Stampy Lee and Squid

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After a while of playing games you heard the front door open. "About time." Mark said and he looked towards the front door to see 3 men walk in with a few bags. "Mark who is this?" One of the men asked.

After introducing each other you found out the one who asked Mark who you were was named Joe but he said to call him Stampy. The one with blond hair said to call him Squid and last one said to call him Lee.

You got to know everyone and Mark said there were 2 more people left to introduce. You were happy to meet some of your favorite youtubers. You guys continued to play video games and Stampy Squid and Lee took you to the world of Minecraft.

In Minecraft you went to Stampy's funland and played minigames and rode on rides for the fun of it. Stampy let you meet all of his dogs and his pet cat. After a while it turned night time when it did the 3 of you tried to fight off mobs while getting to shelter.

It was all great fun but you soon returned to the normal world to get to know Evan's crew some more as well. That's all that happened until you guys heard the front door open once again. Mark when to go get who came in.

Cliffhanger. See ya guys next time. Good bye.

Kidnapped by Youtubers.(X Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now