An Interesting Trip

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The plane was a small private jet with four seats in the cabin area. Dick entered first, followed by Damian and Tim with Jason tagging behind them, they each mounted their suitcases in the overhead compartments and sat down on the comfy chairs. Dick and Tim sat in the first two seats while Damian and Jason sat in the seats behind. Seeing it as the perfect opportunity, Tim took the chance to catch up on the sleep he had missed that night and quickly dozed off. Damian pulled out one of the magazines to start reading it and Jason put in earphones and started blasting heavy metal into his ears, Dick turned on the TV screen in front of him and decided to watch a movie. 

The flight seemed to go pretty smoothly, Dick was up to his third movie when he paused to look at the others, Tim was still sleeping soundly in the seat across the aisle from Dick, he was wearing a simple black shirt with the words 'Tech Whiz' imprinted in yellow and a jacket along with a pair of denim jeans. Jason was wearing a grey shirt that was far too small for him, allowing his muscles to show, with the word 'YOLO' written on it but had the last 'O' crossed out and instead had 'Twice' written under it. Over that he was wearing his usual leather jacket and dark brown trousers. He had ditched the music and earphones in favour for drawing over a sleeping Damian's face. Damian, on the other hand, was wearing a zipped up, dark blue hoodie over a red shirt with '#1' in white and green jeans. Dick himself was wearing his ordinary 'Flying Graysons' shirt although a tad bit small with dark blue denim jeans. He motioned for Jason to stop drawing on Damian before going back to watching his movie. 

Another two movies had passed before all three other boys were fast asleep, the flight attendant was about to come and deliver their food and the flight only had a few more hours to go. Dick looked outside and noticed that it was stormy; he looked at the vast darkness outside his window that would only be lit up by the brief lightning strikes, one of them was so loud that it woke up Tim, who jumped at the loud sound. He looked around dazed for a moment, trying to remember where he was but soon gained focus. His gaze soon fell on the window beside him, giving him a view of the storm outside, something he wasn't too fond about; Tim never liked thunderstorms, even when he's on the ground, being up in the air however made him feel even more anxious.

"Please fasten your seatbelts, we're about to experience small turbulence," The captain announced over the intercom. Tim looked over at Dick, slight terror showing on his face in response to the captain's announcement.

"Don't worry Timmy, a little bit of turbulence is nothing," Dick reassured his younger brother. Tim nodded, still a little uneasy, and made sure his belt was fastened tightly.

The plane jolted up suddenly as they entered the turbulence, the small plane suffering the full force of it. The sudden and rapid movement of the plane woke Damian up from his nap, he glanced over at the window and spotted his reflection in the mirror, resulting in his face turning red with rage. Damian instantly glared at Tim who waved his hands in front of him as to say it wasn't him; Dick waved a hand in front of Damian, to get his attention, before pointing towards the true culprit. When Damian's focus was moved away from Tim the boy started cracking up laughing at what was drawn on Damian's face. Damian glared over at Jason with devilish eyes, he grabbed a marker and was about to enact his revenge on the older teen. The young boy moved closer to Jason and moved the marker to his face just as a hand flung up and grabbed Damian's. All of a sudden Jason's eyes opened wide.

"Don't even think about it Demon Spawn," Jason told the younger boy. He let go of Damian and Damian moved back to his seat and started pouting.

"You ratted me out Dickhead!" Jason shouted. Dick simply feigned innocence as if he had no idea what Jason was talking about. "You backstabbing traitor!" Dick chuckled at the boy's protest. The flight attendant came by not long after and handed them all their meals, they ate it all quickly and went back to doing their own thing.

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