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I really don't want to start at a new fucking school. I don't have my bestfriend with me! I'm so pissed. Today we are going up to our school to get our schedules because summer is coming to an end. I want to die!
I honestly hate school!

I'm in the living room with the twins and Matthew and Arizona. We will all be going to the same school.
Matthew is a senior, Arizona is a junior, and the twins and I are sophomores. Sophie is a freshman in college. I don't know what college she is going to, I believe it's UCLA. Drake is in 7th grade, Marylin is in 3rd grade, and Liam is in pre-k.

"Matt, Arizona, Jenni, and twins let's go." Kevin yelled for all of us to go.
I was already ready.

I waited for the rest of them to come down so we can leave.
We got into Kevin's car so we didn't have to take the van.
Matthew sat in the passenger's seat, Arizona and the twins sat in the first row of seats and I sat in the back row by myself.
I'm not looking forward to this school. Hopefully I'm the best one in track.

30 minutes later•
We got to the school. We don't live that far away, there was just so much traffic because everyone is getting their schedules and meeting their teachers and coaches.
We got in line to receive our schedule. Matthew and Arizona went around the school on their own.

"Cool I have Mr. Harris for math!" One of the twins yelled. I still can't tell them apart.

"I have Mrs. Jackson." The other one said upset.

"Ooo that sucks bro!" The first twin said.

"Who do you have for math Jenni?" They both asked me.

"Mr. Caleb?" I said asking

"Oh my god! Good luck with him!" One of them said

"Why? What's wrong with him?" I asked

"He's the worse teacher ever!" The twins yelled

"Uhhh." I groaned

"I'm sure he's not that bad." Kevin said

We walked to the math hall to meet our teachers.
The twins meet their teachers and it was funny to watch them be awkward. I was not prepared for my teacher at all.
We walked to his classroom. I walked in and said "hi I'm Jenni I'll be in your class for 2nd period." I said it nicely too.
His dumb ugly ass said "and I care why?"
I looked at Kevin and he shook his head because he knew i was going to say something.
"Excuse me you ugly bone head a-" I was cut off by Kevin pulling me away. The twins were laughing so hard.

"Jenni. I know he was rude but you don't have to fed into it." Kevin said scolding me

"I need to get my teacher changed. I can't have him. I'm going to get in trouble all the time!" I said whining

"No you don't. Just control your anger." Kevin said
I took a deep breath and I went to meet my English teacher.
"Who's your English teacher?" The twin asked me

"Ms. Stevens." I answered

"Aww she's the cool English teacher." The twin whined
"I got Shapiro."

"I got mr. Chad."

I met my English teacher she was cool. I liked her.
Next I had to meet my Science teacher. I had Mr. V
"Who's your science teacher?" I asked the twin

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