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I just remembered something that happened in my old apartment.

We had a timer and it kept ringing for no reason, it did this twice. No one had set the timer or turned it on. It didn't sound like the timer either, it sounded like a low bell.

And the weird thing is, the day before, we had gone to the cemetery. We had a project to find a grave in around the Civil War Era and write a report on them. One of the graves that I found, the person's last name was Bell.

The funny thing, when I visited the cemetery, I was pretty much lured to that grave. It was like I was in a trance.

I decided to do the report on him because the name just wouldn't leave my head. I was trying to go to sleep and his name kept appearing in my head. It resided there even after I showed up at school with a topic, I was even the first one who chose in that class.

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