok and? What does that have to do with anything plus its casual." The way Harry and Niall talked to Zayn made him feel like a sugar baby and Liam was his daddy.

"Mhmm." They had reached the locker and walked in. The reporters and everyone but the players and coaches left. Niall took out his phone and immediately started taking pictures and videos. Harry went around getting autographs and then he flirted with Louis. Zayn walked over to Liam.

"Hey Zayn! Hey everyone meet Zayn and his friends!" The players waved back and returned to what they were doing. They all talked for a few minutes before the bodyguard lead them on the field. 

"Good luck!" Zayn called when leaving the locker room. 


There were only 2 minutes left on the clock. The stadium was booming with cheers. Liam face was dripping with sweat. Liam was dribblinv the ball when a player from the other team tackled him. The referee blew his whislte.

"That cheat!" Niall yelled while spilling some of his beer. Niall started nibbling on his Nialls when Liam went up for his penalty kick. Zayn say Liam's slight limp.

"If that was Louis, I'd run on the field and kick the player in the knees and punch his throat!" Harry yelled to Zayn. The sercurity heard Harry's words and stood close to Harry. "I'm kidding! Maybe.." Harry yelled at the sercurity guards and whispered the last part to Zayn.

"It's not that serious. It's just a game." Zayn crossed his legs over one another as he watched Liam set up to kick.

"Go Liam!" Zayn shouted. The stadium went almost dead silent. Zayn put his hands over his hand over his eyes. After a few seconds a buzzer went off and the crowd started screaming again. Niall was hollering while jumping on Harry's back.

"Yess!!" Zayn jumped up when he opened his eyes and saw that Liam scored. Niall threw his hands up and bis beer spilt everywhere, especially on Harry.

Zayn cheered as the last minute and a half went. They managed to not let the other team score.

The trio ran on the field as confetti fell from the ceiling and the players huddled up. Two players took the cooler of powerade and threw it on the coaches back. The interviewers and cameras ran on the field. The team hosted Liam and their winning trophy up.

Fireworks flew up in the sky. Liam hoped off the players shoulders and hugged Zayn. Liam started walking towards the locker room with his team. They had a press conference and then they could leave.

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