chapter 53 family ties

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 rose where am i? she looks around. huh what is this? she looks and sees two people. congrats you are now parents. it looks like there are twins. that is really good. she smiles. the women holds the two of them. i think this one will be named rose. and the other one will be named Elise. and if we have a third daughter she will be named Karen. two boys look at the babies. Susan these are your sisters. Cole they look nice. the man begins to smile. rose so this is where i was born? she looks at her parents and her sister Elise. she begins to cry. i know i will see them again. this is were you will train. my name is Klaus it is good to meet you. he begins to smile. the you will have a battle with them. she begins to fight off the other members with some fast punches and kicks. that was really good.

he begins to clap. you are really skilled. you have improved sense the first time you came here. rose so that was when i was first introduced to the other members. she begins to wake up. i think i need to find some answers. she begins to look around in her room. okay there should be something that i could use. she takes out a computer. okay now i need to find out some more information. she types some letters into it. now i think i found something. maybe i should tell the others about this. no think they have been through enough. a few hours have passed. Jake okay take this. he begins to use his tail to knock over the targets. lou that was really good. he begins to smile. i think i found out where your grandmother is. come on this way. they begin to head to another location. hello is someone there?

she opens the door. it has been a long time. lou it has been a really long time. he begins to smile. are you my grandmother? yes i am. i am chan. she walks and greets him. as you can see i am old. when your mother was born. i did not know what to do. i was brainwashed by evil. i did not want your mother to know. so i kept my identity a secret. well why don,t you come and sees her. i guess i could do that. she begins to change her form. i wonder how the others are doing? and did rose find out anything about her farther. it looks like someone is here.

she opens the door. hello son in law. it has been a long time. mother is that really you? she begins to tear up a little. Jake we just found her in the city. wow so i have a grandmother i never knew about. she begins to smile. here you should try some of this food. thank you. he begins to smile. wow this is really good. he is a really good cook. i have spoken to the council about our enemy. they had said you should be careful. the leader is really strong. i fought him a few times. so that is why we have some history. i know you will be fine. so dad what do you think? i am not sure. i knew that your mother was different when we first met. he begins to smile. this is really nice. i am going to be going soon. i have some business i need to get to.

he begins to go into the room. now i need to tell how to stop the enemy. sense you have been training for a long time. well then come on. they begin head up to the top of the house. she begins to change her form. Jake okay here i go. he goes to attack her. she block it and hits him. wow that was really good. i guess i should try this. he goes in for a punch. that was really good. it seems that your grandfather trained you well. well i learned from the best. he begins to smile. don,t get cocky. that could lead to you getting caught. i guess i still have a little more to learn. he begins to bow to her. it seems that you have learned well she begins to smile. so grandma you think you could teach me some stuff? i guess i could do that. she begins to smile. i think i should get some rest.

ayame it feels really nice to have her back. she begins to tear up a little. i think i am finally okay now. it feels really nice. she begins to smile. i guess i should eat something. she begins to take a bite of the food. wow this is really good. so mom are you going to teach me some more skills? i guess i could. you need to learn more. i hope that you will be ready. don,t worry i will. i wonder how that rose girl is doing? rose i never knew that i had something that i never knew about. she begins to look into her room. i wonder why there are no photos of me when i was young? i really hope that i can find them.

she begins to smile. she hears a knock on the door. there you are. the master wants to see you. oh good you are here. i wanted to inform you about this. a image shows a ship. you are to track down a creature hiding in human form. and you must kill it. he begins to smash the wall. i will do my best. she begins to get dressed. i know where i should go. she heads to a house in the city. Susan you guys should eat. Henry you are right. Elise i guess we could eat. they eat some of the food. Karen that was good. huh what is that? some men begin to attack them. rose uses a weapon. Cole we don,t want to fight you. Henry we are family. she uses a weapon to attack them. now the young Jake has met his lost grandmother. will they be able to stop the evil group before it is to late?

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