shiori begins to look at the screen. it looks like the boy is really skilled. she begins to smile. i have tired getting yusei to help me. when they were fighting a group of evil villeins. here is your food. thank you. she eats the food. lady shiori what are you going to do? i am going to challenge him to a match. she begins to walk around the town. so your the boy with hat i have heard about? she begins to look at him. rai yes i am. and you must be shiori? shori yes that is my name. i came here to challenge you. would you like to have a match? rai yes i would like to. he smiles. they begin to grab some weapons. shiori so have you used one of these before?
rai yes i have. shiori okay lets have a little match. she looks at her weapon. now take this. she uses her weapon to attack him. rai now i am going to fight. he uses his weapon to attack her. shiori now that is more like it. show me your moves. she goes to attack him. rai now take this! he goes in for a attack. well i think that is enough. well it looks like you have won the match. your really good. what is your name? i am rai. what is wrong? ha ha. you look funny. her blonde hair begins to blow in the wind. i fought some evil duelist sometime ago. here is the information the city had just been repaired after that battle. just look. some of the buildings have been destroyed. why don,t you come to my place. or i could come to yours. they begin to head to a place.
so this is where you live? wow so that is from the tournament that took place? i think i took place in that. i lost to one of them. flash back. okay let the matches begin. Leon wow there are so many people. Luna lets have some fun. they begin to duel. hey you there in the in the hat. are you ready? he begins to smile. shiori time to duel. now i summon this card. she begins to smile. i wonder how the other matches are going. now it is time i guess this card. the man summons a monster. time to end this match. lighting strikes as he summons a monster. ha ha. this is really good. he begins to smile.
the boy in the hat summons a monster. wow it looks like the match is getting good. sakura begins to look at them. sayer so what do you think? she begins to smile. you will have your chance to duel. he smiles. the boy in the red hat summons some monsters. wow that looks really cool. a man begins to watch them. arashi it seem he is really skilled. sayuki yes they are. daichi wow it reminds of the duels we had before. he begins to smile. those were some good times. lets see how this is going to turn out. yes we should watch this man. the boy is good. i think he mite be as good as me. well folks it looks like we have a winner. the boy has one the tournament. the people to cheer. sayer well it looks like he won. wow maybe one day i will get to duel him. yusei that kid is really skilled.
yes he is. they begin to laugh. shiori i remember that day. she looks at him. i heard there were three people from a dueling location out there. there names are arashi sayuki and daichi. i am pretty sure i challenge one of them to a match. it was a close match. sense the bad guys that attacked this city are gone. i can begin my search for this group. there are meeting at this spot. will you help me? the boy nods. come on this way. the sun begins to go down. it seems that these weaklings had lost. it looks like we have company. so do you really want to challenge us? he takes off his mask. time to summon my monster. lighting begins to strike. Luna what is that? she looks out the window. what is it? i am sure it is nothing. yusei it looks like trouble. come on we should go with you.
jake you should stay here. mina what are you guys doing here? huh stand where you are? some people hold up guns. Jake well it looks like we are all here. yusei made it. you will not take us. he begins to summon more monsters. come on Jake lets take care of hem. the hold up there cards. wow it has been a while sense i have seen those monsters. she begins to smile. they begin to shoot the other men. we are taking you guys in. they begin to shock them. red begins to look at them. shiori what are you doing? could be the boy we have heard about. he begins to smile a little. lets see which monster is stronger. now attack. yusei come on we should help him. there monsters begin to attack the others.
rai begins to smile. shori don,t worry i am here to. she summons her monster to help in the battle. the buildings begin to shake. ha ha. this is really fun. he begins to laugh. you have never faced anyone like this before. the monster begins it. the creature begins to fall. now take this. the dragon begins to shoot at blast it it. he begins yo feel the pain. it seems that they are linked. the red hat boy begins to summon another monster. now we are getting somewhere. the monsters begin to fall. we are going to take you all in. they begin to ride away. thank you for your help. she begins to smile a little. shori thank you for your help. now i just need to ask there questions. you did good. see you around.
dimension discovery
Adventurethere exist many cities. some with advanced technology or magic. now people from each city must stop the evil threats before there city's are destroyed.