Chapter 6- What Just Happened?

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        Right now I'm running without a care in the world, leaving all my worries behind in the gusts of wind. I just couldn't do it, I couldn't look Lesley in the eyes. It was just too much, although I may have overreacted just a tad. Well maybe not a tad, alot actually. I have to stop running away from my problems and face them. I'll work on that later, for now I'm enjoying my freedom.


               When Marlayna left an awkward silence crept over  the table. Lesley has his head hung low.

"I HAVE to do something, I have to." he insists. I look at him, a feeling of remorse boiling in my soul.

"No Lesley you can't. If she couldn't even look you in the eye what makes you think you can go and chase after her?" I reply.

Nate comes in, "Well someone has to go find her. What if Rex gets to her?" I never really thought about that. Thinking of Rex leaves me rippling with anger.

I stand up. "Alright. I'll be back, I'm going to try to find her."

"Best of luck", says Lesley.


                    I'm running at lightning fast speeds, the environment blurring around me. I need to find her. Where would she be? She could be anywhere in this huge forest. In a fiery blurr I catch a glimpse of red hair to my right.

"That's gotta be her."

Before I know it I'm racing beside her. She looks shocked to see me there next to her.

"Wanna race Blake?"

"Sure", I reply. With that she takes off like a bat out of hell. Lordy day! This girl is damn fast. I try to quicken my pace but I'm no where near as fast as her. She looks behind her and I see a smile stretch across her face. She slows her pace so that I'm able to catch up.

"Have you ever been cliff diving Blake?"

"Cliff diving?" I didn't have enough time to register what she ment until she lept through the air, diving off a cliff, plunging into the grey waves below. This girl is a little dare devil, making me all the more attracted to her.


When I break the surface of the water I'm suprised by how cold the waves feel, giving me a shock. I see Blake following suit, falling through the air in a flawless line. The sky is covered with grey clouds today, as if a storm is coming, making the waves rough.

He lands 30 feet away from me and we smile at eachother. As we start laughing, a wave over takes me and brings me under. I try swimming to the surface but an undertow drags me even farther down. Just my luck right? I swim for the surface, but yet another torent clashes against me. I don't know how long I can hold my breath for.

My speculation is answered when I begin to feel fuzzy. I cough for air but take in water, which only makes me cough harder.


                      I'm flying through the air, wind whistling in my ears. I never thought I would be doing something like this, not in a million years. I make a great splash as I land in the cold liquid. I see Marley smiling at me so I smile back. She has such an adorable smile. We both start laughing, when I see a huge wave behind her. I hardly have  any time to warn her before it takes her under.

"Marley!" I'm hoping she'll pop back up. After 2 minutes there's no sign of her so I plunge under water. I find her and quickly and pull her out, holding her in my arms.


Blake? I think to myself as water envelopes me. Just then I'm lifted out of the water and am curled up in a warm haven. Peering up I see Blakes face. I forget that there is still water in me and I begin to cough. With each concescutive cough more water flows out of me.

"It's okay Marley. Shhhhhh." He soothes me, rubbing my back. Finally my coughs are done and we have reached the stony shore. I lay beside him as we both gasp for air.

"That was the best feeling ever!" I shout.

"Marley! You almost died!" Blake possesses an upset look on his face now.

"Blake? You okay?"

"Let it be." He grunts. The hell with that! I fling myself at him, pinning his body to the stones.

"Is there something you would like to tell me?" I inquire. I let my wieght lessen, so he doesn't feel too pressured.

"Marley you don't understand what it's like almost losing you. It pains me to see you in pain, it tears me apart! Hearing you scream was agonizing. I never want anything to happen to you, I need to protect you. But how can I do that when danger is lurking around every corner with you? Marley if I lost you my world..." He breaks off and a tear slides down his cheek. "My world would be nothing."

"Hey." I soothe grabbing his face in both of my hands. "I'm not going anywhere."


                  Getting back to the house, I notice Lesley in the kitchen. I hurry to him, looking him dead straight in the eyes.

"I accept."

He looks confused."Pardon?"

"Your apology", I say smiling. "I accept."

"Oh Marley!" He gives me a great big bear hug and it feels so good. Behind me Blake clears his throat.

"I'm glad you guys are having a moment." He looks stern. I change that by jumping on his back like a monkey. I brush back his hair with my fingers.

"Hey Blake?"

"Yeah Mar?"

"Do you think I could go and clean up at my house? I mean as much as I love wearing your clothes I would like to look girly for once."

"I guess so." He laughs. With his acceptance I run across the street, strip down and hop in the shower.

The warm water feels so good on my chilled skin. An instant relaxer.

Walking into my room after my shower, I throw on under wear and a hot pink bra. I see a flash of movement in the corner of my aqua blue room.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream so loud and am now standing on my desk chair. I peer into the corner and notice a centipede. Gosh darnit! I HATE bugs with a passion! Nate is standing in my doorway, a worried expression painted on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"There was a centipede?" I say laughing. His face relaxes instantaniously, laughter reverberating through my room. He picks me up over his shoulder and throws me on the bed. He stands over me on hands and knees just looking at me. I never noticed but he is very cute, his ice blue eyes sending tingles down my spine. I'm not expecting what he does next.


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