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Liam has a soccer game today. Yay! I really don't want to go. But we all have to go. I can't believe Kevin and Maryjo wake their kids up at 9! Seriously!

It's about 9:15 am. I can't get out of bed. Kevin has came in my room to wake me up already. I don't wanna get up!

Knock knock

"Yea!" I yelled

Kevin came in. "Didn't I tell you to get up?!"

"Yes sir." I said getting up our of bed. I really don't want a spanking right now. I ran to my bathroom and started getting ready.

"Next time it's a spanking. Am I clear?" Kevin said sternly

"Yessir." I said

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I wanted to straighten my hair today so I quickly straightened it. I grabbed my black nike shorts and a green track camp shirt and threw it on. I put on white low top converse. And I grabbed a scrunchie and put it around my wrist. I left my hair down. It was so long when it was straightened.

I went downstairs and everyone was already downstairs.
"Oops sorry." I said smiling

"Let's go!" Kevin said angrily

We all piled into the van.
"I'm so excited! I'm so excited!" Liam wouldn't stop saying and jumping up and down

"Liam can you stop?!" William said annoyed.

"No fuck you!" Liam yelled

'Shit!' I thought

"Liam! Do not say that word! It's a bad word!" Kevin yelled at him.

"Then why does Jenni use it?" He asks

"Because I'm a bad kid. You are not a bad kid so you can't use." I stated

"Jennifer you are not a bad kid!" Maryjo said

"Yes she is mommy. She's a bad kid! And bad kids gets spankings!" Liam said crossing his arms. "Daddy spank Jenni!"

All the other kids started laughing. I just rolled my eyes.
"Liam. I'm not going to spank Jennifer." Kevin laughed

"She's a bad kid. And bad kids get spankings." Liam stated

"Liam. She isn't a bad kid." Maryjo stated

We pulled up into the parking lot. 'Thank god' I thought

Liam was sitting on the outside seat so he jumped out of the car and ran onto the field where his team was. His team was so cute. They were so tiny. Like little baby chickens.

Sophie wasn't here because she starts college this year and she's a varsity cheerleader. She starts practice soon.

"Jennifer come here." Kevin said

I walked over to him and he swung back his arm and popped me in my ass.
'Fuck that hurt!' I thought

"Ow!" I yelled and reached back "what did I do?!"

"Every time Liam uses that word, you will get a very hard swat!" Kevin stated

"Uhhh." I groaned and rubbed my butt
That one hit actually fucking hurt!

We went to the bleachers and sat with the other parents. They were crazy about little league soccer.

This girl with long blonde hair and a bunch of makeup came to me and said "hi my name is Abigail. What's your name?"

"I'm Jennifer." I stated plainly

"Oh hi Jennifer. What grade are you in?" She asked
'Why the hell are you talking to me?' I thought

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