Black Sheep

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"Ok guys, we need to surround him!" Nightwing shouted. "Robin, head to the left while Red Robin will go to the right."

"Got it!" The two boys answered.

"I'll get behind him," Red Hood said to Nightwing as he passed him.

"Watch your backs all of you," Nightwing yelled. "Joker is a psychopath who is unable to feel remorse."

"Now that's just not fair!" The Joker replied. "I do feel regret, like the regret that I didn't kill you sooner!" He informed before cracking up laughing in the way that only he can.

"I don't think so clown!" Tim yelled as he ran towards him ready to attack.

"Don't kid yourself," Joker said, easily evading him, "I already messed you up real good." Joker sprayed him with a green gas, which completely submerged Tim, after a few moments the gas cleared, and Tim was returned to Joker Jr.

"No Tim!" Dick shouted.

"Yes, poor little Timmy is back to being daddy's little prankster!" The Joker announced before laughing hysterically.

"You'll pay for that you monster!" Dick shouted, running up to him and attacking with his Escrima Sticks.

"Come to think of it I never killed you did I?" Joker asked as he tried to fend off Nightwing's attacks. Eventually, Nightwing forged an opening and kicked Joker right in the stomach, sending him flying back.

"I suppose you must feel left out," Joker feigned sympathy. "How sad. Don't worry, I'll kill you right here so you can feel like part of the club."

"Like you'd get a chance," Nightwing said as he ran up to the lunatic and kicked him in the side of the torso. When he did dust-like particles spread all over Nightwing.

"What's this?" He asked before beginning to cough violently.

"Don't let it bother you," the Joker walked up to the boy, "it's only a deadly gas eating away at your lungs." Dick continued to cough viciously but managed to stand up, he attacked Joker but the pasty-faced crook easily sidestepped the attack and Dick fell onto the floor. "Look on the bright side, you only have to endure the excruciating pain for a few moments longer before you die!" Joker burst into another fit of hysteria.

"Hey, clown face! Forget about me?" Red Hood asked as he raced towards the Joker, shooting at him.

"I remember you, you're the second birdie, the first I killed," Joker remembered.

"About time I repay the favour," Jason replied. Damian ran up to Dick who was lying on the ground in an unstable condition.

"Come on Grayson, don't you dare die!" Damian yelled, grabbing hold of the older boy.

"Damian, you need to get as far away as possible," Dick ordered.

"No way!" Damian yelled. "I'm not going to leave you behind."

"Please, you need to get away before he hurts you," Dick pleaded. He entered another coughing fit before going completely quiet.

"NO!!!!" Damian yelled, tears running down his face as he watched the light leave Richard's eyes.

"You haven't changed since the day I killed you," Joker informed Jason as the two continued to fight. The Joker got up close to Jason and stabbed a small dagger through his stomach. "Let's hope you stay dead this time." Joker backed away from Jason and watched his body fall to the ground before setting his sights on Damian.

"So you're the newest Robin?" Joker asked, walking up to the sobbing boy. Damian saw him and was filled with fear; he tried to back away but was stopped when he hit a wall. "I suppose you've heard a lot about me," he said, "you know the others have been dying for us to meet. I wanted to know what the latest model of boy wonder was like." The Joker looked at Damian, he looked like he was ready to piss himself. "A little smaller than the earlier versions but I do see potential," he began to laugh maniacally. "So how do you want to be killed, hot oil? Hounds? Having your face torn off?" Damian couldn't move or talk as he stared directly into the face of death itself. "No answer? Oh well, we can always go with good old fashion murder!" The Joker began to laugh hysterically as he grabbed out his knife and...


Damian jolted awake and stayed for a few minutes sitting on his bed with his eyes wide open and breathing heavily. 

"It's ok, it was just a dream," Damian told himself. "The Joker died long before I became Robin." Damian started calming down but was still slightly on edge when he left his bed and headed to Jason and Dick's room, mainly to see how Dick was going but also to ensure that he truly was dreaming. Damian opened the door and received a shock, both Jason and Dick were gone and there were bloodstains on both their beds. "NO!!! DICK!! JASON!!" Damian yelled before falling to his knees and crying loudly. All of a sudden someone ran up and hugged Damian.

"It's ok Damian, I was only in the bathroom," Jason tried calming down the boy.

"But the blood, and Dick," Damian said through his cries. There was nothing neither Jason nor Damian could do to stop Damian crying as he hugged Jason tightly and cried into him. "I can't do this anymore, Dick and Tim have been killed and I don't want you to go next, I don't want the Joker to take you too," Damian cried, relating his dream to Dick's disappearance.

"I'm not going anywhere," Jason reassured the kid. He held Damian slightly away from him so that he could look into the boy's eyes. "It's ok Damian. The Joker is long gone and can't hurt you anymore. And I promise I will never let anything happen to you while I'm around. As for Tim and Dick, they aren't dead, I know it. We'll find them." Damian's crying reduced to light sniffling as he looked at Jason, although he was keeping it to himself it was obvious that Jason was just as worried as Damian since his eyes were clearly wet with tears.

"What's with the blood on your bed?" Damian asked.

"While running back to the house I seemed to had cut myself," Jason answered. "I'm sorry I freaked you out."

"And I'm sorry for everything I say about you, and Tim and Dick, even the stuff you don't hear," Damian apologised. Jason pulled him in for another long hug.

"Ok, now, get yourself cleaned up and have breakfast, we have some birdies to save," Jason said as he wiped a tear from Damian's face. Damian smiled and got up.

"If it wasn't a personal matter before it is now. Whoever's behind this is going to regret ever messing with the Robins!" Damian announced.

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