Chapter 7

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I don't intend have sex with him or anything like that. He's Kit's boyfriend. Even though he's gay, they're still in a relationship. I need to respect that. I literally just want to hang out. I'm not sure he knows that though. I laugh at the thought. He seems really nervous. I guess the situation must seem pretty sexual. I did invite him to my bedroom...

Yeah I can see why he's a little nervous.

I grab the bag of grapes out of my fridge, setting them on the counter. I should probably wash them since they're not organic. There's a strainer under the sink, so I go to grab that. I stand up with the strainer in my hand, accidentally knocking over the bag of grapes. They all spill onto yhe floor. Ugh. He's going to wonder what's taking so long. I bend down to pick up the fruit, sticking it in the strainer and turning the sink on. Once all of the grapes are washed, I stick them into a bowl and head upstairs. Scott is laying on my bed, looking at the ceiling. He doesn't seem to notice my presence at first.

"Got the grapes." I smile. He sits up, his legs hanging over the edge of the bed and his baby blue eyes starting at me.

"What took so long? I'm sure complaining, just wondering." He smirks. God it's cute.

"I had to wash them."

"Wash them?" He looks puzzled.


"Why did you have to wash them?" He's smiling again, obviously still confused though.

"They're not organic. They have pesticides and shit all over them from farms. I'm not eating chemicals." Laughing, he turns his head. I just stand for a moment, and there's silence once he finishes laughing. It's not awkward, but you can tell both of us are unsure of what to do.

"Are you gonna bring those over here, or what?"

"What." I smile, keeping my feet where they are. I know it was a stupid joke. I'm almost cringing at myself for it, but I want to see what he says.

"What I meant was, come sit next to me so we can eat food and watch your TV." He pats the empty space next to him, obviously gesturing for me to sit down.

"Fineeee." I smile, making my way over to the bed and handing him the bowl. He quickly grabs it away.

"So what do you want to watch?"

"Spongebob." I pop a grape in my mouth after answering.

"Spongebob. Really?"

"Oh my god yes okay I've gone over this with so many other people I know it's a kids show an-"

"Chill. I love Spongebob. Which episodes you got?" I point to the case of dvds next to my dresser. "Go take a look." He sets down the bowl before excitedly walking to the case, picking out the disc from season 3.

"This work?"

"Yep!" He puts the disc in the player, sitting back down beside me. Our knees touch, causing me to jump.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean t-"

"You're fine. Just startled me." I can't help but smile as he moves a little closer.

Scott's POV

Honestly, I'm not suprised he watches Spongebob. It's got some of the subtle, vulgar humor I would expect him to enjoy. As we watch the show, I devour the grapes. He reaches into the empty bowl, his nails scratching against the sides. He glares at me.

"Are you kidding me."

"What?" I smirk.

"You ate all of the grapes?"

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