Chapter 24- Worst Possible Words

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       Stepping off the train, I walk into the dim light of a sunset, painting the world  a warm pink. The streets are still insanely busy, just as I remember them, with the exact same hustle and bustle of people. I didn't watch where I was walking, when I see a taxi veering right towards me. I go to move but there was no time at all, with the hulking vehicle passing right through me.

"I guess I'm not normal yet", I say to myslef. The train conductor told me to find myself (my body), so I need to go to the hospital which is just a block away. During my walk I realize people are walking through me too, as if I am water vapour. I take the advantage of not having to move for people, and and enjoy my aimless stroll. Soon I am at the hospital, searching for my room until I eventually find my body.

I just stare at myself, laying there as a silhouette against the pasty, white sheets. I never thought I would ever be here in this position, staring at "my body". Then again no one would expect it right? It's just not normal. My life has changed so dramatically over a period of months, when I go back into my body I hope I make the right descision. I hope everything will be as it used to be. If not...I don't know if I will be able to handle the struggle.  I need to stop thinking and just do...or else I will be stuck in limbo forever.

"Here goes nothing." I lean over the bed and start to lay myself down, according to my body parts. My legs with my legs, my arms with my arms, that type of thing. When I slip into my body it feels as though a magnetic force pulls me in saying, where have you been for so long? I feel connected, it's a peculiar feeling.

The room then goes black. At first nothing happens but then I start breathing, I start to feel alive again. Slowly but surely, I am showing signs of movement. My chest is pulsating with air and my fingers wiggle with uncontrollable movements from being frozen for so long. It feels good to have air in my lungs again and actaully be able to breathe. My eyes then flutter open to an alien place.

"Where am I?", I croak to what I thought was no one.

Then an annonymous man comes into view. "Why hello Marley, nice of you to join us again. You are in Hotel Due Hospital, room 202."

What? My name is Marley?


We are just finishing up a delightful dinner of Italian pasta and bread sticks, when Lesley's phone goes off. He ignores it because he is talking with us and it is dinner time. But it keeps going off, a consecutive ringing.

"Man! Just answer it!" pesters Zayden. "Clearly someone is trying to get ahold of you."

He then answers his phone, "Hello?"


"Marley just woke up?"

I stand up in my seat now, not caring what anyone has to say. We need to get to the hospital NOW.

"Right...okay...we will be there as soon as possible."

I clear my throat in a tornado of emotions. "As soon as possible meaning now."

Lesley replies, "Yes, we are leaving right now."

I#ve never seen a group of people move so fast in my life, before I know it we are at the hospital, just about to reach Marley's room when Lesley pulls me over to the side of the hallway.

"What are you doing? She's up and I need to see her!" He's looking at me with a warning, stare as if he ants to tell me something.

"What Lesley? What?" He says nothing though, making me frustarted. I burst out of his grip and walk through the door to her room. When our eyes meet there is something missing, something I can't quite put a finger on. I walk up to her and she looks worried. Lesley walks through the door now.

"Blake I wanted to tell you..." He drags off as Marley starts to speak.

"Who are you?"

Lesley wanted to tell me that she doesn't remember me.

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