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It's been two days since Liam and Zayb last spoke. Zayn was sitting behind his counter finishing Louis' last two boards. He looked up when the bell on the door dinged. He looked up and a delivery man came in holding a vase with a huge flower bouquet.

"Delivery for Zayn Malik." Zayn stood up and took off his face mask.

"That's me but I didn't order anything."

"Seems like someone sent you flowers. Bring in the rest!" Zayn watched as delivery guys walked in and out of his shop with cases and vases of flowers.

Zayn stood there in shock. He crossed his arms until the last one came.  He walked to them and picked up the cards. 

He read all of them.

I'm sorry Zayn-L
Please take me back
I'll do anything

If you want to talk meet me at 237 Staley Lane tonight at 7, dress nice.

Zayn left the cards on the counter and continued his work.


Zayn couldn't belive that he was actually at the address Liam left. He got out of his car and pulled his hackrt closer to him. Flurries fell from the sky as he walked into the building.

When he walked in there was a trail on lit candles and roses. He followed the trailband walked into the room. Fairy lights and candles lit up the room up. There was one table in thw middle of the room. Liam stood in front of the table holding a bouquet of flowers. When Zayn walked in Liam was looking down at his watch.

"I think I have more than enough flowers." Zayn let out a slight chuckle. Liam looked up and smiled.

"Yeah,  I did go a little overboard." Liam scratched his head and handed Zayn the flowers.

"Yes. Very overboard. You probably bought that entire flower shop." Liam pulled out a chair for Zayn and Zayn sat down and placed the flowers on the floor. Liam sat down across from him. They sat in silence before Liam finally spoke up.

"I'm really sorry for the way I made you feel Zayn. If it makes you feel any better I really care for you. I know that we were on friends with benefits but with any type of relationship I have I'm all in. Romance or friendship wise. I just want you to be healthy." Zayn bit his lip as Liam spoke.

"Well, I own a business. I have to make some sacrifices. I prefer to do things myself so, no I don't want your help. When my album is released I don't want you to post about it. I don't want you to post about my store. I wasn't getting places before you came along and I'll continue to do it rhe old fashion way." Zayn spoke slowly and low. Liam nodded.

"Well if you need any help, just ask and I will kindly do anything." Liam placed his hand on the table and Zayn reached and grabbed his hands.

"Thanks but no thanks." Zayn smiled.

"Can you bring us our food and the drinks." A waiter came down the hall with one big tray and another followed him with a bucket and two glasses. They set the things down and one waiter pulled the lid off the food.

"Pizza?" Zayn laughed grabbing a plate.

"Green peppers, onions, sausage and garlic pizza for Guilios. Your favorite."

"How did you- Harry and Niall?" Zayn broke apart a slice and folded it taking a bite.

"Yeah, those two are something else. They even gave me your favorite album and soda. Here." Liam filled Zayn's cup up with Root Beer.

"Yeah, gotta love them." Zayn and Liam clinked their glasses and started eating.

They stayed there for 4 hours eating pizza, talking, dancing and kissing. They were beginning to get tierd and started cleaning there mess. As they were about to leave Liam looked out the window of the building and saw the streets were piled high with snow.

"I think it might not be safe to leave. Look." Zayn looked up and saw that his car was completely covered in snow.

"What are we going to do?" Liam thought for a moment and then he remembered.

"There's a hotel just around the corner."

"How long will it take to get there. My shoes are pretty expensiveand I don't have the money to be wasting it." Liam put his coat on.

"Piggy back ride?" Zayn shrugged his shoulders and put on his coat.

"Fine." They blew out all the candles and walked to the front door. Liam stopped and Zayn grabbed his shoulders and jumped on his back. Liam let out a huff and ran into the snow. "Be careful!" Liam slowed down a little but still moved fast. The snow made Zayn's hair go flat.

After the 8 minutes it took to get to the hotel Liam and Zayn's hair was completely soaked. When they enetered the lobby Liam put Zayn back down on the ground. They walked up to the front desk.

"Can I get on room?" Liam pulled out his wallet.

"The only room available is the penthouse suite." The middle aged woman looked up at Liam.

"That's fine."

"How long are you staying?"

"Umm, I don't really know."

"Well pay for one day and tomorrow you can figure it out." Liam handed the woman his card and id. "Here's you key. Press the penthouse button and slide your key in." Liam grabbed the key and took Zayn to the elevator.

They rode up to the room in silence. The doors opend to a huge space. Zayn stepped out and looked to the left. There was a full kitchen that lead off to a dining room. He turned his head to the right and there was a full livingroom. He looked forward and saw a balcony and a short hallway.

"This is cool." Zayn threw his coat on the couch and went straight to the kitchen. Liam took off his coat and followed behind him. Zayn opened there fridge. "It's fully stocked?" He grabbed a soda and walking into the livingroom and ploped down on one of the couches. He grabbed the remote and flicked on the tv. The news channel popped up.

Liam sat next to Zayn on the couch and pulled off there shoes. Liam took one of Zayn's hands and started massaging it. "That feels really nice. My hands have been so crampy lately." Liam hummed and kept moving his fingers along Zayn's hand.


Zayn stirred in his sleep. The room was light. He opened his eyes and was immediately blinded by the snow. His eyes finally adjusted to the large window in the bedroom. London was covered in snow and yet the flurries still fell from the sky. He could hear the wind whriling around. Liam had his arms wrapped around his bate torso.

They ended up falling asleep in there boxers. He remembered right before him falling asleep Liam asking him to be his boyfriend. Zayn tangled his fingers in Liam's hair. Liam eyes slowly opened up.

"Good morning boyfriend." Liam kissed Zayn's cheek.

"Good morning teady bear." Liam rolled his eyes and pulled Zayn closer. "My big strong cuddley teady bear." Zayn playfully kissed Liam's nose.

"Wanna order room service. I'm hungry."

"Isn't there food in the fridge?"

"Snacks and stuff."

"Ok let's order room service." Liam reached over to the bed side table and picked up the phone and dialed room service.

"Can I get the big english breakfast. With two coffees. Bring cream and sugar." Liam ordered their food and hung uo the phone.

"I take it you stayed here before?" Zayn pulled the cover further up his body.

"Yeah, I had to live here for almost two months with Louis when we first got on the football team."

The two laid in bed for twenty minutes waiting on their food. When the food came Zayn put on Liam's shirt from the night before and Liam put on his undershirt. Zayn answered the door while Liam waited in the room. Zayn gave the guy a tip and took the cart.

They two spent there day in the hotel bed watching the snow fall and old movies.

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