Chapter Six

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Ratchet insisted that they use his bed for the night. Optimus was too tired to really argue but protested a little anyway. Elita said she felt bad for taking over his home. The doctor just gave them a blank look and flopped on the couch. He told them they could discuss it in the morning and waved them off. Optimus smiled a little and they went to bed.

Later that night, the doctor felt something pat his arm. He ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.

"Uncle Ratchet?" A little voice whispered. He sighed and opened his eyes to see the youngest holding his bear as he stood next to the couch.

"What?" He asked a little harsher than he intended. Bumblebee looked at him with his big blue eyes and sniffed sadly.

"I'm scared." He whispered quietly as he hugged the bear. The man rubbed his face and grumbled.

"You're always scared." Ratchet growled in annoyance and instantly regretted it. The little boy bit his lip and stared at his toes in shame.

"I know.... I wish I was brave.... like daddy." he whispered almost to quiet to hear. The doctor finally sat up and gently grabbed his little shoulders. He saw a few tears roll down the boys face and he sniffed a little.

"Why haven't you gone to wake your parents?" He whispered out of curiosity.

"I tried..... but they're too tired to wake up." Bumblebee said, he hugged the bear closer and buried his face in it. The doctor sighed quietly and looked at him for a moment.

"Alright..." he whispered and laid down again. "You can stay for a minute." Bumblebee only nodded and curled up next to him on the couch. "But only a minute." The boy nodded quietly.


Optimus slowly walked into the living room. They needed to discuss things before he had to leave. He stopped and smiled slightly as he looked at his friend. Elita stopped by him and grinned. Ratchet was still laying on the couch while Bumblebee slept on his chest. The doctor had a hand on the boys back to keep him from falling. He opened his eyes when he heard them enter the room. He saw them both smiling and furrowed his brow. The doctor looked down and saw the boy sleeping on him.

"Oh..." he said slightly confused. "I told him only a minute." He muttered.

"Do you want me to move him?" Elita asked quietly. Ratchet stared at the boy as he thought about it.

"No...." he whispered remembering he hadn't been too kind last night.

"I'll move him in a minute." He muttered as he stroked the boys blonde hair. Elita smiled and walked to the kitchen.

"Help yourself to anything in there." Ratchet said not wanting her to feel bad about taking over his house.

Optimus smiled a little and went to help his wife. The doctor smiled ever so slightly as he looked at the boy and rubbed his back. He closed his eyes and sighed slowly as he thought for a moment.

A few minutes later he felt little hands grab his shirt and pull. He opened his eyes to see red hair as Smokescreen tried to pull himself up. Bumblebee stired and opened his eyes. He saw his brother and figured it was time to play now. Ratchet felt himself sliding off the couch as Smokescreen pulled on him. Bumblebee pushed off the side of the couch with his feet, in an attempt to launch himself towards his brother.

"No wait!" Ratchet grabbed them both as he slipped off. Optimus looked towards the couch when he heard the thud. He only saw his friends foot and he walked over.

"You rascals." Ratchet muttered as he lay on the floor and stared up at the ceiling. The two boys giggled as they dog piled their uncle. The doctor grunted as the wind was knocked out of him. Optimus chuckled softly as he watched.

"Dog pile!!" Arcee yelled as she ran in. Ratchet was about to protest when she jumped on. He grunted again as the wind left him for the second time. The doctor tried getting them off, but they thought he was playing. He looked up at his friend and furrowed his brow.

"Aren't you going to help me?" He asked as he tried pushing them off again. Optimus smiled slightly and shrugged a little before walking off.

"Optimus!" Ratchet called after him. The kids started tickling the doctor and he tried to get up. He ended up scooting along the floor on his back as he tried to get away.

"Uncle Ratchets ticklish!" Arcee squealed with delight. Bulkhead came in and helped his siblings.

"No I'm not!" He snapped back. He managed to get them off and stumbled to his feet. The children giggled as they tried to tickle him some more.

"Alright kids that's enough." Elita said. She shot Optimus a look, he had been watching the whole time and chuckling quietly. The kids moaned and went to sit down at the breakfast bar. Ratchet brushed off his clothes and straightened them the best he could.

"Thanks for the rescue." Ratchet growled sarcastically as he passed his friend. Optimus simply smiled a little and chuckled again.

They ate breakfast and discussed where they should stay until the house was repaired. Elita thanked Ratchet for letting them stay, but told him they didn't want to impose. He simply shrugged and said he knew what to do.

"The owner of the building owes me a favor." He muttered. "There's an empty apartment down the hall, I could rent it out until you get settled again." He said and sipped his drink.

"Ratchet, we couldn't ask-"

"Ep ep ep! You asked for help, and this is me helping." He mumbled. Optimus smiled a little at his friend.

They discussed what needed to happen next and how they would do it. The kids got bored and wandered off. A few minutes later, Arcee quietly snuck into the room. She saw Ratchet sitting at the breakfast bar as he continued to talk to her parents. She snuck up behind him and smiled mischievously. The girl poked him in the side and he jumped. His eyes wide in surprise at the sudden jab. He whipped around and she giggled as he glared at her.

"Don't-" she poked him again. "Arcee I'm warning you. Stop-" she poked him and he jumped. He growled and picked her up. She squealed as he flung her over his shoulder and walked out of the kitchen.

"Put me down!" She protested.

"No." He muttered. She tried tickling him again and he squirmed. He opened a door and put her on the top shelf of the linen closest. She giggled with delight as he closed the door and leaned against it.

"That'll teach you." He growled as he folded his arms and glanced at the door.

"Ratchet don't leave her in there." Elita said as she shot her husband a look. He was chuckling quietly as he hugged his wife from behind.

"Don't worry he won't." Optimus said as he kissed her cheek.

"Oh ya we're just playing." Ratchet said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

After a moment the closest was quiet and the doctor waited before opening it. He frowned when he didn't see her. He turned around to talk to the other two and he heard a battle cry. Ratchet grunted as Arcee jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. She locked her legs around his waist and held on. He sighed and face palmed. She giggled again and kissed his cheek, his eyes widened in surprise.

"I love you Uncle Ratchet." She said and he looked at the ground as he blushed with embarrassment. Optimus and Elita smiled at each other then at the other two.

Transformers Prime AU (Book 1) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now