My Last Normal Day

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I went back to the orphanage and got ready for school. I got my old and moldy textbook and put it in my backpack that is falling apart. I walked out of the building and walked along the side of the cracked road. In this town, the school is almost as bad as the orphanage. The government doesn't fund it because it sees no point to it because no one evens goes there because its a waste of money. But, they allow one student to take a test and if the test score is high enough, they pay everything for you. And, to no one's surprise, I passed it with a perfect score. 

The school was an old gray color and quite small. Yet again, there weren't many kids here, and even less who actually came to school. 

I just need to walk one more street until I get there. Everyone else who lives at the orphanage are probably at "work". All they do is rob the poor people who live here and use the money to pay for rent and party in the rich city. They are horrible. 

But what was even more weird was that homeless guy. He must be sick or something because he was weird. 

I turn a corner and see the school in the distance. I stop. 

There is a bulldozer next to the school and a wrecking ball held ready to be dropped down. The construction workers with bright orange vests start the machines and there is a blast of ear-splitting noise. I start walking towards the school, slowly at first but after I see that they are about to destroy it I start walking faster. I start running, which doesn't help at all since I can't run very fast. As expected, I don't get there in time and the school is demolished to pieces. I suddenly get a feeling I'm all too familiar with. I reach up to my face and touch my face. It's wet. Tears stream down my face. The quiet kind and calmly. I can't do anything about what's happening. Suddenly I feel something I've never felt before. It starts as a prick within me but intensifies within seconds.

I feel a burning in my chest. I run into the nearest alley. I think I might puke. The burning intensifies and spreads across my whole body. My vision goes blurry and finally, black. I stumble in the sudden darkness and I hear my glasses fall and break into a million pieces of glass. I was not unconscious, just blind. After a few minutes, my vision comes back. 

"What was that?" I say to myself as I hold my head because of the oncoming head ache.

"A sign." Someone near by growls.

"Who was that?!" I say startled. I move away from where I heard the voice.

"You," It stated like I was the dumbest person alive. "and I thought I used to be smart." He said to himself in a mumble loud enough for me to hear.

"How are you me?!" I asked the voice that seemed to be following me.

"Would you stop moving away, it won't work. It's just like trying to out run your shadow."

My heartbeat was going crazy. I have to calm down. I started hyperventilating against my wishes for a few minutes but eventually calmed down enough to look around. I was still in the alley but it was evening already. 

"When your vision went away, time passed real quick."

"How are you ME?"

The voice sighed and said, "I'm you but like, the more powerful you."

"Is that even possible?"

"Not for a human but for you, yeah." 

I wrinkled my forehead in confusion. "But I am human, aren't I?

"Ha, you're the complete opposite. Well anyway, I've talked to you too much. I just came to tell you that you need to get to the forest on the outskirts of the town and.....yeah, that's pretty much it. Everything will work out by itself from there."

"WAIT!!!" The voice was gone. That was my imagination right. The sun was setting but there was still a bit of light coming from its general direction. That could not have just happened. I stood up unsteadily knocking over a trashcan in the process. I started walking back towards home. Suddenly I stopped. I don't have a home. My birthday would be in 2 weeks but everyone knows that I won't be getting any jobs soon. The only jobs around here are for people with strength and power. 

I start walking without knowing the destination. I unconsciously start walking towards the forest that the voice was talking about. The sun's light is fading away gradually until there is no light at all. Then the moon comes out through the hills and starts crawling its way across the sky. The stars start appearing around the almost full moon.

I eventually come to the outskirts of town and can see the blurred lines of the trees through my blurred vision. I enter the forest and walk for what seems like forever until I eventually walk into the very center of the forest where the trees are so close together that you can't even see the moon's light on the ground in front of you. I have never been this far in the forest, especially at night. I wanted to turn back. The thorns were pricking me and I couldn't see anything ahead of me. But an impulse inside me told me to keep going. I came to a huge bush that was blocking my way. I pushed my way through and tumbled went it gave way. I groaned as I sat up and looked around. My eyes opened wide.

It was a huge clearing with the moon directly overhead now and a bright blue lake in the middle of it all. It was all outlined with a line of trees. Then I remembered what the voice told me. Why had he told me to come here? Was I even in the right place? Did that conversation even HAPPEN???  Why did I even listen to it? 

I looked around and couldn't see much of anything else, only darkness. I sighed and sat crossed-legged on the soft grass. The Darkness.

"I wish I was the darkness." It was so great and covered everything it touched with its cover. Nothing could stop it except light. And there is always one or the other. I closed my eyes and sighed again. I opened them and saw black smoke circling me by my feet and gradually started climbing up my body. I tried getting away but my body wouldn't respond to my pleas. It lasted a few seconds until I was in a dark place.

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