chapter : 1

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I whipped my head up as I almost felt a little dizzy because of the suddenness - kind of surprised my neck didn't break off -
when I heard the all too familiar sound of the alarm going off.

I saw everyone else in the cantonment getting up and rushing for the bathroom stalls just as fast as I am whilst grabbing my towel,toothbrush and other necessities.I heard a few grunts and groans as I passed a few beds,even heard a few cussing out.

I ignored their oh so usual antics.
Like didn't they get tired tired?

The sky was painted black,yet to be touched with a hint of gold by the courtesy of the sun.
It was 4 past 50 minutes in the morning after all as usual.

Now it was my turn to groan.

Even the sun gets to have its beauty sleep and we don't.

It was like a daily routine :

1) wake up during the ungodly hours
2)make sure to be clean and tidy before your trainings
3)train yourself till your soul leaves your body
4)sleep before the sunrises so there's no point in going to bed

But then again,I'm not the one complaining in fact I had no right to complain when it was my decision to leave my family and friends,have my life in danger and join the army.

Well apparently I'm exaggerating since I'm still in a boot-camp and I'm not sure whether to feel glad or scared since tomorrow's the last day of judgement.

"5 more minutes!" I heard the attendance yell making me fasten my pace as I hurriedly brushed my teeth while wearing my uniform,yeah I was pretty good at multi-tasking.

Lies.I could still see the remnants of last night's dinner stuck in between my teeth.

After spitting out the pasty liquid I gargled my mouth with water and ran a hand through the my buzz cut.

A buzz cut.

Joining the army had it's own displeasures and pleasures.

Displeasures as in loosing your luscious hair and having seldom visits  home.

Pleasures as in being in power,as in being respected,as in people treating you with bloody royalty even if you didn't do shit.
Pleasures as in being dominant.

I heard General Malik scream making me flinch.

General Malik was someone I looked up to.That guy was fun unlike other tight-ass dickslits.He would crack a  few jokes here and there give words of ambitions and albeit being a little wisecrack he was strict and hellbent at making great to the greatest.General Yaser Malik is an inspirational figure.

And a retired one too.

Explains why he's so different.

I rushed to the field where the rest of the crew were.

I would be damned straight to satan's scorching asshole if I was late.

I kept a straight face as the man who took our attendance stood next to our general as he kept on with his same seventy thousand year old back in my caveman ancestor ages speech which I simply ignored.

I can already feel myself becoming such a great soldier.
Note the sarcasm.

I brought myself back to reality as I heard general Malik clap his hands to get our attention because for a reason he knew we weren't paying any before.

"Saving my formalities for today since it has been too long I was holding such maturity" he joked as we still managed to keep our straight upright posture since that he taught us:

stay stoic and firm no matter what the fuck happens or clean the bathroom stalls and run a marathon till you no longer have functioning legs.Hell bent strict alright.
But still fun.

"Since we all know tomorrow is going to be your final day and we all know how I intend to make the great greater and the greater the greatest, I would love for you all to get introduced to a special someone tomorrow" he winked

And for some reasons judging by the pride emitting off of his voice.
I knew it was his son he was referring to as a special someone.


can you believe this I actually updated wow fucking miracle I tell you.
And yes I need to stop changing the preface
And don't kill me for not updating Kim's 'psychopath' just don't she'll do it for y'all anyway.

                    - jason

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