Chapter 9

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Shoutout to Daijahh123 for getting closest to the answer. (It was acually the carnival) but ya still got closest tho :).
And a couple of announcements: as you can see, i havent been updating on a regular but ima try to do it at least 1-3 times a week (depending on if i have time) the only reason is because i wanna make sure they are long enough to be worth the read. plus ive been going back and checking all my chapters, even for the last book, and ive noticed that my writing isnt as good as i want it to be. i feel like im rushing it and not giving y'all enough detail about whats going on. buuuuuuuuuut anywas heres the chapter

*Excuse any mistakes (btw idk what the dates are for the chapters because i always forget so if the day isnt whatever day its sopposed to be then oh well)

::Sunday March 15, 2013
::8:46 PM::

::Payten POV::
::Location: UNKNOWN::

I waited

And waited

And waited. The longer we waited in the hot nevada deserts, the more my patience ran low. We ended up strande in the middle of nowhere because the car ran out of gas and jacob decided to walk to a gas station about 3 miles away. Rayan was loosing more blood, and craig and I were starving considering i havent eaten in days.

"He answer yet?" I said referring to the 10th time craig had called Chresanto.

"Nope...damn" he muttered under his breath. I dont know what happend but I was starting to get worried. Just when i was about to give up all hope , jacob ran up with enough gas for the rest of the way. We had been driving all day and i didnt even know how ray was still holding on to be honest.

"Oh my God!" I said running up to jacob. I hugged him tight being glad he didnt die.

"I managed to get us some food and water" he said tossing me and craig some water and fruit.

"I feel like a illegal immigrant trying to cross the border!" I said sitting in the backseat. Beside Rayan.

Once we were done we acually got rayan to eat and drink helpin him sit up.

"I'll drive this time" craig said getting in the drivers seat. Jacob followed sitting in the passengars seat. As soon as we were about to start driving I looked out the window and saw two figures standing in the distance


"Did you do it?"


::Roc Pov::

I was starting to loose my mind.

Nobody was answering their phone and Lacey was starting to ask for her Payten.

"Bro, itsgonna be okay" Daniel said. He knew somethig was wrong too.
"Babe are we gonna sit here and wait for this bitch all night?" Gianna said annoyed.

"Im not your man okay! And if you dont wanna help find them then you can go." I said yelling in her face making her back up a bit

"Fine i-" she was interrupted by her phone going off. She lolked at it thenthe expression on her face changed to a smirk.

"'I'll be right back" she said before walking out the front door"

::Payten POV::

We pulled up to my house and we all jumped out running to the door. I had no time to get out my key before chresanto opened the door.

"Where the hell were you?!" He said hugging me tightly.
"We were stranded and didnt have a signal." I said hugging back.

"They just got What?......what you mean it was the wrong one?.......ugh.........alright....."

Was all I heard before the bushes started moving and the mysterious person ran away. I'll admit I was scared but I WAS stranded in the desert all day. Maybe it was my mind playing me. Or was it that somebody was ACUALLY after us. Again..

This is jut a filler soooooooo yeah. Drama is coming up dont worry but how was this chapter.?

And just a little "spoiler", somebody WILL die in the next couple chapters. ;)

Shoutout questions

Who died first.?

Paytens mom or her dad.?

Which dad died first?

Paytens stepdad or her real dad (Darnell)

Why did roc and payten 'break up' the night they went to the club.?

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