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Liam passed the ball to Louis, Louis dribbled the ball all the way down the field with the help of Liam blocking. Louis was right in front of the net when he kicked it in. The crowd started cheering. Liam hugged Louis and high fived him.

The ball went to the other team. Liam ran right on the other teams player who had the ball, as the player he was chasing tried to pass the balk to another player. Louis ran up and stole the ball.

The stadium rumbled. Number 6 from the other team pushed Louis down on the ground making the referee blow his whistle.

Medics ran out as Louis laid on his back on the field. Liam stood in the middle of the field watching his best mate Louis get help.

After a couple minutes a medic helps Louis stand. Louis walks over to a referre and gets the ball for his penalty kick. Louis lines the ball up and kicks it. The goalie goes to stop the ball but the ball flys past him. Louis throws his hands up in the air after the ball hits the net. The crowd cheers. Louis runs with a little limp over to his team and he recieves a bunch of high fives. 

The coach benches Louis for the rest of the game, so Louis won't further injure himself. Liam and his team score two more points making a total of five and the other teams scores three points. Fire crackers shoot in the air showing that the game has ended and that Liam's team one.

The team works together to pick up their coahes. The Camera men run out on the field capturing their celebration. Some other cameras go over to the losing team and starts throwing questions at the coaches and players as they head towards their locker room.


Zayn was boerd watching the game. That was until a player tackled Louis and Harry started cursing like a mad man. "What the hell man! He deserves 100 penalty kicks! I swear if I ever meet him I'll kick his ass!" Harry turns to his mates Niall and Zyan. "I swear I'll kick his ass!" Niall and Zayn nod even though they're ready to laugh in Harry's face.

"Yeah mate you'll kick his ass!" Niall nods his head agreeing with Harry while laughing. Harry puts a stern look on his face.

"I swear I will! Niall I'll even kick your's." Niall stops laughing and puts on a straight face causing Zayn to start laughing.

"Don't get so ahead of yourself Zayn." Zayn playfully rolled his eyes at Harry. Zayn began drinking his water since he finished his beer, Niall was on his third pint and Harry was on his second.

Harry turned his attention back to the screen seeing that Louis was sitting down. "My poor baby! I swear wait til I see him." Niall patted Harry's shoulder.

"Yeah we get. You'll open a can of whoop ass." Zayn laughed at his two mates.

Zayn, Niall and Harry had been friends since Harry and Niall went to Uni. They found Zayn because they were looking for a place to live and Zayn needed roommates to help pay the bills.

Zayn only went to Uni for two years and it was to get his business degree. He barely passed his classes so he never went back for another one.

Niall was getting his degree in Business and Trades. Harry was getting a degree in Arts and Journalism.

Zayn own his own skate shop. It started with him customizing his own boards, then his friends, next he started charging other kids at school to customize their boards and it soread to other school. When he went to Uni he decided to use the little bit of money he saved up to mive to London to buy a small shop and call it his own.

With him buying the shop he needed roommates then Niall and Harry aplied.

Zayn watched two guys sitting at the bar each wearing the oposing team's jersey get into a heated arguement until a bartender slamed a shaker snaping them out if their argument. She started yelling and pointing towards the door and both of the men stopped arguing.

Zayn turned his attention back to the telly watching Liam play. Zayn understood the game, he just thought it was boring to watch. Zayn played fifa with Harry and Niall but always end up getting boerd.

It was the end of the game and Liam's team won. Many of the men and some women in the bar started cheering while other guys threw money  (their bets) on the table and walked out the bar mad. Niall and Harry high fived each other and Zayn watched.

Niall gestured the waitress to our table," Give us two a round and keep them coming!" Niall placed a couole bills on the table and so did Harry.

Zayn watched them get drunk. They kept thriwing back drink Zayn couldn't remember how much they were drinking. Zayn looked at the tv and saw highlights from the game.

He placed his head on the table waiting not so paiently for his friends to stop celebrating. "Come on! Don't be such a prude!" Niall grabbed Zayns head and lifted it up.

"Yeah! Why don't you live a little!" Harry grabbed Zayns arm and started moving them around. Many of the people that were in the bar earlier were no longer there but many still were. Zayn groaned and rolled his eyes.

"One more round for the three of us!" Niall reached over and tapped a waitress shoulder. She walked away and returned with drinks. Niall handed one to Harry then Zayn.

"I can't, remember I'm the driver." Niall frowned at Zayn. Niall grumbled out a fine and he drunk Zayn's drink.

After one more round and another bucket of wings Zayn was putting Niall and Harry in the car.

"No Zaynie! I don't want to go home." Harry fought against Zayn but in his drunken state he punches were weak and clumsy.

"Harry it's passed midnight and you have a class tomorrow afternoon and I have to be at the shop." Zayn buckled them both in, in the back seat then got into the drivers seat and strated the car.

After the 20 minute drive home Harry and Niall fell asleep. Zayn had to wake the up and assit them into the house. He dragged Harry into his room and Niall into his. After putting them both in their own rooms he brought two glasses of water, four advil and two granola bars for each boy. He forced them both to drink a glass of water and take two advil so he wouldn't have to stay home and nurse the two.

It was 2:12am and he had to up at 5am to go to his shop and work on his his project of the past six months.

As soon as Zayn Zayns head hit the pillow he dropped to sleep.

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