Chapter 8

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So Scott basically said that Scömìche is married and he was probably joking but what if he wasn't.

(A/N From now on, this story will all be Mitch's POV. Yall know what's going on with him already since I gave you a little peek into his mind so I hope you don't mind.)

Lol okay sorry im done being insane to the story.

Mitch's POV

I grab a pillow and walk over to my closet to get a blanket, sighing when a pile of clothes comes tumbling down in front of me. I'm not the biggest fan of cleaning, so I usually just shove stuff into my closet and under the bed and in places like that. It's not like Mom and Dad will care. As long as I'm alive that's enough to please them. I shove the clothes back where they were, closing the door forcefully. I walk over to my bed, checking under that. There. As I walk down the steps, I hear humming. It's Beyonce. I laugh a little. I love this song. Pretty Hurts.

"Whatcha humming?" I smirk, walking around the corner as his cheeks light up.


"You like Beyonce?"

"Y-yeah." He says it with a questioning tone, obviously a little embarrassed. I see this as an opponent to mess with him.

"And you've managed to not have anyone find out you're gay? Beyonce, Scott? Does anyone else know you like her?" I walk closer, and I can't help but smile when he tenses up a bit.

"My Dad once heard me humming No Angel and asked me what it was. I told him it was some country guy." I burst into laughter at the thought. He loosens up, laughing as well. "I didn't know what else to say! Just say, 'Dad! Guess what! Its Beyonce because I'm a fucking flaming homosexual!'" He laughs harder, both us of standing there for a few moments. I feel a few tears fall out of my eyes from laughing so hard. Once I finally calm down, I hand him the pillow and the blanket.

"You sure your parents won't want you to get home?" He looks at me, more seriously this time.

"Yeah. They won't miss me it's fine." His expression gets somewhat sad. No need to worry. He's probably just tired.

"Okay. Well. The couch folds out. There's water bottles in the fridge, and snacks in the cabinet. Everything is gluten free, so you might not like it. Sorry. Bathroom is..." I pause for a moment, smirking as I remember the events of earlier, ".... well you already know that. If you need anything, I'll be in my room. And if it's not an emergency I'd appreciate you not waking me up." I smile.

"Thanks. Goodnight." He smiles back, seemingly unsure of what to do. After starting at my feet, yes I'm sure it was just my feet, for a few seconds, he sets down the pillow and blanket. He struggles to find the lever to open up the couch bed. I stand there, pretty amused. He pulls up on a metal bar, his hand slipping as he smacks himself in the face. He's such a dork. I walk over and pull on the lever, easily  folding out the bed. His cheeks get red again.

"There you go." I giggle a little. "Goodnight."

I smile as I walk away, going up the steps. As I change into my Spongebob pajamas and get in bed, I can hear faint humming. His voice is low and somewhat calming. I listen to it as I drift off to sleep.


I wake up to the sound of the front door closing. Mom? Dad? They're not supposed to be home until Thursday. It's only Monday now. I suddenly remember Scott. Shit. He's on the couch. What are they going to think?! I jump out of bed, rushing down the stairs to find the house empty. Oh. Mom and Dad are still gone, and now so is Scott. Its fine, he probably just had to go. What time is it anyway? I almost gasp when I can't find my phone. Oh, I left it in the counter down here last night. I check the time. 1 pm! I can't believe I slept in this long. I also have three missed calls from Kit, and a text. The text was only 5 minutes ago.

Kit: Bitch I'll be @ yours in 10 minutes. Ily

10 minutes?! No, wait, only 5 now! The bed and everything is still set up from where Scott slept last night. Dork probably couldn't figure it out. I chuckle to myself. When I pick up the blanket, a paper flutters onto the floor. I pick it up to read it.

Hey Mitch, I left this morning honestly because I wasn't sure what to do. Lol. I woke up around 9 and you were still asleep around 12 when my phone had died, so I had nothing else to do. I felt a little awkward just staying in the house while you were asleep. Oh and sorry I didn't get the bed. I couldn't figure it out. Btw, you really should put a password on your phone ;) talk to you later

- Scotty.

Are you kidding me? He messed with my fucking phone. Ugh. And of course he couldn't figure out the bed. I laugh again. Okay I really need to get this stuff put away before Kit gets here. I don't want her to know Scott stayed over. I don't know why, it just seems wrong. I grab everything, running up the stairs and shoving it in my closet, the place most gays hide all of their problems.

"WAKE UP MITCHYYYY!" Jesus she's loud.

"IM AWAKE. BE DOWN IN A SECOND!" I'm glad my parents aren't here, they would think we're insane for screaming through the house. I run back down the steps to find her standing in the kitchen.

"Pajamas? When did you wake up?!" She laughs.

"Like 10 minutes ago."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just tired. I stayed up."

"Were you watching Spongebob again?"

"Maayybeeeee." I smirk, walking over to hug her. "Enough about me. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Could be better, could be worse. I definitely feel better now that I'm not alone. Do you want to go somewhere? I've been bored this morning." She smiles. I'm glad she's in a better mood than I expected. I think I have an idea.

"Yeah sure. Let's go to the mall. I'll get ready and we can stop at Starbucks on the way."

Once I've gotten ready, which took about 40 minutes, I hop in my car as Kit sits beside me. We get our usual Starbucks orders, nothing special. After grabbing a few outfits at the mall, we eat dinner and head back to my house to get settled in for the night.

"So... any updates on your love life?" She smirks at me from across the counter where we're sitting.

"Not really. I don't think it'll work out with that one guy I was talking to. He's already..." I don't know what to say.... "... busy with other things. I don't think he has room in his life for a relationship with me."

"Aww I'm sorry Mitchy. You'll find someone." She hugs me. Sometimes she helps me forget about all my relationship problems. I have the best friend I could ever ask for. Who needs a boy? Sure it would be amazing to have someone I'm in that kind of relationship with, but I'm happy with my life now. No need to get too worked up over it.


I know this is short, but I'm thinking double tonight? Comment if you'd like that!

Love yall!❤


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