Chapter 13

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I missed yall so I'm back. Hi❤

"What the fuck?!" I wake up to something loud blaring next to my face. Oh, my alarm. I'm not used to it yet I guess. When I turn off my alarm, I see that I have some messages from Kirstin.

Kit: Are you up?

Kit: Hellooooooooo?

Kit: Mitchyyyyyy!

Kit: Ugh fine I'll be at your house in like 20 minutes just in case you slept through your alarm.

Kit: Scotty is driving us today btw.

Scotty? They're so cute its disgusting.

Kit: You better wake up or you won't have time to do your makeup to impress all the cute boysss

Kit: Okay bye lmao

It's already 6:45?! I have to hurry up and get ready. I brush my hair and teeth, do my makeup, and get dressed. I look pretty acceptable today. While I'm grabbing my bag and heading downstairs, I see a car pull up outside. I guess they're already here. I run out and hop in the car.

"Hey Mitchy!" Kit smiles at me while I get into the back seat. Scott is driving.

"Hey Kit! Hey Scott, what's up?" He looks up, suprised. He was probably daydreaming. It takes me a moment to notice the bruise under his eye. "Whoa, what happened?"

"I-I just f-fell earlier. I s-smacked my eye. On the table." He looks away from my eyes, playing with his hands.

"Oh. Okay. Hope it feels better." He seems to be acting strangely, but I brush it off. I just met him, it's not like I know him well enough to be able to know exactly how he feels.

"Let's go!" I giggle at how enthusiastic Kit is, and we make our way to the school.

I grab everything out of my locker and make my way down the hall. The first bell rings, so I speed up. God only knows what that woman will do if I'm not on time for her class.

"Ahhhh Mitchell. In a hurry today are we?" Speak of the devil.

"Well Miss I was just on my way to your class. I wouldn't want to be late." I flash her an obviously fake smile. That bitch knows I hate her, no need to pretend.

"That is true. Run along then." She walks into the main office as I make my way down the rest of the hall. Once I get to my seat, Scott speaks up.

"Hey do you know what the deal is with that teacher? I believe what you said yesterday about her not being nice now. I asked her something this morning and she acted like I just strangled someone." He giggles lightly, causing me to smile.

"I don't know honestly. Maybe her fifth husband divorced her." I make sure to talk in the sassiest tone I can. He starts laughing out loud. God that laugh.

"Something funny Mr. Hoying?" He stops, blushing and looking back up at her.

"No, Mrs. P. Sorry." She's giving him a death stare, and I can see him trying not to laugh.

"Mhmmm. Okay class. Today we will begin our first assignment. You are to work together with the person sitting next to you." Oh, great. " Please read chapter one of your textbooks and make a visual representation for one of the organisms listed. You can draw, paint, sculpt, I honestly don't care. This is to be done all on your own time, and it is due in two weeks."

I look over at Scott.

"Do you know anything about art?" He turns his head to look when I speak.

"Not really."

"Okay... well we'll just have to figure something out. Text you later and we can work at my house?"



The rest of my classes before lunch are boring, as always. I walk up to the table after getting my food. Kirstin is telling Scott all about how excited she is for the party.

"Hey Mitchy! Aren't you excited for Friday? I was just thanking Scott for getting us invited haha." I look at her, trying to make it clear I am not happy about going to Alex's party.

"Come on Mitch! It'll be fun. Have you ever even been to a party?" I look up at Scott. Someone's a little confident this morning.

"N-no. No I haven't. I mean I don't really see the point honestly! What do people even do at parties?!"

"Play games, dance, all kinds of stuff. Me and Kirstin will be there and I'm sure you'll have fun. You agreed to go yesterday, remember? I'll have to take back my offer for Starbucks...." He smirks again.

"Okay! I'll go!" I laugh, punching him in the shoulder playfully. He's ridiculous. He gets up to get some napkins, and Kit smiles at me. "What?"

"I'm glad you two are getting along. I was so afraid he would be mean to you. Finally, a straight guy who's not completely shitty." Yeah. A straight guy. I give her a little forced smile, hoping she won't notice. At least Scott cares about her, right? It's still early in the relationship so who knows what may end up happening between them.

"I'm happy for you Kit."

He gets back to the table, sighing as he sits. Kit starts talking when I feel something shove me on the shoulder. I turn to see one of Alex's buddies laughing. Scott clenches his teeth and Kirstin frowns. I'm honestly used to it by now. The bell rings, so we have to leave for our afternoon classes.

"Hey Mitch!", Scott yells as we're getting out of the lunchroom.


"How does 5 sound? Today, to work on the project?"

"Sounds good. See you then!"

"Okay!" He smiles and walks away.


I have an English editorial, and a history project. Fun. Our choir director gives us some incredible arrangements today and I'm sooo excited! Kirstin looks at me with the same expression I'm sure I have. The bell for dismissal rings, and I make my way home. I have to get ready for Scott and I to work on the project later.


I have no excuses other than I'm super busy and I have like no time to write. Motivation has also been a little tough :/ I'm sorry if this chapter seemed rushed, but I wanted to give yall a quick update to show I haven't forgotten you! I will continue to update, it'll probably just be slow!


Love you!❤

Byeeeeeeeee 😘😘😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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