Chapter One

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The last time I was in this office was three weeks ago, but it feels like just yesterday. I stare at Assistant Director Dow's desk, then my eyes wander over to the window with the rain pelting against the glass, an angry looking sky in the distance. My mind drifts to the past three weeks when things went so horribly wrong and left me questioning my place in the Bureau.

AD Dow walks in the door to his office, jostling me out of my unwelcomed thoughts.

He strides over to his desk and turns to me, almost hesitating before he says, "You look well, Agent Tanner. The time off has done you good. The question though is, how do you feel?"

"Sir, the time off has been helpful, but I don't know if I'm quite ready to come back yet. To be honest, I don't know...if I'll be returning." I say hesitantly, looking away from him and down at my hands laying in my lap.

"Do you need more time off? Leaving the Bureau is something I'd like you to consider more fully before you make a final decision." He says, his voice sounding more like a father figure than my superior.

"It's been three weeks sir. I can't tell you right now how much longer I'm going to need." I say.

He pauses for a moment before he says, "Until you do make that decision, would you be open to working on a case that is a little bit of a departure from the normal cases you've worked on? I think the change of scenery will do you good and, it just might help you arrive at a decision regarding the Bureau."

"What's the case about?" I ask, my interest piqued.

"How would you like to pose as a personal assistant to a famous personality?"

"What?" I ask, sitting straight up in my chair.

"There have been a series of serious threats coming from a source or multiple sources, aimed at a performer in a band. I can't think of anyone better to handle this than you Paige. Interested?"

"Depends. What are the details?"

"It's a member of the band One Direction. Are you familiar with them?"

I am sitting here thinking. Seems I do know the name but can't quite place it.

"I'm sure I would if I heard one of their songs." I answer.

"Well, one of the singers, Harry Styles, has received several serious threats. He's pretty well shrugged them off, but his manager, Jeff Azoff thinks they're serious enough to have called us, asking for our assistance, in addition to what the local law enforcement is providing . We thought it warranted our involvement, due to the Federal communications interstate issue."

"By email? That would be easy to check wouldn't it?"

"Normally, yes. But this isn't a normal situation and we're having a hell of a time in pinpointing where it's coming from."

"What part am I supposed to be involved with, again?"

"The part where you get to go to Los Angeles and pose as a personal assistant to Styles."

"With his knowledge of course." I state, but it's almost a question.

"No. His manager wanted to keep this from Mr. Styles. Jeff wants you to pose as the man's personal assistant. That way you'll have constant access to Styles without it seeming out of place that you're always around."

"Okay, I have to admit I'm intrigued but how can I be 'constantly around' this guy? I would have to live wi..."

"Yes, you'd be living in his home with him. Look Azoff has already cleared this with Styles. He is gone quite a bit of the time and he's in need of someone to take care of day to day issues, while residing in his L.A. home. When you travel with him it will appear natural that you would be with him. He does have a bodyguard but you would be a helpful addition with another set of eyes to be on the lookout for anything out of the norm."

He's just looking at me as if I should just grab the offer. I'm speechless. Pick up from my life right now and head to sunny California? I can't do that can I? Can I? Why the hell not?

"Alright. I'll do it. Please just tell me this isn't a spoiled celebrity who's into drugs and wild parties and..."

Dow grins then says, "From what Azoff told me he's a decent fellow. You won't have any trouble with his lifestyle. But you may have trouble with the fans that he's accumulated.

"Okay then, when do I start?"

"According to Azoff, yesterday would have been too soon. Can you get on a flight by morning?"

"Yes sir, I can."

"Azoff will meet you at the airport and will fill you in before you meet with Styles. Let me know when you're settled in."

And with that I'm done in The AD's office. Walked in here just a few minutes ago feeling unsure of myself as an agent, and I'm leaving to head to sunny L.A. How hard can this be?

Unguarded (A Harry Styles short)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now