Chapter 26- You Are Back

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"What?", someone says in a tone of a raised voice, "Are you certain?"

My eyes flutter open from my restless sleep full of confusing dreams and headaches. Someone is shouting, interrupting my sleep which seems to be a lot better than my reality right now, a cloak that shelters me from life's difficulties. The shouting has ripped the cloak off of me, exposing me to the hurtful memories life has left me with. Whoever has woken me up is going to wish they hadn't.

I swing my legs around to the side of my bed, while catching a glimpse of the time. 6:00am! What in the world is going on? This better be good. I reverently tip toe out into the living room where the source of the conversation is reverberating from. Lesley is talking on his phone, walking in circles like a dog does before they sleep to try to find a comfortable spot to lay down. Zayden and Luka are sitting on the longer couch with Scarlotte and Ebony, with Nate nowhere to be found I'm assuming he is still sawing logs under his covers.

When people sense my presence they all snap their heads around like owls that have spotted their prey. Something is definitely going on, people are never this uneasy for no apparent reason. They all stare at me as if I'm walking on paper thin ice and that at any moment the glassy surface will break, leaving me to fall in the frigid waters below. I slowly walk towards Lesley, ignoring their vulture, pleading stares.

"Lesley?" I whisper quietly. "Lesley who is on the phone?"

He looks at me with startled, wide eyes and mouths: Not now Blake.

I walk even closer to him now, displeased with the answer he gave me. "Lesley who is on the phone?" I ask more urgently now.

He starts talking into the receiver, "Yes, yes I understand."

Lesley turns his back to me now which for some odd reason throws me off the edge of the cliff. I grab his shoulder and thrust him around to face me.

"God damnit Lesley! Who is on the fucking phone!?"

As he takes in a deep breath, he stares me square in the eyes. "The doctor is on the phone Blake, now can you please let me be?"

"Let you be! How can I? Is it Marley? Is she alright?"

Luka stands up now and grabs my wrist. "Blake relax okay, sit down."

"Get off of me!" I shout pulling my arm out of his iron grasp while Lesley hangs up the phone. I'm waiting for him to say something, anything, but she just stares at the floor. What? What has happened that could make Lesley speechless?

I sigh deep within my lungs, preparing myself for the worst possible scenario. "Lesley? Is it Marley?"


"And...?" I pause a moment waiting for him to add to his answer but no words escape his mouth. I choke on air as I begin to speak, letting out a mangled cry. "For heaven sakes mate don't just stand there like a dead man! Say something!"

"She-she remembers Blake."

My head feels dizzy and I can hardly breathe. "What?"

"Bloody Christ she remembers you! She remembers you Blake! She remembers you!"

I don't know what happens next but my vision goes fuzzy turning black, leaving me falling to the floor.


My head aches with a sensation that cascades all the way down to my neck, a nagging pain the just won't go away. The pain blossoms from the base of my neck as I start to sit up, booming in synchronization with my heartbeat.

"Woah, woah, take it easy Blake", a voice says. I turn over to the source of the sound and find Zayden and Lesley peering at me with worry in their eyes.

Lesley speaks now, "You couldn't handle the news could you?"

"What do you mean? What happened?" I ask pleadingly, as if the answer may very well be the source of my existence.

"When I told you Marley remembers you- you just passed out. It's as if it was too overwhelming for you."

"Oh, I remember now. Do I get to see her? I need to see her."

"Of course you can, we were just waiting until you came back to us."

"Alright then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

The whole drive there, it felt as if time had slowed to an unbearable speed. I felt frozen in the slowness of time, like I was getting no where in life. I need to see her, I need to see the love of my life. She finally remembers me... a part of me knew she would come around, but the other part of me was stunned with fear and grief of her never coming back to me. But she did, my Marley did come back to me. Love works in mysterious ways, out connection is just so strong that nothing can break it. Nothing can break it. On my grandparents grave I swear no one or nothing can break our bond.

"Blake? Blake?" Someone is calling my name and I am shaken out of my thoughts.

"Earth to Blake, we are here", says Luka laughingly.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Not a problem, what were you thinking about?"

My answer was one simple, beautiful word. "Marley."


The dream that occurred last night I cannot discern. Something came over me like a tidal wave, crashing over me and giving me renewed thoughts and my memory. I finally remember who that stranger was, I laugh at myself because he is not a stranger at all but a person who is the closest to my heart. So close that he has his own special place, making me love him more than I could ever love anyone else. A light knocking echoes on the other side of the door. Is it him? Has Blake finally come? The door opens a crack, someone's fingers tightly grip the edge of the hospital door, then someone walks in. I catch a glimpse of his oak brown hair.

"Blake!" I yell. It feel amazing to remember the name to his beautiful face again, I finally feel complete and full instead of empty like that of a hallow log.

"Marley", he whispers trying to hold back tears. I hear is voice crack, see the tears streaming down his face, and I can actually feel his pain. His pain is my pain. What he feels I feel too. We are one.

"Oh Blake come here", I manage to say as my throat keeps getting tighter and tighter.

He rushes over to me and holds me in such a tight embrace that I fear I may lose he ability to breathe. But I don't care, I don't care one bit. I wish I could freeze this moment and keep it with me forever. Oh how I've missed his protective arms, my shield, making me feel like nothing could ever hurt me. Oh how I've missed his steal grey eyes boring a hole into my soul, trying to discover every part of every crevice in me. But what I miss the most is that perfect smile that just makes your heart stop beating for a split second in time, that makes the world stop and you are just mesmerized by the person who is before you. I am mesmerized right now as I see Blake smiling through all his tears. I am totally and utterly mesmerized. He places both his hands on either sides of my flustered face.

"You came came back Marley. When you left, a part of me left with you. A big part. A huge part actually. I had to teach my heart to start beating again and that is no small task. Marley when you left I was broken, shattered on the floor into an infinite amount of pieces. Nobody could glue me back together even if they tried, even if they want to. Because I was missing a piece, and that piece was you. Now that I have you I am whole again and I'm never letting that go."

"I love you Blake, I will love you unconditionally."

Our lips lock in an instant, creating a wild fire in us both. A huge wild fire that is untameable to all, uncontrollable and raging on. The best part? Is that no one will ever be able to put this powerful fire out.

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