Verse 1:46 of all Chapters

22 0 0

Genesis -------------nil
Exodus ------------- nil
Leviticus ----------- nil

Numbers 1:46
"Even all they that were numbered were six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty."

Deuteronomy 1:46
"So ye abode in Kadesh many days, according unto the days that ye abode there."

Joshua ------------ nil
Judges ------------ nil
Ruth ---------------- nil
1 Samuel ----------- nil
2 Samuel ---------- nil

1 Kings 1:46
"And also Solomon sitteth on the throne of the kingdom."

2 Kings --------------- nil

1 Chronicles 1:46
"And when Husham was dead, Hadad the son of Bedad, which smote Midian in the field of Moab, reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was Avith."

2 Chronicles ------------nil
Ezra --------------------nil
Nehemiah --------------nil
Esther ------------------nil
Job ---------------------nil
Psalms ------------------nil
Proverbs --------------- nil
Ecclesiastes ------------nil
Song of Solomon -------nil
Isaiah ------------------nil
Jeremiah---------------- nil
Lamentations -----------nil
Ezekiel -----------------nil
Daniel ------------------nil
Hosea ------------------nil
Joel --------------------nil
Amos ------------------nil
Obadiah ----------------nil
Jonah ------------------nil
Micah ------------------nil
Nahum -----------------nil
Habakkuk ---------------nil
Zephaniah --------------nil
Haggai ----------------- nil
Zechariah -------------- nil
Malachi ----------------- nil

Matthew  --------------- nil
Mark -------------------- nil

Luke 1:46
"And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,"

John 1:46
"And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see."

Acts --------------------nil
Romans --------------- nil
1 Corinthians --------- nil
2 Corinthians ----------nil
Galatians ----------------nil
Ephesians ---------------nil
Philippians ------------- nil
Colossians -------------nil
1 Thessalonians---------nil
2 Thessalonians---------nil
2 Timothy---------------nil
Titus------------------- nil
Philemon -------------- nil
James ------------------ nil
1 Peter ----------------- nil
2 Peter ----------------- nil
1 John ----------------- nil
2 John ----------------- nil
3 John ----------------- nil
Jude ------------------- nil
Revelation --------------nil

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