Chapter Two

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As soon as the plane landed I felt energized to begin my new assignment. I had always wondered about the agents who got to work on special cases and now I get to see first hand what it's all about.

Once inside the airport terminal I see a man with a friendly manner about him that I assume to be Mr. Azoff. He puts out his hand to shake mine as I approach him.

"Agent Tanner?"

"Yes, Paige, please. You're Jeff, right?"

"You got it! So glad you're here. If it's alright, I've got reservations at a restaurant. We can have lunch and I can catch you up on what's going on and how we're going to make this work. Sound good?"

"Lead the way."

We head out into the beautiful L.A. weather. September in Los Angeles and the weather is gorgeous! Once inside Jeff's car the windows are immediately put down. I can't get over the beautiful scenery, palm trees and warm California sun!

"Any questions before we get to the restaurant?" He asks me.

"I think the biggest issue for me is that this Harry person-"

"-This Harry person?" Jeff flashes me a surprised look. "You do know who he is right?"

"Well agent Dow explained that he is a member of a band and that-"

"-Wait. You didn't know who he was before you were assigned this case?"

"Should I have been?" I ask, only because everyone seems to be in awe of this person, who to me is simply the person I'm to protect.

Jeff is just smiling at me. Does he think I'm simple-minded because I don't know who this Harry person is? I'm starting to get my feathers ruffled a bit.

"Actually, I think it's great you're not up to speed on the likes of Harry Styles. It's going to give you a bit of an edge as far as the job goes."

"Which job? The personal assistant or me being an agent?"

"Both actually!" He says, once again smiling, and chuckling to himself.

I don't get the joke.


We get to the restaurant. It looks packed but Jeff has reservations so we're seated immediately. I look over the fabulous menu and can't decide what to order, as everything is making my mouth water.

"Would you like a glass of wine with lunch?" Jeff asks me.

I think he's entertained too many Hollywood types and maybe forgot I'm on the job for his client.

"Think I'd better keep my head clear and decline, but thank you." I opt instead for a sparking water.

We order then get down to business.

"Harry doesn't know about this, and I don't want him knowing, because he takes a lot of things on himself. He tries to manage everything and take care of everyone. Usually, it's at his own expense. He's also got a lot on his plate right now. Been filming in England and France and-"

"-Wait. I thought you said that he's in a band?"

"Yes, he has been for the last six years but currently he's been doing a film and he only just got back in the country a few days ago. It was me who suggested he get a personal assistant as he's got some deals coming up that are going to keep him busy. His home sits vacant while he's gone and the premise fits perfectly into a way to keep an eye on things."

"Well, I have to agree with that. It does make it easier." I say, but there's still something troubling me.

"So this Harry guy...I mean, Harry is perfectly okay with someone he's never even met, staying in his house, and basically living with him?" I ask, utterly amazed.

"You haven't met him yet but Harry is a very open and generous guy. He's a very dear friend and he trusts me to know what I'm doing when it comes to his personal space. There are some restrictions, but other than a few things, he'll just want you to make yourself at home there."

"Well, he must be something special, and maybe it comes from working in law enforcement but there's no one I know of who would be open to that kind of situation."

"When you meet him, you'll understand." Jeff says, then gives me another one of those all knowing smiles.

When our delicious meals were brought to the table we discussed how Jeff would introduce me to Harry and what my back story was going to be, as I couldn't say 'FBI agent'. We also agreed there will never be a mention of an 'agent' in our conversations, whether it be Agent Dow or myself. I will would simply mention Uncle Tony, my only contact with the Bureau, on the case from here on out.

"May I ask how old you are?" Jeff asks me, and seems a little awkward in doing so.

"I'm twenty-eight, why?"

"How long have you been with the FBI?" Jeff asks me.

"Just over six years. Total time that is. Is there a problem with that?" I ask.

"No. No problem. It's just that...well not that I've met an FBI agent personally, at least that I know of, it's just that you don't seem to meet the typical description of one."

"Well, I don't know what a typical agent is. As far as my job at the Bureau goes, I sort of fell into it. I've never felt like the job was some kind of calling or anything like that."

"When I told Dow what I proposing to do to to help Harry, he told me he had the perfect agent in mind for the job. I can't say that he was wrong either." Jeff states, looking pleased.

"Why do you say that?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you don't come off as hard nosed government spook. You can fit the part easily of a personal assistant."

I decided to take that comment as a compliment.

We discussed some particulars until we finished our lunch. Zero hour was at hand to meet my future employer. It was the first time since accepting the case...oh, have to watch that, the 'job' that I felt slightly uneasy.

The drive over to Harry's was an added bonus in sightseeing. However, lurking in the back of my mind was a slight doubt, wishing that I could feel as confident as Jeff seemed to be that this whole thing was going to go over well when all was said and done. I kept thinking that Harry should be told about what was going on.

Unguarded (A Harry Styles short)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now