Chapter Three

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Jeff pulls his car into a private drive tucked back behind a larger home, telling me that Harry recently sold his larger place about six months prior. I have no idea what the other place looked like but this one was actually a cozy little hideaway. An older home that had been lovingly refurbished, by the looks of it. It didn't look like the home of someone rich and famous. I was already impressed.

We hadn't even reached the door when it was pulled open by a very attractive man with short wavy brown hair, wearing skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. Tattoos adorned one of his arms and he had the most gorgeous green eyes I'd ever seen. There was no color in Heaven's palette...did I just say that?.. that could describe them. My eyes ended their journey on the deepest dimples I'd ever seen on a man before, gracing each side of his wide smile.

I have been through car chases, shootouts, stakeouts and even had a gun pointed at me, but strange as it seems, I feel completely out of my depth now, looking at the man who I'll be working for, and for who knows how long.

"Jeff!" Harry calls out, as he runs over and gives him a generous hug.

"Good to see you Haz!" Jeff says back to him, reciprocating his hug. He steps back and says, "Working on that movie did you some good, you look great!"

"Yeah, who knew having a gun twenty-four seven and going into mock battle would help mold this?" Harry says laughing, as he holds up his arms, flexing his muscles.

I sat in wonderment. Jeff was right. Everyone else in the world evidently was right. How did I not know who this man was? I think my mouth is open. He's looking over at me.

"Is this is my new assistant?" Harry asks, looking from Jeff to me.

"I'm sorry Haz, yes this is Paige Tanner." Jeff says, trying to gauge Harry's expression.

"Paige. Nice name. It's nice to meet you." Harry says with a smile that does more for me than a bottle of champagne. The trip is already worth it.

"Hello Mr. Styles." I reply.

"Harry, at the very least, please!" He immediately corrects me, still flashing that smile.

"Harry. It's so nice to meet you." I say, still shaking his hand, then realize that I've not let go. Of course neither has he. I think I'm in trouble here.

"Yes, I thought I'd bring Paige here myself to introduce her to you since she's new to the city. Wanted to make sure she found your place okay." Jeff says, casually.

"Yes, I'm new to the city." I say. My mouth is working but my head isn't. I sound like I'm in a trance and just know I'm making an utter fool of myself.

"Well, we'll just have to show you 'round and make you feel at home, Paige." Harry says, still smiling.

I forcefully tell myself to let go of his hand. When I do, I feel strangely like I've lost a part of myself. Then, Jeff is saying goodbye, and leaves me alone in Harry's company.

Harry invites me inside his house which is decorated in a simple yet elegant style. He shows me around what will be my home for the next little while, commenting that he wants me to feel at ease and to make myself comfortable. He tells me that the only room that is off limits is his bedroom, otherwise I have free reign of the house.

"Just got home a couple of nights ago. Been over in England for the last four months. I'm going to dinner tonight with my mates and I would like it if you'd join us." Harry asks me.

"Well, I-"

"Please don't say no. You said that you were new to the city. Since you'll be working with me I'd really like to introduce you to the people who are important in my life. You'll come?"

How could I refuse that? He was looking at me with those penetrating green eyes that could make a hardened criminal talk. I agreed like it wasn't even a thought to accept or not.

He showed me to the room I would be occupying, It was done in lovely neutral hues and had an attached private bath. I was grateful when he left me alone for a few moments while he answered his cell phone. I sat there on the edge of the bed looking down at my hands that were trembling. These hands, that can steadily hold a glock handgun and shoot point blank at a criminal at fifty yards on target, were now shaking.

I had to calm down. I had to get my perspective, and as hard as it was obviously going to be, I would have to keep myself at an emotional distance. At least as much as possible.

I got settled quickly, telling Harry I had applied for this job from out of state and most of my belongings were in storage so he wasn't surprised that I didn't have much to bring with me.

Dinner with Harry and his friends that night was lively and fun. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard, or enjoyed myself so much. By the time the evening ended I had a better understanding of who Harry the man was, and I felt even more committed to finding out who was sending him the threatening messages.

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