Wilford Warfstache!

433 17 14

You managed to try to get what happened out of your mind by falling asleep which helped for the most part besides the fact you were dreaming about the event over and over again. You knew this had to be important since you had the dreams for 3 nights in a row.

You never told anyone, not even the people you trusted most. Today you were on a walk to try to help get any thoughts off your mind. Soon you went into the forest despite the others telling you not too when you left.

While walking you heard speaking. Like a man talking to himself. You listened while hiding behind a tree and it just sounded like gibberish. You continued to listen but suddenly silence. You heard walking coming and you quickly yet quietly hid in a tree watching.

Soon you heard silence again. Thinking it was clear you climbed out of the tree to be greeted by a hug from someone. This surprised you and you squirmed for a moment. The object let you go when you squirmed and you looked at the object seeing a man with a pink mustache.

"Who are you?" You asked with a bit of concern and fear, the fear being barely visible to yourself and the man in front of you. He looked at you for a moment then chuckled seeming to remember something and you remembered the voice now.

"My dear, my name is Wilford Warfstache. And you are (Y/n) am I correct?" Wilford introduce with sarcastically asking if he was correct about your name. You nodded after a moment then got out the necklace with a pink mustache on it.

"So you're the one who threw this through my bedroom window 3 days ago, aren't you?" You asked showing it to Wilford and he smiled taking it and putting it around your neck. "Yes I was, glad you figured out. Now rest." Wilford said and suddenly it all went black.

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