wally begins to try and attack the thing. kairi there you guys are. Steven we got caught. he begins to smile. Leo don,t worry i have got this. so you want to fight me. the being attacks them. Leo begins to grab his weapon and takes a shot. Steven now it our turn. they begin to use a net to hold him. it looks like we did it. he begins to smile. lets head back. good job you guys. you have caught them. he begins to smile. Leo well we all did it together. kairi i helped these guys. well you did good. he pats her on the shoulder and laughs. so what is your name? it is enzo. he begins to smile. i have been fighting threats from here and in space. Leo i think i read about your reports. he begins to grin. that was really good.
we all did good. wally well i got injured a little from the fight. i think i will be fine. he laughs through the pain. and this man must be max i think? she begins to think. don,t think to hard. you are right. that was really good. i have never seen so many places before. she begins to smile. this is the place we should go next. okay then lets go. kairi so you fought aliens to? Leo yes i did. i become friends with some of them. there were some enemies i fought to. kairi i saw some people that used some weapons and other skills. she begins to shake a little. maybe i have other skills i can learn. Leo i guess this is the place. they begin to look around the area. Steven i have heard about this place. when the aliens came i did not know what to think.
this city had been attacked. by some regular people in the past. with weapons. kairi i heard about that. it looked really bad. Leo hello is anyone here? yes i am here. a women appears before them. wow she is really pretty. you must be the madien we have hear tales about. he begins to smile. it is really good to meet you all. i think some many good things about this city. there were some aliens that came to this planet. some special forces fought them. wally yes they were awesome. we had been training to fight off those threats. we fought some aliens before. he begins to smile. it was a tough battle. Leo but we made it out alive. that is something right? yes you are right. so what brings you here? i we wanted to see what this place was like. it looks nice.
here let me show you around. they begin to look around. Leo wow i have heard about this place. he begins to smile. they look some paintings. wow these look nice. wow what are those? these are the statues of the warriors. they had fought many threats. wow that is really cool. she begins to smile. so where are they now? they are a journey of there own. i know you meet them one day. would you like something to eat? yes we could. here come this way. here you go. wow this food is really good. i am glad that you like it. i went to see other planets. that sounds really nice. i think i have heard that there are cool places out there. kairi hmm she begins to think. that does sound great.
she begins to smile. here let me show you something. she shows them a item. this will let us see the other places. she actives the item. the screen shows images of other places. wow those creatures yes look nice. and those look like skilled warriors. they look really cool. this is cool! he begins to smile. and look over here. those look like creatures from a area we have seen before. yes they are. i am sure we will see more creatures like that. Leo there are so many places out there. he looks in shock. you guys should have a seat. they begin to sit in chairs. wally wow this are really nice. he begins to smile a little. we heard about the other realms. when i was with the warriors. the enemy had said something about more powerful threats.
it was really hard to fight them. she begins to shake a little. are you okay? i am fine. i forgot to tell you my name. it is saori. she begins to smile. Leo well this was fun. i think we need to go. we have been working on a way to bring the others here. it is going really well. kairi well that was fun. yes it was. so where should we go now? well we go here. i am sure the others would like to here about we saw. i saw we could do that. they begin to head to a house. so where have you guys been? well we were fighting some aliens. and we met this women. she informed us about these warriors. and some other threats. her name was saori. i think i have heard about that name before.
she is really beautiful. he begins to smile. it was really good to meet her. i had to that women. he begins to smile. so it seems that you know of her to. Leo so it seems that there are no attacks around the city. yes things are peaceful for now. he begins to look up at the sky. come on let me show you guys around. they begin to look around. wow these look really cool. i made some of these weapons. i did some improvements. the house was attacked when the aliens came. and there were robots to. Leo yes i think i heard about those. i hope that we will be ready to face them. i am sure that we will. we just need to be stronger. did you guys here about some magic person? i am not sure about that. where did you hear about that?
here this is where. she shows them a poster. wow that looks really nice. so do you guys think that we should check this out? maybe we could do that. lets take some of these with us. we need to make sure that we are ready. just in case anything goes wrong. you are right. lets head out. they begin to leave. the people begin to gather around. wow this looks like it is going to be a good show. a figure appears. welcome everyone. now we are about to start the show. i hope you guys are ready for this.
dimension discovery
Avventurathere exist many cities. some with advanced technology or magic. now people from each city must stop the evil threats before there city's are destroyed.