The Delta's Home

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I woke up with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I open my eyes and see a brick ceiling. I stare at it for a while remembering what happened. Was it all a dream? Am I back at the orphanage? I sit up and flinch as I am hit by a sudden head ache. I take a quick look around the room and realize I'm not. I reach up and hold my head as someone says, "You may want to lie down a bit, you're still recovering from your arrival." I jump, startled, and look towards the door warily to my left. 

The man looks to be in his 40's with brown hair in a buzz cut and pale green eyes. His skin is a light tan, probably because of all the time he has spent outside. He's pretty big, about 5'8", or maybe I'm just short. 

He walks slowly towards the bed I'm in and asks, "How are you feeling?" 

"My head hurts." I say in a whisper. He somehow hears me and nods. Wait, he's probably a Werewolf, of course he can hear me! 

"That's normal. It's because of the teleportation you did to get here."


He sighs, "Yes, I forget that you don't know these things." 

He suddenly turns his head toward the door as if he heard something. I look towards the door as well. There is a young boy, about 5 years old hiding behind the door frame looking at me. Well, more like staring because he didn't blink. I probably didn't either because I was staring at his brown and grey ears. They protruded from the top of his head like a tree growing from the ground. 

The man waves him over and tells me, "Miguel, this is Julian, my son." He smiles at him as if telling him it's safe. Wow. They look identical. The kid had brown hair that stuck up in every direction and green eyes so bright they looked fake. He walked slowly towards his dad and stood behind his legs looking out to me. As he walked, I saw his tail! It was the same color as his ears and was pinned in between his legs. 

"H-hi." He said in the smallest voice I've ever heard. He then looks up at his dad and says, "Is he safe? Nightmare says that if I ever see a stranger I should check if they are safe before talking to them." He looks at me, widens his eyes and turns back to his father. "If he's not, then Nightmare will be upset with me that I didn't follow the rules!!!" He starts tearing up. A single tear rolls down his face leaving a trail behind. He says in the most pained voice, "I don't want King Nightmare upset with me." 

I feel heartbroken. The King wouldn't do that to a kid, would he? In an attempt to make him feel better, I say, "I don't think I'm dangerous, so I guess I'm safe then." I give him a small smile. His eyes widen and he just stares at me. I turn back towards the man and he has the same expression as the boy. 

He shakes his head and says,"Sorry, I'm Jacob, the Royal Delta." He turns toward Julian. "Bring some water." Julian nods, still looking at me as he leaves the room, and almost runs into the door. "So, the competition starts on Monday, a day from now." 

"Wait, so today's Saturday?" I question. When I went to school it had been Friday. Then again, I did spend all my time on the ground in an alley. 

"Yes and we have much work to do but since you are Royal Beta Antonio's son, you will do fine." He gives me a wide smile. I simply frowned, not believing I had any kind of advantage. "When you are done resting, come down to have breakfast. You will need your strength for your training." With that he left the room. 

Training? Ugh. I let myself fall back onto the bed, not caring about the pain. I grabbed a nearby pillow and laid it on my face. I heard some talking outside my my room. I listened as well as I could. 

I couldn't make out anything the people were saying so I eventually gave up. Suddenly, I heard Julian in a defensive and excited voice call out. 

"... I know but he has her smile!"


I walked out of Delta Jacob's brick house towards a small clearing in between his house and the forest. I yawned as I walked across the dewy grass. Delta had given me clothes to train in. Let's just say that they were HUGE!!! I bet even Julian's clothes would have been too big for me. 

"Well, now that you're all rested, I believe that we can begin." 

"Where's Julian?" I ask him. He turns toward me and he looks happy. 

"He's at the Pack House, where all the people who are not Alpha, Beta, or Delta live and can socialize." I nod. I wonder what Julian meant by what he said earlier.

He walks towards me. "First, the basics. I bet your senses aren't above average are they?" 

I shake my head. He turns towards the forest, his back to me. "Follow me and try to keep up." He says in a teasing tone. 

He takes off in an inhuman speed. I try to follow him but I bet I look like a slug compared to him. I trip a lot and almost face plant in a lot of places. I eventually made it to where he was. There was a small clearing like the one in the forest by the orphanage. It was almost exactly the exact same but had a different feeling. Almost as if this was a holy place. 

"Do you feel that?" I turn toward Jacob and nod wanting to understand. 

He gives a smile of approval. "This is a special place. The Pack buildings surround this place to protect it from Dark Rouges." I raise an eyebrow at him and he sees my confusion . "Dark Rouges are Rouges that have done terrible things and hurt other Packs." He turns back towards the lake. "Not  all Rouges are bad." He smiles to himself. He mutters to himself, "I should know."

I'm breathing hard from the running and he turns towards me and lets out a small chuckle. "We haven't even started!"

I groan.

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