One Night

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Heyoo! Thanks for clicking on my fanfiction lol! Just a small a/n note here! I just want to make an announcement saying that my writing throughout this story gets WAY better as the story moves along. I made this fanfic a long time ago when I started out on wattpad. NOW I have much more experience with writing so please don't give up on it because of bad grammar and or context. My writing through out the story get way more vivid and incepted. Thanks for reading! xxx

Any questions please comment! I WILL ANSWER! 

Enjoy the debut Louis Tomlinson fan fiction One Night.


"Harry give me the damn remote!"

I snicker at Harry who is recently hogging the remote.

"No, this is my favorite show" he points to the show Dance moms.

"Harry just give the remote to him" Liam steps in.

My name is Louis and I am a 1/5 member of the biggest boy band in the world, One Direction. Were sitting in mine and Harry's hotel room right now, waiting for room service.

"When is that food gonna get here?" Niall pops his head from the kitchen.

"Soon Ni" Zayn rolls his eyes.

Were in the middle of our 2013 tour and are getting ready for our concert in a couple hours. So were just chillin out for a bit.


"FOOD!" Niall races to the door.

I stay sitting on the couch waiting for Niall to bring in the food.

"Uh Lou..." I here Niall's low voice.

"What?" My eyes still glued on the tv .

"Can you come here please..." He quietly asks.

I slowly get up and walk over to the door.

"Niall, what's wrong and why did I.." I freeze in my tracks at the view on what's in front of my hotel room door.

A baby. There was a baby sitting in a craddle in front of my hotel room.

There was a note on it that said my name.

I opened the note and read the message.

'To Louis
Hi, I'm sorry to alarm you like this, but remember me, its Amanda. About 13 months ago we were together for one night, remember yet? Well I found out I was pregnant after you were long gone. I heard that you were now famous and I tracked you down. I don't have the money to raise a child on my own and I didn't have the heart to give her up for adoption, so that is why I brought her to you. Her name is Harmony, and she is yours. I feel so bad to let her go, but I can't give her a happy life. So please take care of her. -Amanda

I stare at the note and stay frozen. Niall, who is over my shoulder reading the note stays frozen in his tracks.

"Lou..." He starts.

I drop the letter and storm off into my bedroom. This isn't true.


Louis storms off in his room. Before I can say anything. I read the note while he was reading it. This was bad. There is a child on our door step that is his. I look down at the baby, she is in a pink onsie. She is awake and has big blue eyes with a little bit of brown hair growing in. She's adorable, she looks a lot like Louis, believe it or not. But she also looks scared, like she doesn't know what's happening.

I pick up the cradle and the bag that was left with it and bring it in the room and shut the door. I walk into the living room.

"Niall, is the food he-" they stop talking by the sight of the baby stuff in my hand.

"What is-" Zayn starts.

"Its a baby..Louis" I hand them the note and they all read it.

"Woah.." Harry's shocked.

"Yeah...Louis ran to his bedroom, I think he is really shocked, her name is Harmony."

"What are we gonna do? He cant take care of a baby, and what about management? They won't let us take a baby on tour with us? Our concert is in 2 hours!" Liam says.

I look at the baby awake and silent. I lean down and un-buckle her from her cradle and slowly pick her up.

I sit on the couch and hold her up vertically so she is standing on my knees

"Hi Harmony, I know your probably a bit confused right now, but your in good hands, daddy isn't feeling to great right now, but youll see him soon." I use my baby voice to talk to her.

"Can I see her" Harry smiles.

I hand over the baby to Harry. He hold her up. She has a confused look on her face, like she was just happy.

"She looks just like be honest."

Harry states.

"I know"

I walk down the hall to the bedroom and knock on the door.


There's no answer

"Lou, can you come out here please" I go to turn the handle.

"Don't come in Niall" he says as I mid turn the handle.

So I don't come in.

"Ok then you come out here then? I think you want to see someone"

"No I'm fine"

"Lou, come out and see your daughter ple-" I get cut off.

"Shes NOT my daughter" he says

"Then what is she?" I say with a bit of an annoyed tone. It doesn't matter what he says, its his daughter and its his responsibility to figure out on what to do, us boys will help but this is mostly his decision of what's gonna happen, were not doing it all for him.

There's silence again so I just walk away and give him time to vent.

I walk back into the living room.

"I don't know what were gonna do"

"Its alright, Liam is handled it." Harry says.

"How?" Right then the front door flew opened.

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