Chapter 16- Hold On

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"She's dead!" I yell to the world. My Marley is dead. This must be one of those dreams where you get scared so much that you just wake up and realize that everything is alright. But no sadly. This is my reality. I've lost her. I promised her and myself thousands of times I would let no one hurt her! Gosh I keep breaking my freakin promises! My Marley, just wake up please? Open your beautiful eyes... I miss them. Come back to me!

"No,no,no! No Blake let me check." Ebony says hurriedly. I let her check Marley but I do not move an inch, I will not leave Marley because the last time I did... well this is what happened. I will never and I mean never, leave her again. Tears escape me. Let them, I need to let it out. Ebony bends her head down near Marley's, checking her pulse at her neck with 2 fingers. A small smile evades Ebony. Why the hell is she smiling? Can't she tell her friend is dead?

"Blake! Blake look at me!" So I do, just why she is so excited, I don't understand. Here I am crying just like the others while this girl is throwing a mini party.

"She's NOT dead! You may have thought that because of what little pulse she has left, but she is in fact not dead. Her pulse is weak so someone call 911!" Nate dialls the emergency number, one I thought I would never have to use. My Marley isn't dead? She's not dead! Now I'm laughing and crying at the same time, cradling her in my arms, my nose smelling her hair. She's smells of light lavender, perfect.

"They'll be here in 2 minutes." explains Nate. My Marley, my dear, sweet Marley. You will live, please just hold on and don't let go. Don't let go of this life, don't let go of me girl. You are strong, so just keep holding on. I hear sirens wailing in the distance now.

"You hear that Marley?" I whisper so only she and myself can hear me. "They're amlost here, stay with me beautiful, stay with me." I kiss her forehead, letting her know that our love will endure forever, even if the outcome is horrible. My love for Marley will be everlasting. They are closer now, further down the street I'm guessing.

"They are so close Marley, a  mere seconds away. You can do it, hold on lovely.

"They are here now Marley..." I talk to her even though I know she can't here me. It makes me feel better I guess, knowing that she still exists. The paramedics step in now, asessing Marley's beautiful yet maddled body.

"What is her name?" the gentlemen asks me.

"Marley." I just barely reply.

"Marley? Marley can you hear me?" I've already tried doing that myself, she can't hear you.

The lady checks Marley's eyeballs with a miniature flashlight. What is she planning on doing? Blinding her so that she can't see when she wakes up? "Her pupils are dialated and she hardly has a pulse, we need to get her into the ambulance NOW!" With that they lift her on a gurney and shove her into the back of the vehicle.

"Would you like to come along sir?" questions the women.

"Yes, thankyou." I reply. Some hope is still in me though. I know the hospital is only 5 minutes away, long enough for Marley to hold on. They place a plastic cup over her nose and mouth, helping her to breathe. The man slips her dress off of her, making me want to punch him in the face. But violence isn't the answer right now, so I control myself.

"VP is falling!" shouts the women. "We are 1 minue away from the hospital, start CPR." The man then places his fists, in between Marley's breasts. I don't want this complete stranger touching my Marley. He then starts to apply pressure with each consecutive push on her chest. I hear a rib crack, making me start to cry again. I know these people are trying to help, but just don't hurt her, please. Before I know it, her gurney is being rolled out of the ambulance, and she is in the hospital being hooked up to machines. Lesley, Nate, Scarlotte and Ebony appear by my side now. I'm guessing they followed us by car.

"You alright?" questions Lesley. I shake my head in response. I will not be alright until Marley is alright. Bursting through the doors now are Zayden and Luka.

"We heard what happened, they guys called us." says Zayden. He looks at Marley, worry engulfing him. All of a sudden a piercing beep from one of the machines keeps going off. What's going on? What does that mean?

"Her heart is failing!" A nurse shouts. Failing? No Marley, you have to be strong. Stay with me.

"Excuse me, you people need to step back a bit." says the doctor. There is something wrong with my feet though and I stay put. Luka then pushes me back to where they migrated to.

"We are gonna have to shock her! Set the BP for 330!" screams the doctor. I'm watching how the nurses work now, frantically trying to save an innocent girls life. Working like bee's trying to make honey, buzzing around trying to do their job. They get the machine out, rubbing the paddles together. Just then Marley's line goes flat. BEEEEP.

"No! Marley! No!" I shout so loud, people on the most highest level could hear my cries.

"Charge! Clear!" WHUMP!

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