Chapter Thirty Six

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Optimus walked down the hall of the hospital and looked for his daughter. His heart had stopped when Arcee called him. She had told him Cliffjumper had been shot by Starscream and died. Optimus had gone to the hospital to find her, wondering if she was hurt as well. As he ran he couldn't help but feel angry towards the con. Cliff had talked with him and expressed his feelings for his daughter.

Optimus found her sitting in a chair hugging herself. The young woman looked up when she saw him, and ran to her father. Optimus hugged her tightly as she cried, and for a moment, he was taken back to when she was a little girl.

"It's alright." He whispered gently. "I've got you." He felt her relax a little even though she was still crying. He could tell that she had loved the young man.

"Are you hurt?" He asked quietly. She shook her head as she held on to him and cried.

He carefully helped her sit down and took the seat next to her. He knew he needed to take her home. When she calmed down he looked at her and wiped a few tears away. He was about to say something when Ratchet walked over.

"We managed to stabilize him for the time being." He muttered and watched as Arcees eyes widened.

"He's... he's alive." She barely whispered. The doctor smiled slightly and nodded a little.

"At the moment, yes. We still have to do some surgery, but right now he is." He said and they could tell he wasn't sure if the man would make it. Arcee thanked him and hugged her father tightly as she sobbed again. Cliff was alive but they weren't sure for how long. It was a bitter sweet moment.


A few hours passed as Arcee sat in the waiting room, and tried not to think about the worst case scenario. Optimus had left to talk with the doctors and ask about the young man's progress.

Arcee didn't know if Cliff was going to make it or not. She sighed forcefully and buried her face in her hands. She didn't want to be here, and walked outside for a moment. Maybe if she just went for a ride. She rubbed her face as she walked to her motorcycle.

"Hello beautiful." A small voice whispered quietly. She furrowed her brow and looked towards the voice. She saw a small boy, about seven or eight, sitting on her motorcycle. "Where have you been all my life?" He said as he sat on it and tried to reach the pedals. Arcee couldn't help but smile as she walked over. She folded her arms and gave him a serious look.

"What do you think you're doing on my bike?" She asked. He looked at her and then at the motorcycle.

"It's really pretty. I didn't hurt it." He muttered and looked down realizing he was in trouble now.

"Wheres your parents... um..." she trailed off not knowing his name.

"I'm Jack." He said as he smiled. "My mom's inside... she's a nurse." He muttered and carefully got off the bike. She watched him as he walked over to her. He looked up at her and then at his shoes.

"I promise I didn't hurt it." He whispered quietly and shuffled his feet. Arcee stared at him for a few minutes then looked to the door.

"Come on let's go find your mom. I'm sure she's worried about you." She said quietly and guided him inside. "You probably shouldn't be wandering around anyway." She said seriously.

"Why not?" He asked as they went to the receptionist desk. Arcee asked the lady if she knew the boy and the woman said she did. She then called for his mother. Arcee thanked her and they went to the waiting room.

"Why not?" He asked again a little irritated she hadn't answered his question.

"Oh... um because of... bad guys who... hurt people." She muttered unsure how to explain it to him. He frowned and sat by her as he waited.

Transformers Prime AU (Book 1) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now