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I felt my pulse quicken. What if it's someone dangerous? What if they want to hurt me or Jacob
or Julian?! I heard them walk down the stairs, not caring to make sound. My pulse was so loud I bet the person could hear it.

I turn my head slowly, just in time to see Jacob walk down the the final step, looking like it was
the best day of his life. He must be a morning person. I can’t help but feel relieved that it was
him. I must still be paranoid because of all that time at the orphanage.

He turns toward me, giving me a wide smile. He must have sensed me down here and had
come. I smile a small smile back and turn back around.

I hang my head as I realize something. I mentally face palmed myself. I could have sensed who he was, he is in my pack after all. This is going to take some getting used to.

I hear Jacob getting pans out from the cupboards in the kitchen, probably to make breakfast.

I mentally struggle if i should go and help or stay here so I don’t get in the way.

I don’t really know how to interact with people since no one really liked me in the orphanage. It always ends awkwardly and me feeling miserable for not being normal.

I decide not to and go to see Julian. For some reason, being with little kids doesn’t scare me the way interacting with other people does. I step the up the stairs quietly. I walk towards his dark red door.

I turn the bronze handle and am surprised to see him already up and looking out the window.
His ears twitch in my direction and I know he knows I’m here. I still am not used to seeing him
with wolf ears and a tail. Why is he even awake? It must be like 7 in the morning and it’s a

I walk towards him, careful not to step on all the toys littering his floor. How could a kid who is 5
have these many toys?
I finally reach his window and stand next to him. I turn my head slightly and look at him.

He’s staring at the building a little ways from here called the “Pack House” as Jacob has explained to me.

Yet, he looks so sad. “What’s wrong?”

He seemed startled, as if barely realizing I was there. Then his eyes settled back to their sad
state. I’ve realized that people’s eyes show how they really feel. They could have a poker face
on and I could still tell what they were feeling.

“This morning I mind-linked Nightmare and asked if we could play today,” He hung his head and looked back outside. “But Alpha said that as King, it would be hard for us to play, especially with all the work that comes with this competition and being coronated and all. So we most likely won’t be seeing each other as often.”

He said it so unimportantly, as if it didn’t matter to him. But from the side of my vision, I could
see his smile but also his terribly sad eyes. He seems so grown up and mature right now
compared as to how he’s been before. But I know how to make him feel better.

“You know what you should do?” I see him turn towards me out of the corner of my eye. All that’s left is if he bites the bait.

“How?” He has bitten the bait. I continue to stare out the window. I guess he became frustrated and started begging for me to tell him.

“Tell me, tell me, tell me, TELL ME!!!” I can’t help but laugh a little at this. I know it’s mean but I mean he looked so adorable once I finally turned towards him. He looks cute when he’s angry.

“Since you won’t see the King in a while, why don’t you impress him by showing him that you
can fully shift now.” He gives me another amused look and then takes in the full idea. It was cool
to watch because I saw his eyes grow bigger and bigger until they were as big as whole head.
Jacob told me that Werewolves usually shift when they are 14-18 but since Julian is the future
Delta, he could shift right now at age 5. Apparently, I should have too.

His face broke into an immense smile that made his emerald green eyes shine with enthusiasm.

He had almost mastered shifting. Shifting, as Jacob explained to me once again, was when a
Werewolf fully changed into their Wolf Form. Julian had only done it half way so far. That’s why you could only see his ears and tail when he did shift.
Julian said that he liked showing his ears and tail because whenever he was with the King, he showed his too. It reminded Julian of him. He seems very attached to the King.

“That’s an awesome idea!” And with that, he ran right out of his room, somehow managing not
to fall over his toys. I shook my head. I saw him run down the path towards the Pack House.

A question at the back of my mind nagged at me, wanting an answer. I groaned and went down the stairs. With every step I took, my pulse quickened. I really didn’t want to talk to Jacob but there was no choice if I wanted the answer. I’m scared that it might be what I fear it was. I really didn’t want it to be like back at the orphanage.

I reached the bottom step all too soon. I walked into the kitchen and was hit with a strong smell.
A delicious smell, might I add. I ignored the rumbling in my stomach, afraid that if I ate anything, I might bring it back up because of how nervous I was.

I walked up to Jacob and asked him. “Where are we exactly?”

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