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What's your name?
Does it matter?
Have you melted down aspects of yourself yet
Just because society tells you that's what's "politically correct"?
Please be yourself the way we want you to be
Because if you're gay, trans or any other minority
We'll be certain to push you to endless tortures
But god forbid you die in fight
Because then, with your blood on our hands, we'll say that you deserved that end
Or even worse, we'll label you with a hashtag and throw your death in the pile of the ones that claimed their rights

What's your name?
Does it matter?
Today I'm a human but tomorrow I'll be a hashtag
My name, you'll see it everywhere for about a week
Because that's the time it takes for people to not care
Or for them to be able to murder someone else
Because apparently the attention span of this society doesn't extend much longer
Unless you shout that "black lives matter!"
Because to them "All lives matter!" except for the ones they murder on a daily basis

What's your name?
Does it matter?
Im a feminist in disguise
Unaware of how to spread the message of equality
Because to anyone that listens to me
"Pay us the same" becomes "Don't shave your legs"
And "Don't change yourself" is heard as "Hate all men"
Do you label yourself a meninist to erase the non existing decades of inequality your sex has faced?
Or do you just do it because you're too narrow minded to accept a simple change?
I'm sorry, has my speaking out offended you?
Should I go back to my kitchen and make a meal or two?
Or even to my country,
This is not where I'm supposed to be.

What's your name?
Does it matter?

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