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It was a year ago maybe two,
I felt it crawling in the corners
I hid it away just for you
I held my love like dying embers
In my gut, melting away flesh and bone
Tearing and chewing at the core of my body
At 3 am in agony,
Trying to find what was left of me in this silk,
Pink silk pillows smothered in beer and tobacco ash
Wondering what happened to the silly little kid
That would run around the bedroom
Demanding stories and that hid
Under the bed when vampires and monsters roamed
My lips are chapped
My eye is hungry
My feelings, so distant, are mapped
Into my brain like continents
Anger is capital, love commands
And indecisiveness rules my existence
Mama I can feel it punching my gut
It's visceral, it's forgotten
The language of love has never been spoken.

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