Chapter Thirty Four

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Bumblebee was listening to music as he rode on his skateboard. He weaved in and out of people as he nodded to the beat. Work had been frustrating and he just wanted a break from the craziness. He missed his brother and was grateful they had heard from him. Optimus had been worried sick about him, and was relieved when he found out he would be coming back home soon.

Bumblebee tried humming to himself again and shrugged when no sound came out. He took his iPod out of his pocket and thumbed for a certain song. He smiled slightly as he found his favorite song. It was good to take a break at times.

The device was suddenly ripped out of his hand, he looked up as Knockout laughed and waved it in the air before speeding off on his own skateboard. Bumblebee glared and went faster to catch up. He moved around people and rode on the rails as he chased the other young man. Knockout laughed mischievously as he smiled cockily and waved the iPod again. He loved to tease him. He turned sharply and skated towards the park. Bumblebee grabbed a light pole and used it to whip around the sharp turn. He went faster and crouched down as he gained speed.

"AAH!!! WHOA!!" Knockout yelled as he swerved to avoid some children running around.

Bumblebees eyes widened and he turned to sharp. His board shot out from under him and he fell off. He hit the pavement and rubbed his head as he watched Knockout ride away. He glared as he realized he lost another iPod to him.

He felt a small pain in his back where he landed, and realized he had landed on something. He looked behind him and saw a smashed toy car. Bee looked up and saw a small boy with glasses, he was sitting in the grass staring at him as he held a remote control. Bumblebee looked at the car again then back at the boy.

*Sorry about that...* he signed as he smiled nervously. The small boy smiled a little.

"No problem... really." He said as he straightened his glasses and smiled a little. Bumblebee slowly lowered his hands as his eyes widened. The boy understood him.

After a moment he picked up the car and walked over to him hesitantly. He wasn't in uniform but he had a shirt on to indicate he was a cop. He sat in front of the boy and handed him the smashed car.

*You... can understand me?* He signed hesitantly. The boy looked at him and smiled as he nodded. Bumblebee smiled slightly and looked at the car.

*I'm really sorry about breaking your toy. I'll replace it for you.* he signed and rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"That's okay, I don't mind." He said as he smiled. "I'm Rafael, but you can call me Raf." He said quietly and fiddled with his toy.

Bumblebee smiled a little more and looked around for the boys mother. He furrowed his brow a little as he realized something. This probably looked bad. But he couldn't leave the boy by himself. Raf noticed his expression changed.

"Don't worry I trust you. You're a cop and my mom is over there with my brothers and sisters." He muttered and pointed to them. Bumblebee looked and saw a woman trying to control a bunch of rowdy children, then looked at Raf again. He seemed to be a smart little boy.

*I'm Bumblebee. If you don't mind me asking... how old are you?* He signed. The boy smiled and shook his head indicating he didn't mind. He held up four fingers and grinned. Bumblebee smiled and looked back at the mother. He wondered if the boy just wanted someone to pay attention to him.

*You're really smart for your age.* he signed as he grinned. The boy smiled more and looked at the man sitting in front of him.

"Will you be my friend?" He asked quietly as if he was afraid to ask. Bumblebee stared at him for a moment and brought his hands up to answer.

"Rafael Jorge Gonzales Esquivel!" They jumped and looked at his mother as she walked over. "What did I tell you about talking to strangers?" She asked as she glared at Bumblebee.

"Don't worry mom, he's a cop." Raf grinned happily as he looked at Bee. His mother looked at the man and he smiled nervously. "Come on Rafael, it's time to go home." She said and picked him up.

"Bye Bumblebee! I hope to see you again!" He said as he grinned and waved happily. Bumblebee smiled and waved a little. He figured he probably wouldn't see him again. But maybe that was for the best.


A few days later, he and Jazz went to talk to some kids at school. They were teaching them about something. He wasn't sure, he didn't pay attention. Jazz was his partner and his childhood friend. Some of the people considered them the misfit team, because he couldn't speak and Jazz had ADHD.

Some of the officers didn't want either one as a partner because of their, handicap. Though the two of them made one of the best teams on the force. Jazz did most of the talking which Bee didn't mind. The two joked that Bumblebee was the silent bad cop, and Jazz was the hyper good cop.

They got to the school and Jazz gave the lecture as Bumblebee stood there and played the bad cop. The two young men found it funny. They didn't know why Chief Burns sent them to these things. Afterwards they were walking down the hall to the entrance and passed the kindergarten kids as they walked back to class.

"Bumblebee!!" A small voice yelled. The two officers turned to see a little boy with spiky brown hair running to them. He hugged Bumblebee tightly.

"Should I tase him?" Jazz whispered so only he could hear. Bee gave him a nasty look before crouching to the boys level. The boy hugged him tightly around the neck.

"I told you I'd see you again Bee." He said quietly and smiled brightly at him. "Because friends always find each other again." He grinned.

Bumblebee stared at him for a moment then smiled. He realized he never answered the boys question at the park. He thought for a moment as he thought of when they first met. He still owed him a new car.

*You're right Raf. Friends always find each other again.* he signed and took off his cap. He smiled and set it on the boys head. Raf's eyes widened and he grinned.

"I can't... keep it." He muttered and took it off. Bumblebee chuckled silently and put it back on.

*Yes you can Raf. I'm giving it to you.* he signed as he grinned crookedly. The boy smiled again and hugged him tightly around the neck.

"You'll always be my best friend." He said quietly as he hugged him tighter.

Bumblebee stared at nothing in particular as the boys words went through his mind. He'd never really had friends growing up. This small boy was probably struggling with the same thing. He smiled kindly and hugged him gently. He closed his eyes as he smiled more. He felt the need to protect him and remain his friend. He didn't know why, and he didn't care.

Transformers Prime AU (Book 1) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now